Chuck Todd: ‘Technically Factual’ Ryan ‘Distorted the Truth

August 30th, 2012 9:27 PM
NBC News demonstrated again Thursday night it has become little more than the more-watched broadcast arm of MSNBC, advancing the same left-wing attacks on conservatives as first trotted out on the cable side. While ABC and CBS managed to refrain from airing entire stories and interviews aimed to discredit Paul Ryan, NBC did not. In packaging Obama campaign talking points, however, Chuck Todd…

On NBC: Williams and Brokaw Use Condi Rice Speech to Depict Republican

August 30th, 2012 12:23 AM
On NBC’s live Wednesday coverage of the GOP convention both Brian Williams and Tom Brokaw used Condoleezza Rice's speech to paint the GOP delegation as close-minded on immigration, education reform and Barack Obama’s background. Right after the former Secretary of State's speech, Williams snarked: "Portions of that speech could have been delivered at next week [DNC] gathering in North Carolina…

Brian Williams Reprimands Ann Romney for Saying Mitt Romney ‘Is Goin

August 29th, 2012 8:39 PM
NBC anchor Brian Williams reprimanded Ann Romney for saying “I believe in my heart that Mitt is going to save America,” suggesting it would have been incendiary if Michelle Obama had made such a promise. As the two sat in the NBC News booth at the Republican convention, Williams told Mrs. Romney the phrasing “jumped off the screen to me” and maintained, without identifying the supposed…

NBC's Brian Williams Obnoxiously Presses Rubio About GOP's 'Rape Debat

August 28th, 2012 11:04 PM
Brian Williams wasted no time, on NBC’s live Tuesday GOP convention coverage, in bringing up the Todd Akin controversy, as he pressed Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio if he was worried about the “rape debate” surrounding his party. In fact, all of the NBC Nightly News anchor’s questions were negative as he pestered Rubio about the “closed-in” nature of nominee Mitt Romney and the “…

NBC's Mitchell Evokes 'Iconic Picture' of Bush 'Looking Down at New Or

August 28th, 2012 6:02 AM
For the second straight night, NBC Nightly News on Monday played the Hurricane Katrina card against Republicans, as Tropical Storm Isaac veered away from Tampa and took aim at New Orleans. Andrea Mitchell hyped that "both Republicans and Democrats...have a challenge - a political challenge here with this approaching storm, especially for the Republicans. No one here can easily forget the iconic…

NBC's Mormon Hit Piece: 'A Church Still Dealing With the Issue of Poly

August 24th, 2012 5:52 PM
Opening an hour-long special on the Mormon Church for Thursday's NBC Rock Center, anchor Brian Williams proclaimed to viewers: "Most Americans say they know next to nothing about the Mormon Church. Tonight, a rare look inside the lives of modern Mormon families....A church still dealing with the issue of polygamy....And other issues of inequality." Teasing a report on the history of the…

NBC: 'Great Damage' to GOP 'Trapped in a National Debate About Abortio

August 23rd, 2012 11:41 AM
Eager to keep the Todd Akin controversy alive on Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams declared the Missouri Republican's comments were "inflicting unforeseen and great damage on the national party." Correspondent Andrea Mitchell began her report by proclaiming: "...only days before their convention, Republicans remain trapped in a national debate about abortion and rape." [Listen…

NBC Declares: 'Women's Issues Are Front and Center Again' and GOP is

August 21st, 2012 1:03 PM
At the top of Monday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams proclaimed: "Firestorm. A Congressman's words about rape rocket across the country...women's issues are front and center again." Introducing the lead story moments later, Williams announced how "suddenly" Republican Todd Akin's comments "exploded well beyond the borders of Missouri." Correspondent Andrea Mitchell began her report…

Multi-Millionaire Brian Williams Lectures on Presidential Campaign Spe

August 17th, 2012 5:24 PM
On Thursday's NBC Nightly News, sanctimonious anchor Brian Williams lamented the fact that "spending on 2012 presidential radio and TV ads has now surpassed the half-billion-dollar mark" and proceeded to list other things the money could buy, such as feeding  "9.2 million malnourished children for 50 days" or "provide clean water for 500 million children for 40 days." While Williams's…

NBC Blitz: Romney 'Under Intense Pressure' to Release Tax Returns, Iss

August 17th, 2012 3:06 PM
On Thursday and Friday, NBC launched an all out assault on Mitt Romney, urging him to release more tax returns. Opening Thursday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams scrambled to resurrect the worn-out line of attack: "Talking taxes. Under intense pressure, Mitt Romney talks about what he has paid." [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump] Introducing the lead story…

NBC’s Brian Williams Demeans The Title of Network Anchor

August 17th, 2012 11:57 AM
Remember the days when nightly news anchors were supposed to be serious journalists?  Apparently Brian Williams never got that memo.  Appearing on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart on August 15, the managing editor of NBC Nightly News showed the continuing decline of the gravitas of the broadcast news anchor.  Appearing on The Daily Show, Williams continued his routine of making awkward and…

Jon Stewart Asks Brian Williams 'What's Preventing the Media From Disc

August 16th, 2012 9:39 AM
Comedy Central's Jon Stewart asked NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams the $64 trillion question on Wednesday's Daily Show. "What is preventing the media from discussing more substantive issues before the introduction of Paul Ryan, and then since the introduction, and then, let's say, you know, after the election?" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Only ABC Offers Full Story on Shooting at FRC; CBS, NBC Blow It Off Wi

August 15th, 2012 11:12 PM
ABC was the only broadcast network that offered a full story on the FRC office shooting on Wednesday night. They led with the story and gave it two and a half minutes. None of the network newscasts reported the breaking detail that shooter Floyd Corkins volunteered for six months at the D.C. Center for the LGBT Community, adding depth to his political motivation. On NBC Nightly News, Brian…

Condescending Brian Williams: Paul Ryan Received 'Not So Warm Welcome

August 14th, 2012 4:58 PM
Leading off Monday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams struck a patronizing tone as he noted "things get rough for the new guy on the trail" Paul Ryan, with "incoming fire on his own record and a not so warm welcome to the big leagues during his appearance today at the Iowa state fair." In the report that followed, correspondent Peter Alexander seized on protestors showing up at a Ryan…