
CNN Trumpets 'Monumental,' 'Seismic' Pro-Abortion Court Decision

June 27th, 2016 4:00 PM
On Monday, CNN's breaking news coverage of the Supreme Court striking down Texas's sanitary regulations on abortion clinic clearly slanted towards the pro-abortion side. Pamela Brown twice touted the "huge win for abortion rights activists," and later underlined the "big win" to a pro-abortion legal analyst. Jake Tapper trumpeted the "seismic decision by the U.S. Supreme Court," and hinted that…

CNN Gets Schooled By Guest With Actual Facts on Gun Violence

June 23rd, 2016 11:13 AM
On Thursday morning’s CNN Newsroom, host Carol Costello brought on Erich Pratt, executive director for Gun Owners of America to argue with him about guns as the root cause of violence in the U.S. Unfortunately for Costello, her guest had facts ready to combat the journalist’s agenda and ably argued his point to where Costello had nothing left to defend her case.

CNN's Costello Frets Dems Derailed Gun Control with Filibuster

June 16th, 2016 4:30 PM
As former Michigan Democratic Governor Jennifer Granholm appeared as a guest on Thursday's CNN Newsroom, host Carol Costello worried that Democratic Senators have inadvertently sabotaged the possibility of new gun laws by "antagonizing' Republicans with a filibuster, which she termed as "kicking sand in their faces." After responding to Granholm's NRA-bashing by sympathetically proclaiming, "…

CNN's Costello Wonders If Orlando Is 'Turning Point' For Gun Control

June 15th, 2016 1:27 PM
Carol Costello was true to her liberal form on Wednesday's CNN Newsroom with regard to her pro-gun control slant. Costello tossed softball questions at Shannon Watts of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America; and, as she's done in the past, gave a platform to call for new firearms regulations in the wake of the terrorist attack in Orlando. She also wondered, "Is this the turning point?"

CNN Scoffs at Idea Clinton Foundation Could Be Corrupt

June 1st, 2016 12:13 PM

On Wednesday’s CNN Newsroom, host Carol Costello sided with liberal CNN contributor Sally Kohn in rejecting outright the idea that the Clinton Foundation did not give as much money as it claimed to veterans. Costello and Kohn scoffed at the criticism, while Costello acted as if she had never even heard that the foundation faced ethical controversies.


CNN's Costello Badgers Sanders Surrogate; Likens Base to Trump Voters

May 18th, 2016 5:49 PM
On Wednesday's CNN Newsroom, Carol Costello hounded Bernie Sanders supporter Charles Chamberlain over the chaos at Nevada's Democratic state convention between the supporters of Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Costello accused Sanders's director for delegates of "egging things on in Nevada." She later wondered, "How are these supporters for Bernie Sanders different from the supporters of…

CNN’s Carol Costello: ‘Screw You, Jon Stewart!’

May 12th, 2016 5:21 PM
On Thursday, TVNewser reported on CNN host Carol Costello telling SiriusXM radio host Dean Obeidallah how she really felt about former Daily Show host Jon Stewart and his routine mocking of her network: “I’ll just be honest with you – it did bug me....It’s easy to cherry-pick, and then you slam somebody. Sometimes we deserve it, and sometimes we don’t..."

CNN: Why Didn't Sanders Say Lewinsky 'Has No Place' in Campaign?

April 25th, 2016 4:16 PM
Larry Sabato of the University of Virginia blasted Bernie Sanders supporter Rosario Dawson on Monday's CNN Newsroom for referencing Monica Lewinsky at a recent campaign event for the Vermont socialist: "I think it was stupid. The reason I think it was stupid is because there just aren't many votes in the Democratic primary for invoking the name of Monica Lewinsky." Anchor Carol Costello replied…

CNN to Sanders Campaign: 'You Guys are Basically Helping Republicans'

April 20th, 2016 6:14 PM
On Wednesday's At This Hour, CNN's Kate Bolduan lobbied Bernie Sanders's senior media adviser, Tad Devine, to lighten up in his campaign's attacks on Hillary Clinton, following the Vermont senator's loss in the New York primary: "Bernie Sanders said there's no change in strategy moving forward. But when you look you need to have a change in tone? The Clinton campaign is furious over…

Costello Gripes Only Women Voters Labeled, But Cited 'Angry White Men'

March 17th, 2016 8:10 PM
There was a serious case of selective amnesia induced by liberal bias on Thursday's CNN Newsroom as host Carol Costello oddly complained about women voters having labels like "soccer moms" and "welfare queens" applied to them while men supposedly escape such labeling. But just barely a week ago on her show, Costello herself asked about "angry white men" supporting Donald Trump.

CNN Guest Slams Sanders: ‘Old Hippie From the '60s' 'Hasn't Woken Up'

March 10th, 2016 12:52 PM
ABC and NBC’s morning shows Thursday completely ignored Bernie Sanders being confronted about his radical viewpoints during Wednesday night’s Democratic Debate hosted by Univision. In 1985, he praised Cuba’s communist regime and justified those remarks during the debate. Only CBS This Morning played the clip with Sanders’ response and this mild criticism ("A view many Cuban exiles here don't…

CNN's Costello Seeks 'Fun' by Getting Hill to Talk 'Angry White Men'

March 9th, 2016 11:56 AM
Appearing as a guest on Wednesday's CNN Newsroom with Carol Costello, race-obsessed CNN commentator Marc Lamont Hill painted "white male" Donald Trump supporters as being bothered at "a rise in expanded opportunity for black people and for brown people," suggesting that Trump's slogan is really "We're going to make America white again." Host Costello set him up: "Let me ask you this, Marc,…

Simmons Touts Hillary Vs. 'Insensitive' Bernie, Humans Die in 50 Yrs

March 4th, 2016 9:48 PM
Appearing as a guest on Friday's CNN Newsroom with Carol Costello, while endorsing Hillary Clinton for President because Bernie Sanders has been "insensitive to the plight of black people," music mogul Russell Simmons made wildly alarmist predictions suggesting humanity would die "in the next 50 years" because the "farming lobby" is "poisoning the planet quickly." He also blamed earthquakes on…

Ben Stein Lauds Sanders on Socialized Medicine, 'Fondness' for Hillary

March 2nd, 2016 11:28 PM
Appearing as a guest on Wednesday's CNN Newsroom with Carol Costello, supposedly right-leaning actor, economist and former Nixon speech writer Ben Stein praised socialist presidential candidate Bernie Sanders's plan for national health care, and even admitted to a "fondness" for former law school classmate Hillary Clinton as he mused about whom he might support for President. It was only after…