Networks Finally Find a Biden Gaffe to Knock: Promoting Shotguns for P

February 20th, 2013 4:25 PM
What does it take for the networks to focus on a Joe Biden gaffe? Apparently, it's enough to suggest that a shotgun is ideal for home defense. On Tuesday's Nightly News and the morning shows on Wednesday, journalists, who often overlook the Vice President's verbal miscues, highlighted his comments about shotguns.  In an online chat with Parents magazine, Biden suggested, "If you want to…

NBC's Williams Predicts Rubio's Water Sip 'Just Might Live On Forever

February 14th, 2013 12:41 PM
On Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams proclaimed that Florida Senator Marco Rubio taking a sip of water during his response to the State of the Union was "the televised moment from last night that just might live on forever."

ABC Leads Pack Attacking Pope, Church

February 12th, 2013 12:23 PM
As if more proof were needed that the broadcast networks don’t get religion, and really don’t get Catholicism, analysis of the evening news programs from Feb. 11 showed a how inadequate the assumptions of liberal secular journalists were in explaining the Church, its mission and its role in the lives of the faithful. On the day of the surprise resignation of 85-yr-old Pope Benedict XVI, ABC,…

NBC: Hard for Clinton to Be Successful Secretary of State After 'Crisi

January 30th, 2013 11:27 AM
The headline NBC chose promote from chief foreign affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell's Tuesday interview with outgoing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was that Clinton really couldn't accomplish much given the situation she "inherited" from the Bush administration, with Nightly News anchor Brian Williams proclaiming: "...[Clinton] said, among other things, it's tougher these days to pull…

Brian Williams and Jimmy Fallon 'Slow Jam' Sexually-Charged Attacks on

January 29th, 2013 11:22 AM
NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams joined Jimmy Fallon Monday in another "Slow Jam the News" segment on NBC's Late Night. This time the subject was the fight over the debt ceiling with the target of course being Republicans who were repeatedly hit with sexually-charged attacks (video follows with transcript and commentary):

NBC Gushes Over Kennedy Aide's Memorabilia, Ignores He and JFK Shared

January 25th, 2013 6:06 PM
During fawning reports on Thursday's NBC Nightly News and Friday's Today, the network's news personalities expressed thrill over the discovery of a collection of JFK memorabilia once owned by Kennedy aide Dave Powers, with anchor Brian Williams raving: "It's an intimate collection of time spent with the President of the United states and his family. It's the kind of memorabilia only a close…

Marching for Life in the Face of a Pro-Abortion Media

January 25th, 2013 6:56 AM
Today is the 40th annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., a day that is likely to pass with limited, if any, notice from a national news media which is hostile to the pro-life cause. While the abortion issue has divided Americans for the past four decades, journalists have consistently come down on the pro-abortion side of this debate. It’s a bias some reporters freely admit. “I think…

Networks Swoon for Hillary’s ‘Indignation’ and ‘Tears,’ Cham

January 23rd, 2013 9:47 PM
Mark January 23rd as the launch date for the news media’s fresh campaign to have Hillary Clinton replace Barack Obama in the Oval Office in 2017. ABC and NBC, and CBS to a lesser extent, on Wednesday night treated Secretary of State Clinton’s appearances before Senate and House committees not as an chance to explore Obama administration dissembling on Benghazi, but as an opportunity to boost…

NBC's Williams Invites Colin Powell to Slam GOP 'Hatred' and 'Nastines

January 21st, 2013 4:11 PM
In an exchange with former Secretary of State and prominent Obama supporter Colin Powell during NBC's live inauguration coverage on Monday, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams urged Powell to go after Republicans: "General, there's just flat-out hatred out there, too. There's nastiness out there in the land. There's nastiness between these two parties....Let's especially go to the Republican…

ABC, CBS and NBC All Refuse to Identify Indicted Nagin as Democrat

January 18th, 2013 8:29 PM
All three broadcast network evening newscasts on Friday night ran short items on the federal corruption indictments against the bumbling former Mayor of New Orleans, Ray Nagin, but skipped his party affiliation, a fact Reuters considered newsworthy – if not until their sixth paragraph: “Nagin, 56, and a Democrat...” ABC anchor Diane Sawyer generously described Nagin as “the face of…

NBC Gushes Over First Lady's Hairdo and President's Playlist

January 18th, 2013 3:19 PM
On Thursday, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams took time out of the broadcast to provide this supposed "news" update: "First Lady Michelle Obama turned 49 today. But the big news came as the First Lady's office inaugurated a Twitter account and sent out this picture showing the First Lady's new bangs. Which Vanity Fair's website instantly praised, calling them 'featherly,' and tracing…

NBC Cheers Obama 'Fighting Back' With 'Emotional Plea' for Gun Restric

January 17th, 2013 12:54 PM
At the top of Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams enthusiastically touted President Obama playing offense on gun regulations: "Fighting back. President Obama is out with his plan on gun control, the most sweeping in generations. As the NRA uses the President's own daughters in an attack ad." Moments later, Williams framed the debate this way: "President Obama came out with…

NBC's Williams Inaugurates 'Post-Newtown Era' of Gun Restrictions

January 11th, 2013 5:27 PM
For three consecutive nights on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams proclaimed the country to now be in the "post-Newtown era," as he and reporters promoted how "the White House prepares its battle plan" to push for more gun control following the school shooting. [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump] On Tuesday, Williams kicked off the…

'Girls' Star: Brian Williams On Set So Much We Want 'BriWi-Cam' to See

January 11th, 2013 4:40 PM
If your daughter was an actress doing a sex scene in a movie or television show, would you want to watch? On the CBS Late Show Thursday, Girls star Lena Dunham said that not only is NBC's Brian Williams often on the set for the filming of this sex-packed HBO program, the cast jokes about having a "BriWi-cam" on him to gauge his reactions to his daughter Allison's sex scenes (video follows…