NBC Frets Over 'Brutal' Attack on Hillary From 'Anti-Clinton' Website

February 10th, 2014 8:54 PM
Instead of treating Hillary Clinton as a possible presidential candidate who must be vetted, NBC framed her as a sympathetic victim of a "brutal" and personal attack on Monday's Nightly News. Andrea Mitchell bemoaned that "inflammatory excerpts" of "once-private papers" of Clinton's close friend were published an "anti-Clinton website" -- the conservative news site Washington Free Beacon.…

NBC Boosts Environmentalists' Continued Opposition to Keystone Pipelin

February 1st, 2014 12:40 PM
On Friday's NBC Nightly News, Andrea Mitchell slanted towards left-leaning environmentalists who are still opposed to the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, despite a new report from the State Department that indicated that the environmental impact of the project would be minimal. Mitchell played three soundbites from environmentalists protesting or speaking out against the pipeline,…

Networks Hype 'Bombshell:' Christie 'Thrown Under Bus'; Spotlight Call

January 31st, 2014 10:58 PM
The Big Three networks' evening newscasts on Friday jumped on the latest development in the traffic scandal surrounding Chris Christie. NBC and CBS both led with the accusation from the former Christie appointee, who claims that the New Jersey governor knew more about the lane closures than he previously asserted. CBS's Scott Pelley trumpeted how "Chris Christie just got thrown under the bus in…

NBC Edits Democratic Atlanta Mayor Out of Snowstorm Controversy, Blame

January 31st, 2014 4:26 PM
At the top of Thursday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams proclaimed that "the [Republican] governor of Georgia [Nathan Deal] chose to fall on his snow shovel" over how Tuesday's rare southern snowstorm "was handled, or better yet, mishandled" in the state. However, the coverage that followed failed to mention Atlanta's Democratic Mayor Kasim Reed by name even once. [Listen to the audio…

NBC Won't Label Retiring Waxman a 'Liberal,' But CBS Does

January 30th, 2014 7:50 PM
On Thursday evening's news casts, both CBS and NBC announced the retirement of Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) but only CBS labeled him a liberal. ABC ignored the news. "Democrat Henry Waxman in California, now in his 20th term, was elected with the post-Watergate class of 1974. He became one of the leading liberals in the House," reported CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley. In contrast, NBC…

Don't Know the Party of a Politician Caught in a Scandal? He's Probabl

January 30th, 2014 9:05 AM
Within the span of 40 seconds, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams reported on two politicians caught in scandals, one a Republican the other a Democrat, but he gave the party affiliation of only one of the troubled politicians. Can you guess which one?   On the January 27 Nightly News, Williams reported that “Florida Republican Congressman Trey Radel has resigned effective tonight. He…

Networks Boost Obama's Push for Minimum Wage Increase, Ignore GOP Oppo

January 29th, 2014 9:09 PM
The networks played right into President Obama's hand Wednesday evening as they touted his push for a minimum wage increase while giving barely any voice to his Republican opposition. "[T]he President was out there hitting that 'give America a raise' theme hard today in campaign-style events both in Pennsylvania and in Maryland," noted ABC News White House correspondent Jonathan Karl. "Does…

Brian Williams Hails Obama's 'Strong' SOTU, Boosts Obama's Record, 'Hu

January 29th, 2014 12:06 AM
NBC's Brian Williams was dripping with praise and support for President Obama after his State of the Union address on Tuesday night, touting areas where he was "strong" and quoting a sympathetic New Yorker interview of the President. "A lot of things will perhaps be remembered from this speech," Williams announced, as if the address was almost a classic. He touted that Obama was "strong on…

Media Millionaires: 6 Wealthy Journalists Whine about Income Inequalit

January 28th, 2014 10:19 AM
If liberals have their way the State of the Union will be all about income inequality. That kind of speech would be cheered by many in the press, including several hypocritical millionaires who love to complain about the one percent. The broadcast networks already took up this banner, promoting left-wing complaints about inequality and arguing for liberal solutions, in recent years. Well-paid…

NBC Hypes GOP Getting 'Personal' With Clinton, Plays Up the Party's 'W

January 27th, 2014 10:05 PM
On Monday's Nightly News, NBC's Brian Williams fretted over "personal" shots at Hillary Clinton from Republicans, and correspondent Andrea Mitchell suggested that the GOP has an ongoing women problem. "[T]he attacks are already underway in case she [Clinton] joins the race. And it's indeed already getting personal," said Williams, referring to Sen. Rand Paul's remark that Bill Clinton's sex…

NBC Connects Christie to Decrepit Trenton High School, Ignores Mayor's

January 24th, 2014 12:03 PM
For the second straight evening, NBC stuck with Chris Christie's "Bridge-gate" on Thursday as CBS and NBC haven't mentioned the story since Tuesday. And NBC's Nightly News tacked on a story about a dilapidated Trenton high school and connected its disrepair to Governor Christie. "For his part, Governor Christie tonight is responding to an issue that's been festering for years, right there in…

Multi-Millionaire Brian Williams Lectures Viewers on Income Inequality

January 21st, 2014 11:22 AM
On Monday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams – who reportedly earned $13 million a year in 2012 – quoted Karl Marx while hyping a new report on global income disparity: "...the staggering news out today about the growing gap between the haves and the have nots." [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump] Williams melodramatically recited the findings: "Some new figures…

NBC Keeps Hammering Christie Scandal But Ignores Senate Spending Bill

January 17th, 2014 11:14 AM
NBC continued hitting the Christie scandal on Thursday evening while the CBS and ABC evening news casts have not reported it since Tuesday. The NBC Nightly News has already given the story a good chunk more coverage than the other network evening news shows, and while it devoted a short segment to the bridge scandal it didn't even have time to report the Senate passing a massive $1.1…

NBC Devotes Nearly 11 Minutes to Christie, Only 41 Seconds to Bad Obam

January 14th, 2014 12:08 PM
Between Monday's Nightly News and Tuesday's Today, NBC devoted ten minutes and forty-four seconds to coverage of the now six-day-old controversy surrounding New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. Meanwhile, poor ObamaCare enrollment numbers just released Monday afternoon garnered only forty-one seconds of air time on Today and were completely ignored on Nightly News. On Nightly News, anchor…