Krauthammer: 'Media Had To Be Shamed By Fox News Into Looking Into' Be

October 16th, 2012 7:17 PM
Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer had some harsh words for his fellow journalists Tuesday concerning their coverage of the murders of four Americans last month at our consulate in Libya. During a Fox News Special Report segment about this matter and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's assertion that the buck stops with her on Benghazi,  Krauthammer said, "The media had to be shamed by…

WaPo's Colby King: Charles Krauthammer Gives Romney His Talking Points

October 13th, 2012 11:35 AM
Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post columnist Colby King on Friday jokingly accused Charles Krauthammer of writing Mitt Romney's talking points. Appearing on PBS's Inside Washington, Krauthammer responded, "Well, it’s better than what you guys do is to receive the talking points" (video follows with transcript and commentary, file photo):

Krauthammer: 'Biden’s Debate Prep Was Watching The Shining' - 'Excel

October 12th, 2012 7:11 PM
"One would think that Biden’s debate preparation was watching repeatedly 'The Shining,' and I think he did an excellent imitation of Jack Nicholson." So marvelously said syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer on Friday's Special Report on Fox.

Krauthammer Tells 'Liberal Pals' on PBS 'I Can’t Believe You're Cove

September 29th, 2012 11:45 AM
Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer gave quite a scolding Friday to his fellow panelists on PBS's Inside Washington. During a discussion about the murder of our ambassador in Libya, Krauthammer said, "I just want to respond to my liberal pals over here. I can’t believe you guys are covering for the administration on the Susan Rice thing when they themselves said five days later it was…

Mark Russell: 'No Comedian Wants Obama to Win

September 22nd, 2012 12:28 PM
Political satirist Mark Russell came out of retirement Friday to trash Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney. Speaking to PBS Inside Washington host Gordon Peterson, Russell said, "No comedian wants Obama to win. We may vote for Obama, but we want, we want Romney" (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):

Charles Krauthammer Tells NB 'Obama Administration Live in Such a Bubb

September 18th, 2012 9:09 AM
One of NewsBusters' favorite conservative commentators is Charles Krauthammer. We had the privilege of sitting down with him at last month's Republican National Convention to discuss amongst other things our favorite topic - liberal media bias. Our conversation began with Charles telling us about how he started with the Washington Post:

Krauthammer: Rahm Emanuel Should Send a Dead Fish to Chicago Teachers

September 15th, 2012 2:26 PM
Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer issued some advice Friday for how Mayor Rahm Emanuel can end the Chicago teachers' strike. Appearing on PBS's Inside Washington, Krauthammer said, "I hope he clinches the deal by sending the head of the teachers union - as he once did in the past to someone else - a dead fish. That often works in these kinds of negotiations."

Politico's Roger Simon: 'Clinton Had a Very Important and Elevated Vie

September 8th, 2012 1:48 PM
"Bill Clinton, whatever you want to say about how he conducted himself, had a very important and elevated view of the Office of the Presidency." So amazingly said Politico's Roger Simon on PBS's Inside Washington Friday (video follows with transcribed highlights).

Charles Krauthammer Mocks WaPo's Colby King: 'Kool-Aid, Isn’t That Y

September 8th, 2012 1:11 PM
Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer gave some well-deserved ribbing to the Washington Post's Colby King on PBS's Inside Washington Friday. "You do live in a completely different world," Krauthammer told King when he disagreed with his views about the just-ended Democratic National Convention. "And you drink, what is it, the Kool-Aid? Isn’t that your favorite drink?" (video follows with…

Krauthammer Pans Clinton's Nomination Speech: 'A Giant Swing and a Mis

September 5th, 2012 11:59 PM
While most of the Obama-loving media gushed and fawned over former President Bill Clinton's nomination speech at the Democratic National Convention Wednesday night, syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer was singularly unimpressed. Appearing on Fox News shortly after the speech's conclusion, Krauthammer called it "a giant swing and a miss" as well as "a wasted opportunity." 

Senator McConnell Tells NewsBusters 'Maybe the Heat Is Getting to Chri

September 4th, 2012 11:06 AM
On the final day of last week's Republican National Convention in Tampa, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky sat down with NewsBusters to discuss amongst other things our favorite topic - liberal media bias. In the course of our lengthy discussion, McConnell addressed Chris Matthews's claim that Republicans are being racist when they accuse President Obama of engaging in…

Evan Thomas: 'It Would Be Better If Energy Prices Went Up

August 25th, 2012 9:44 AM
"It would be better if energy prices went up." So amazingly said Politico's Evan Thomas on PBS's Inside Washington Friday (video follows with transcript and commentary):

On PBS, Liberal Columnists Slam Biden for 'Chains' Gaffe

August 18th, 2012 12:13 AM
On Friday's Inside Washington on PBS, regular panel member and liberal Washington Post columnist Colby King admitted that it "bothers" him that Vice President Joe Biden felt the need to "resort to colloquialisms to talk to African-Americans," referring to the Vice President's "chains" gaffe in Danville, Virginia. After host Gordon Peterson asked, "How did the White House handle this one?"…

Evan Thomas Invokes 'Death Panels,' Should Imitate European Health Car

August 17th, 2012 11:32 PM
Appearing as a panel member on Friday's Inside Washington on PBS, Politico's Evan Thomas brought up the term "death panels" as he advised that America will some day have to stop "spending so much money" on people who are near death. As he brought up a few examples of reforms for American health care, he ended up proposing: