CBS Maintains Blackout on Speaker Boehner's Lawsuit Against Obama Whit

June 25th, 2014 9:48 PM
Wednesday's CBS Evening News ignored House Speaker John Boehner's announcement that he will file a lawsuit against the Obama administration over its use of executive orders. The evening newscast thus followed the example of CBS This Morning, which also omitted this development. ABC made its first on-air mention of the story on Wednesday's World News, with an 18-second news brief by anchor Diane…

Nets Cover Unanimous SCOTUS Ruling, Only CBS Notes Obama Admin Defende

June 25th, 2014 8:30 PM
Today a unanimous Supreme Court, in an opinion written by Chief Justice John Roberts, ruled that police may not search the contents of an arrested individual's cell phone without first obtaining a warrant. While all three broadcast networks reported on the Riley v. California decision in their June 25 evening newscasts, only CBS's Janet Crawford directly referred to the "Obama administration"…

Lefty Professor: 'Unconscionable' That 'Three White Men' Will Anchor N

June 25th, 2014 4:20 PM
Shortly after news broke on Wednesday that Diane Sawyer would step down as anchor of ABC's World News and be replaced by David Muir, Temple University journalism professor Karen Turner ranted to MediaBistro's TVNewser blog: "In this growing multicultural nation, it's unconscionable that as of September three white men will lead their respective networks."

NBC’s Chuck Todd Rushes to Defend Hillary Clinton: ‘It's Not A Bub

June 24th, 2014 10:15 PM
Once again, Chuck Todd, NBC News Political Director, Chief White House Correspondent and host of MSNBC’s The Daily Rundown, did his best to explain away a gaffe by a Democrat, this Hillary Clinton’s claim that they were "dead broke" after leaving the White House. Appearing on NBC Nightly News on Tuesday, June 24, Todd proclaimed that "Bill Clinton tried to do what he does best today, explain…

Only CBS Evening News Covers Latest IRS Hearings

June 24th, 2014 8:12 PM
On June 23 and 24, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee held multiple hearings surrounding the revelations that the hard drive of former IRS executive Lois Lerner had been destroyed containing thousands of emails pertinent to the investigation of their targeting of conservative groups.  Despite the new details and the subsequent congressional hearings, the CBS Evening News with…

NBC Cheers White House Summit: ‘Kitchen Table Issues That Impact Nea

June 23rd, 2014 10:40 PM
MSNBC”s Chris Jansing has just become NBC News’ Senior White House Correspondent and it seems as though she has brought MSNBC’s liberal ways with her. For her first assignment on Monday, June 23, Jansing did her best to promote the Obama Administration’s “Summit on Working Families”, where MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski participated in a panel entitled “Family Matters.” Jansing began her inaugural…

‘Big Three’ Networks Ignore Supreme Court Ruling on EPA’s Emissi

June 23rd, 2014 8:33 PM
On Monday, June 23, the Supreme Court ruled that while the Environmental Protection Agency has the authority to mandate emissions controls on power-plants, it went too far in claiming the power to regulate smaller emitters.  Despite the major ruling, none of the network evening newscasts, ABC’s World News with Diane Sawyer, CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley and NBC Nightly News, covered the…

Networks Finally Notice IRS's 'Black Eye' Due to 'Lost' Lois Lerner E

June 20th, 2014 11:28 PM
The Big Three networks' Friday evening newscasts finally noticed the latest development in the IRS scandal (they omitted it on Thursday), after Rep. Paul Ryan grilled Commissioner John Koskinen earlier in the day. ABC's David Muir spotlighted "the outrage...involving the IRS claiming to have lost thousands of crucial documents – lawmakers asking, how can the tax man be let off the hook for…

Iran's Anti-American Quds Force Already on the Ground Helping Iraqis

June 19th, 2014 8:42 PM
Anti-American commandos from Iran are already helping the Iraqi military by doing the sort of logistical coordination that President Obama promised from the U.S. Army today, NBC's Richard Engel noted in a June 19 Nightly News report from Baghdad. "The image I've had in my head all day, Brian, is of this driver's ed car with two steering wheels, with one with the U.S. Army now about 300 people…

NBC Hails Redskins Trademark Being Revoked As 'A Victory for Native Am

June 19th, 2014 5:20 PM

At the top of Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams seized on the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office revoking the trademark of the Washington Redskins as part of the liberal crusade to force the team to change it's name: "Taking a hit. The feds go after the Redskins where it hurts the most, money from team merchandise, as the controversy over the team's name takes a…

NBC/WSJ Poll: 54 Percent Say Obama 'Can't Lead, Get the Job Done'; 'Ni

June 18th, 2014 8:26 PM
Fifty-four percent of respondents in a brand new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll believe that President Obama "can't lead, get the job done," contrasted with 42 percent who say he can. What's more, a healthy plurality, 41 percent, also answered that "the performance of the Obama administration" has "gotten worse" in the past 12 months. Yet the NBC Nightly News ignored those stunning numbers in its…

NBC Casts Benghazi Arrest as 'Victory Lap' for Obama; It 'Opened Old P

June 18th, 2014 6:46 PM
On Tuesday night, CBS and NBC  led their evening newscasts with the arrest of the supposed mastermind of the September 11, 2012 terrorist attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya while ABC reported it right after two short stories on devastating tornadoes in the Midwest.  To their credit, CBS and ABC made a serious attempt at bias-free reporting but NBC’s Nightly News fell short. On…

NBC’s Brian Williams Contradicts Own Reporters on Iraq, Claims U.S

June 16th, 2014 9:45 PM
On Monday, June 16, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams did his best to not only spin the recent surge in violence throughout Iraq as being George W. Bush’s fault but managed to completely contradict the reporting of NBC’s own journalists.  Williams opened the broadcast by falsely declaring “As a group of heavily armed and highly motivated terrorists continues its way across Iraq, it's not…

NBC Minimizes Obama's Iraq Pullout As Contributing Factor to Islamist

June 13th, 2014 10:22 PM
On Friday's NBC Nightly News, Brian Williams strongly hinted that the recent Islamist blitzkrieg in Iraq was completely former President Bush's fault: "Make no mistake: what's happening in Iraq right now is a direct outgrowth of the U.S. decision to invade the country over a decade ago." However, he glossed over the Obama administration's failure to negotiate a continued U.S. presence and…