Byron Tau

WSJ's Tau Furthers Obama's 'Ritual' Gun-Control Talking Points
December 3rd, 2015 12:26 AM
"In Grim Ritual, Barack Obama Again Calls for Stricter Gun Control After Mass Shooting," blares the headline for a Wall Street Journal Washington Wire blog post by Byron Tau filed early Wednesday evening. In the story itself, Tau relays Obama's gun-control talking points from his latest interview, recorded Wednesday afternoon after news of the deadly San Bernardino mass shooting.

Politico Downplays Ohio Dem's Illegal Driving As 'Small Scoop'
September 22nd, 2014 7:08 PM
Politico's Kenneth Vogel and Byron Tau filed a long Friday article moaning about how influential opposition research has become in the conduct of this year's political campaigns. My takeaway is that they really don't like it this time around — not because the money involved has increased, and not because supposedly lax campaign-finance laws have accommodated this increase. No, they're really…

Politico Goes to Pot While Ignoring IRS Scandal Developments
July 27th, 2013 9:56 AM
Pretty much all you need to know about the current negligent media culture in Washington is summed up in two items involving the Politico's home page this morning -- one which is there, and one which isn't.
The featured story at top of the home page by Byron Tau is about infighting between "Big Marijuana" -- it seems like "Big Pot" would be a more succinct nickname -- and those who want to…

Breitbart's Shapiro Outshines Politico's Tau in Initial Coverage of Pr
July 19th, 2013 3:15 PM
President Obama made a surprise appearance at today's White House briefing. He chose to speak on Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman situation.
Byron Tau at the Politico and Ben Shapiro at's Big Government have initial reports. Let's compare them, shall we?

Politico's Tau Pretends Big Labor 'Targets' Obama, When It Just Doesn
April 7th, 2013 12:56 PM
I guess Byron Tau thought he had to make it look like Big Labor is really, really mad at President Barack Obama and the White House so he could make Obama look like he's a moderate on economic and fiscal issues. Thus his Sunday morning post's headline: "Labor targets Obama over proposed benefit cuts."
Of course, they aren't "cuts" at all, though they are being portrayed as such. All Obama has…

Byron Tau Gives Politico Credit For Story on OFA Politicking -- Until
February 9th, 2013 9:56 AM
Does the Politico do so little noteworthy original work that it has to make it appear as if it's taking credit for stories it didn't break? It sure looks like it from here.
In a story about President Obama's Organizing For Action organization, the not-for-profit lobbying result after Obama and those running the presidential campaign's Organizing For America chose to become a permanent fixture…

Politico's Tau Ignores 'Hostage' Language in Obama Admin Econ Advisers
November 26th, 2012 10:13 AM
This morning the Obama administration's "National Economic Council & Council of Economic Advisers" jointly released "The Middle-Class Tax Cuts' Impact on Consumer Spending & Retailers." Among the howlers in this non-economic political document: "Independent Economic Analysis Clearly Demonstrates Why We Need to Extend the 2001/2003/2010 Tax Cuts for the Middle-class." But not everyone…
While Broadcast Media Buys 'Severe Weather' Excuse for Moving Obama Sp
September 5th, 2012 10:26 PM
If you have tickets for the Democratic National Convention and wanted to see President Barack Obama deliver his acceptance speech this Thursday at Charlotte's Bank of America Stadium, you’ll be greatly disappointed. Despite the official excuse of severe weather -- forecasters put the chance of storms at 20-30 percent -- the change in venue really seems to be because Obama campaign officials…

Dem Convention Won't be Mom-friendly, Feminists Charge; 'War on Women
August 22nd, 2012 3:39 PM
"A number of local chapters of the National Organization for Women are denouncing the DNC convention rules, saying that they unfairly exclude mothers with young children," Byron Tau of Politico reported on Monday morning, going on to quote feminist icon Gloria Steinem as complaining that "Women are the key to a Democratic victory, and sometimes, children are the key to women. It's both right…

Politico: That 'Only' Half of Americans Can Recite Obama's 'Private Se
June 22nd, 2012 2:32 PM
A June 16-18 poll (at Page 25) reported that 47% of Americans in a sample of 1,000 U.S. citizens 18 and over had heard or heard about President Barack Obama's June 8 claim that "the private sector is doing fine."
The reaction of John Sides, an associate professor in the Department of Political Science at George Washington University, as picked up by Byron Tau at the Politico, is…