CBS Touted Initial Dem Opposition to Benghazi Committee; Barely Mentio

May 22nd, 2014 3:55 PM
In early May, CBS's morning and evening newscasts spotlighted congressional Democrats' vehement opposition to the formation of a select committee to investigate the September 11, 2012 Islamist attacks on the U.S. government facilities in Benghazi, Libya during 10 minutes and 14 seconds of reporting. However, when Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi named five Democrats to the committee on Wednesday…

ABC, NBC Ignore Report Showing Obama Administration Knew About Ongoing

May 19th, 2014 8:05 PM
Documents obtained by the Washington Times revealed that the Bush Administration warned the Obama Administration about problems within the Veterans Administration as early as 2008, yet both the ABC and NBC evening news broadcasts ignored the story on Monday, May 19.  Of the big three networks, only the CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley covered the new revelations in the VA scandal. CBS News…

On 'The Kelly File,' MRC's Tim Graham Laments Hillary Gets Celebrity T

May 15th, 2014 8:01 AM
NewsBusters executive editor Tim Graham appeared on The Kelly File on Wednesday night to discuss the media's intense defense of Hillary Clinton after Karl Rove raised some questions about her fall and concussion at the end of 2013. Fox News producers lined up a series of network stars calling Rove "reprehensible" and running a "smear machine." Graham accused the media of attacking anyone who…

NBC Grants Bill Clinton 63 Seconds to Defend Hillary; ABC Spotlights M

May 14th, 2014 9:50 PM
On Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, Brian Williams continued his network's defense of Hillary Clinton by setting aside 63 seconds of air time to a soundbite of Bill Clinton "firing back at Karl Rove, after comments Rove made about Hillary Clinton's health." Williams trumpeted how "shades of the old political warrior Bill Clinton were on display today," as he introduced the extended clip of the…

Brian Williams Jumps to Defend Hillary Clinton, Denounces ‘Nasty

May 13th, 2014 8:41 PM
Moving to discredit, as illegitimate, Republican operative Karl Rove’s inquiry about Hillary Clinton’s health, on Tuesday’s NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams denounced the “smear campaign” oozing from “some very nasty politics.”  Williams teased at the top of his newscast: “Smear campaign. Are we witnessing a new GOP line of attack against Hillary Clinton and did Karl Rove take things…

ABC, CBS, and NBC Freak Out Over Melting Antarctic Ice: ‘Much of Sou

May 13th, 2014 9:11 AM
On Monday, May 13, all three network evening newscasts hyped the dire consequences of a new NASA study which show that “large parts of the western Antarctica ice sheet appears to have collapsed.”  ABC, CBS, and NBC hyperventilated over the report, and warned of rising sea levels in the immediate future. CBS News’ Elaine Quijano warned “A 10-foot rise in sea level would submerge tunnels and…

NBC Finally Covers Veterans Health Care Scandal, Still Ignores Obama

May 8th, 2014 6:07 PM
After ignoring a massive health care scandal at Barack Obama's Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), NBC finally offered substantial coverage on Wednesday night. But the network failed to make any mention of how this controversy would impact the President or his handling of health care. Nightly News anchor Brian Williams announced that VA Secretary Eric Shinseki is "trying to fix this and hang…

CBS, NBC Evening Newscasts Omit IRS Tax Cheats Getting Bonuses; Mark

April 23rd, 2014 5:27 PM
Tuesday's World News on ABC stood out as the only Big Three network evening newscast to cover a new "watchdog report" that found that the IRS "handed out more than $1 million in bonuses to employees who were delinquent on their federal taxes." Jeff Zeleny also pointed out how "more than 1,000 IRS workers, who didn't pay their taxes, received not only cash bonuses, but extra time off." [MP3…

NBC Touts Bloomberg's New Gun Control Group After Lamenting Big Money

April 16th, 2014 10:08 PM
Wednesday's NBC Nightly News featured an overwhelmingly positive profile of Michael Bloomberg's new gun control advocacy group. That built upon the network's cheerleading of Bloomberg on Wednesday morning. Almost the entire story featured quotes from Bloomberg and supporters, with just one soundbite from the NRA. Anchor Brian Williams reported Bloomberg's $50 million pledge without a hint of…

Bob Schieffer and Brian Williams Lament SCOTUS Campaign Finance Decisi

April 2nd, 2014 8:03 PM
Both CBS's Bob Schieffer and NBC's Brian Williams cried foul on Wednesday evening at the Supreme Court striking down the cap on overall political donations, showing sympathy for supporters of the law. Schieffer lamented that "More and more, the very rich are taking control of our politics" and that "this ruling is just one more sign that we no longer have any campaign laws that really matter…

Networks Fret Over UN Report on Climate Change; 'Urgent New Warning

March 31st, 2014 11:14 PM
The networks all hyped the new United Nations report on climate change on Monday evening, touting it as a dire call for action and an "urgent new warning." NBC's Brian Williams gave by far the most dramatic take on the report, even starting the Nightly News with the story. "Good evening, the world has never been spoken to quite this way," he soberly began. [See video below.]

NBC Hides the Party Label of Democratic Mayor Arrested for Corruption

March 26th, 2014 9:01 PM
NBC was the only network to report on the Democratic mayor of Charlotte's arrest on Wednesday evening, but they left out his party affiliation. Anchor Brian Williams reported that Mayor Patrick Cannon was "busted today by the FBI after a sting operation several years in the making" but ignored that he was a Democrat. This isn't the first time the networks have left out the Democratic party…

Networks Hype Obama 'Talking Tough' to Russia, But Only ABC Presses Hi

March 25th, 2014 9:06 PM
While on Tuesday evening the networks hyped President Obama "talking tough" to Russia and "belittling" them, only ABC pressed him on whether he was wrong about Russia during the 2012 campaign. ABC's White House correspondent Jonathan Karl asked the President, "In the light of recent developments, do you think Mitt Romney had a point when he said that Russia is America's biggest geopolitical…

MRC Study: Network TV Gives Obamacare Less Than One Percent of Evening

March 25th, 2014 10:52 AM
Unquestionably, ObamaCare is the central political issue of 2014. As the midterm election campaign moves forward, liberal politicians will have to justify their support for a program that has cost millions of individuals their insurance; will raise premiums for most small businesses; imposes hundreds of billions of dollars in new taxes; and will cost, according to the non-partisan Congressional…