WashPost's King Charges GOP and FNC Painted Obama as 'Devil Incarnate

May 28th, 2012 10:31 PM
On Friday's Inside Washington on PBS, regular panel member and liberal Washington Post columnist Colby King charged that Republicans and Fox News have "painted Barack Obama as the devil incarnate," and warned that, during this campaign year, "The nastiness is going to come out. The Limbaughs are just going to let it all hang out."

Krauthammer Slams Media’s ‘Appalling Double Standard’ on Teenage

May 17th, 2012 8:26 PM
Reacting to Mitt Romney’s discomfort toward proposed independent expenditure ads reminding Americans of President Obama’s connections to Reverend Jeremiah Wright, on FNC Thursday night Charles Krauthammer delivered a rebuke to the media’s presumption raising Wright would be illegitimate. Krauthammer sure didn’t hold back: I think there is an appalling double standard here. It’s okay for…

Stephen Colbert Calls Charles Krauthammer 'Count Chocula

April 27th, 2012 4:51 PM
Can you imagine a liberal comedian demeaning the appearance of a physically handicapped, Pulitzer Prize-winning, liberal syndicated columnist? On Thursday, Comedy Central's Stephen Colbert called Charles Krauthammer "Count Chocula" (video follows with commentary):

Krauthammer: If Rubio Refuses to Be Romney's Veep 'He’ll Find a Hors

April 21st, 2012 1:13 PM
Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer on Friday used a famous "Godfather" movie reference to dramatize what will happen if Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fl.) were to turn down Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's possible request to be his running mate. Appearing on PBS's Inside Washington, Krauthammer said, "If he says he doesn’t want the office, he’ll find a horse’s head in his bed. The…

Krauthammer: Obama Wins Budget Debate if Electorate's as Gullible as N

April 7th, 2012 12:32 PM
Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer made a point about today's media that should make everyone think twice about the state of American journalism. In a discussion about the Ryan budget proposal on PBS's Inside Washington Friday, Krauthammer observed, "Obama will win the argument if the electorate is as gullible as Nina [Totenberg] and Mark [Shields] and Evan [Thomas] in accepting what…

Krauthammer: Overturning ObamaCare Could Energize Left Like Roe v. Wad

March 30th, 2012 10:13 PM
Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer on Friday said the Supreme Court striking down ObamaCare could energize the Left in this nation in much the same way 1973's Roe v. Wade decision galvanized the Right. Such was said on PBS's Inside Washington (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):

Krauthammer Smacks Down Shields on Ryan Plan: 'Your Guys Haven’t Int

March 25th, 2012 11:25 AM
Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer gave quite a tongue lashing to Mark Shields on Inside Washington this weekend. When the liberal PBS contributor said Congressman Paul Ryan's (R-Wisc.) budget proposal lacked vertebrae, Krauthammer scolded, "Talk about absence of spine, your guys haven’t introduced a budget at all on anything" (video follows with transcript and commentary, file photo):

Krauthammer on Media's Claim of GOP War on Women: 'Liberal Echo Chambe

March 17th, 2012 2:41 PM
As NewsBusters has been reporting for weeks, the Obama-loving media have concocted the fallacy that Republicans are suddenly in a war on women. Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer on PBS's Inside Washington Friday called this "a classic example of liberal echo chamber elite cocooning" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Charles Krauthammer Schools Nina Totenberg on Romney Not Denouncing Li

March 10th, 2012 2:57 PM
NPR's Nina Totenberg got a much-needed education Friday on the hypocrisy of the media's treatment of conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh's comments about Georgetown University law student and women's rights activist Sandra Fluke. When the Inside Washington panelist criticized Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney for not saying "something less than complimentary" about Limbaugh…

Mark Shields Skeptical of Iran Threat, Defends Putting Nuclear Program

March 10th, 2012 11:21 AM
On Friday's Inside Washington on PBS, liberal columnist Mark Shields seemed to show mor skepticism than other panel members about whether Iran is really trying to build nuclear weapons, as he brought up the failure to find an advanced nuclear program in Iraq, asserting, "I've seen this movie before." He later defended the rationale for Iran locating its nuclear program under a mountain as…

Krauthammer Schools Entire Inside Washington Panel: Payroll Tax Cut Is

February 18th, 2012 10:32 AM
Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer on Friday marvelously exposed the poor state of American politics and today's media. While the entire panel on PBS's Inside Washington gushed and fawned over this week's bipartisan agreement to extend the payroll tax holiday through the rest of 2012, Krauthammer said it was like buying crack cocaine - "A payroll tax cut has no effect at all, it’s going…

Krauthammer Mocks Inside Washington Host for Citing MSNBC's Fineman

February 11th, 2012 8:32 AM
It was rather telling on Friday when Gordon Peterson, the host of PBS's Inside Washington, cited the Huffington Post's Howard Fineman calling Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney "a giant hairball" on MSNBC. Luckily for viewers with some objectivity, syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer was there to call Peterson out saying, "I like your choice of objective sources" (video…

Liberal Mark Shields Hits Obama for Pressing Catholic Employers to Pro

February 4th, 2012 4:24 AM
On Friday's Inside Washington on PBS, as the panel discussed the new Obama administration rule that requires even Catholic employers to provide health insurance coverage for contraception to their employees, both liberal columnist Mark Shields and conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer hit Obama for the decision, while NPR's Nina Totenberg claimed that there were valid arguments in both…

Krauthammer Advises Romney: Memorize Daniels' SOTU Response, 'Give it

January 28th, 2012 12:18 PM
Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer on Friday had some high praise for Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels' Republican response to Barack Obama's State of the Union address this week along with some advice for presidential candidate Mitt Romney. "Memorize that speech, give it everywhere you go, you’ll be president" (video follows with absolutely no need for commentary):