Lisa Myers Ignores Her Own ObamaCare Bombshell on NBC Nightly News

October 29th, 2013 8:53 PM
As NewsBusters has been reporting, NBC News has largely ignored senior investigative correspondent Lisa Myers’ bombshell report about how the White House knew for at least three years that millions of people would lose their health insurance once ObamaCare was implemented. Having given only 21 seconds to her report Monday, the NBC Nightly News actually began with Myers talking about the…

NBC: 'In a Few Months' White House May Hold Someone Accountable for Ob

October 22nd, 2013 2:51 PM
On Monday's NBC Nightly News, chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd parroted laughable Obama administration talking points regarding who was to blame for the disastrous rollout of the ObamaCare website: "...nobody in the West Wing feels that this is an administrative error, that this is a competency issue....But in a few months, if they find incompetency, I'm told nothing should be ruled…

NBC: 'Widely Agreed' Shutdown Was 'Big Loss' and 'Self-Inflicted Wound

October 18th, 2013 6:13 PM
Continuing to hammer home the Democratic talking point that the Republican Party is to blame for the government shutdown, on Thursday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams gloated: "Politically, it's widely agreed to have been a big loss and self-inflicted wound mostly for the Republican Party." [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump] In a later report, Capitol Hill…

As Shutdown Ends, NBC Invites GOP Moderates to Bash Conservatives

October 18th, 2013 11:51 AM
As the government shutdown was nearing it's end Wednesday evening, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams conducted a live interview with John McCain, urging the Arizona Senator to slam fellow Republicans over the budget showdown: "Senator, let's talk about the damage in order, to the country, to your party, your profession, and how much of this do you lay at the feet of Senator Cruz from Texas…

NBC's Luke Russert Agrees It's 'Absolutely Accurate' That Snarky Media

October 15th, 2013 6:04 PM
NBC congressional reporter Luke Russert granted an interview to David Brody of the Christian Broadcasting Network, and agreed with Brody's suggestion that the media can bite people of faith if they wear their faith on their sleeve too obviously. "I think that's absolutely accurate," said Russert, saying snark is valued in religion coverage alongside stereotypes: (Video and transcript below)

NBC: Time to End Gerrymandering So 'Ridiculous' Republicans Stop Getti

October 15th, 2013 5:14 PM
On Monday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams continued to blame Republicans for the government shutdown, asserting that the budget impasse "traces its history back to a determined core of GOP House members who are vehemently against ObamaCare and were willing to shut down the government because of it." [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump] However, he took it a step…

The Top 8 Nastiest Liberal Media Quotes Blaming the GOP for the Shutdo

October 9th, 2013 10:40 AM
The liberal media have taken sides in the government shutdown debate and not surprisingly holds only one party to blame - the GOP.  In the last week liberal anchors, reporters and writers have depicted fiscal conservatives in terms usually reserved for terrorists as they’ve hyperbolically charged that Republicans were being run by a “suicide caucus” that is holding America “hostage.” The…

NBC Shutdown Story Ignores Harry Reid Rejecting GOP Plan to Fund Cance

October 4th, 2013 6:03 PM
On Thursday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams introduced a full report on cancer research at the National Institutes of Health being stopped under the government shutdown: "And there are the millions who are feeling the impact of this shutdown very close to home and across this country, including some for whom this standoff feels very much like a matter of life and death for them." In…

NBC's Williams Tells Letterman GOP 'Suicide Caucus' 'Cabal' to Blame f

October 4th, 2013 12:45 PM
Appearing on CBS's Late Show on Thursday, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams ranted to liberal host David Letterman about Republicans in Congress being to blame for the government shutdown: "It's about a small – they've been called the suicide caucus in the U.S. House, about 80 members.....right now they have a hold on the House of Representatives....because of this caucus, this cabal,…

NBC: 'Committed Core' of GOP Who 'Can't Be Conservative Enough' to Bla

October 2nd, 2013 3:00 PM
On Tuesday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams sneered that the government shutdown was "being driven by a committed core of Republican members of Congress who are all but assured of re-election in their districts, and just can't be conservative enough for many of the folks back home." [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump] In the report that followed, chief White House…

MRC Study: Even Before Shutdown, Networks Dumped Most Blame on Conserv

October 2nd, 2013 1:47 PM
On Monday morning, Time/MSNBC political analyst Mark Halperin explained an obvious political reality to his fellow Morning Joe panelists: “The White House does not have much incentive” to negotiate on the government shutdown, because Democrats expect the liberal news media to hand them a public relations victory. As Halperin put it: “The press is largely sympathetic to their arguments that it’s…

NBC: 'Can Anything Be Done to Save Our Government From Itself

September 27th, 2013 3:57 PM
At the top of Thursday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams issued a dire warning to viewers about the possibility of a government shutdown: "Time running out until a big deadline, now days away, and it's getting ugly in Washington. Tonight, can anything be done to save our government from itself?" [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump] Introducing the later report,…

Big 3 Ignore Benghazi Victims' Parents, Marvel at Caroline Kennedy's

September 20th, 2013 3:25 PM
The Big Three broadcast networks made their slanted priorities clear on their Thursday evening newscasts, as they fawned over Caroline Kennedy's Senate confirmation hearing earlier that day, but failed to cover the emotional congressional testimony of Pat Smith. Smith is the mother of Sean Smith, who died in the 2012 Islamist attack on the U.S. post in Benghazi, Libya. ABC's Martha Raddatz…

CBS Hypes Francis As 'One of the Most Progressive Popes in Modern Time

September 13th, 2013 3:44 PM
Friday's CBS This Morning heralded how supposedly, "Pope Francis is already being described as one of the most progressive popes in modern times" after six months as Bishop of Rome. Charlie D'Agata asserted that the pontiff is "the friendly face of the Vatican, the people's pope", and played up how Francis' apparent "spirit of spontaneity, openness, and inclusion has courted controversy...It…