Newsweek’s Thomas: GOP ‘Selling Smoke and Mirrors,’ PBS’s Pete

January 1st, 2011 2:05 PM
 On Friday’s Inside Washington on PBS, host Gordon Peterson used the term "free lunch" to mock Republicans who wish to avoid tax increases while trying to restrain the federal budget deficit. After panel member Jeanne Cummings of Politico predicted a tough fight in Congress over spending, Peterson turned the conversation to Washington Post columnist Colby King. Peterson: "Hold the line on taxes…

Charles Krauthammer Offends Mark Shields by Saying 'ObamaCare

December 25th, 2010 3:42 PM
Syndicated columnist and PBS contributor Mark Shields got offended Friday when Charles Krauthammer called the President's signature piece of legislation "ObamaCare." This interestingly came less than ten minutes after Shields apologized to his fellow "Inside Washington" panelists for saying "Christmas season" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Mark Shields Apologizes for Saying 'Christmas Season' on Christmas Eve

December 25th, 2010 11:43 AM
Syndicated columnist and PBS regular Mark Shields on Friday apologized for saying "Christmas season." Such occurred on the most recent installment of PBS's "Inside Washington" broadcast in many parts of the country on Christmas Eve (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Krauthammer And Hayes See Mitch Daniels As Man To Watch For

December 24th, 2010 8:04 PM
It's Christmas Eve, so let's treat ourselves to something conservative political junkies enjoy: handicapping the 2012 Republican field.   On the Fox News Special Report this evening, panelists Stephen Hayes and Charles Krauthammer both singled out Mitch Daniels as a man to watch.  Hayes identifed  the Indiana gov as perhaps the true Tea Party candidate—someone willing to speak the hard…

Krauthammer and Shields Spar Over Pelosi-Taliban Joke and Rush Limbaug

December 18th, 2010 3:03 PM
Charles Krauthammer on Friday made a humorous comparison between the Taliban's popularity in Afghanistan and Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-Cali.) approval rating in America that clearly riled Mark Shields. So put off was Shields on PBS's "Inside Washington" that he not only took issue with Krauthammer's joke, but he also went after something conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh said about…

Tax Deal Passes: Who Wins and Who Loses

December 17th, 2010 12:16 PM
With a huge bipartisan majority, the House passed Obama's tax compromise plan Thursday evening 277 to 148.  139 Democrats voted for the measure with only 36 Republicans voting against it. As a result, Charles Krauthammer said in the Washington Post Friday the GOP made a huge mistake supporting this plan, and that this victory by the President clears the way for his reelection:

Krauthammer on Clinton Quoting Him: 'My Career is Done - Maybe NPR Wil

December 12th, 2010 12:01 AM
During his impromptu press conference in the White House briefing room Friday, former President Bill Clinton favorably referred to comments Charles Krauthammer made at the Washington Post earlier in the day. On Fox News's "Hannity" that evening, Krauthammer joked, "When you get praise from President Clinton and you are from my side of the aisle that means that my career is done, I mean, I'm…

Krauthammer Scolds Shields for 'Moaning and Bitching' About the Tax Pl

December 11th, 2010 1:57 PM
Charles Krauthammer on Friday scolded Mark Shields and other liberals for "moaning and bitching" about the President's compromise tax plan after months of demanding the White House implement a second stimulus package. After Shields on PBS's "Inside Washington" predictably criticized Obama for agreeing to extend the Bush tax cuts on the so-called rich, Krauthammer marvelously struck back (…

Al Sharpton to Meet With FCC to Get 'Racist' Rush Limbaugh Off the Air

December 7th, 2010 11:22 AM
Al Sharpton on Monday said that he's going to be meeting with representatives of the FCC next week about revoking conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh's license. On a special 9PM edition of the "Ed Show," the Reverend didn't mince words (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Krauthammer on Obama's Televised Tax Announcement: He Was Addressing D

December 6th, 2010 8:25 PM
Charles Krauthammer on Monday said that when Barack Obama spoke to the nation hours ago to announce a tax extension compromise just reached with Republicans, "It was actually a speech addressed at Daily Kos, the New York Times, and MoveOn." In Krauthammer's view expressed on Fox's "Special Report," "This was a speech aimed at appeasing the Left which is extremely angry over this" (video…

Krauthammer on 'Inside Washington' Bias: 'Tag Team Wrestling In Which

December 2nd, 2010 12:52 PM
Appearing on Tuesday's O'Reilly Factor on FNC, columnist Charles Krauthammer described his role on the political panel show 'Inside Washington': "'s a very liberal's tag team wrestling in which I don't have a team. It's three on one which I think the odds are rather good that way – for me....we do this exercise every week and it's a good workout." Host Bill O'Reilly brought…

Krauthammer Urges Prosecution of WikiLeaks’ Journalistic Collaborato

November 29th, 2010 7:58 PM
The U.S. government “ought to speak about the enablers in the American journalistic community” who have cooperated with WikiLeaks, syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer urged on Monday’s night’s Special Report on FNC, recommending that if you “collaborate” with WikiLeaks, then “we are going to look into possible prosecution.”

Charles Krauthammer Rips Liberal Media for Being Obsessed with Sarah P

November 27th, 2010 10:08 AM
Charles Krauthammer on Friday tore into the liberal media for being obsessed with former Alaska governor Sarah Palin. After Krauthammer scolded the "editorial judgment" of the producers of PBS's "Inside Washington" for week after week prominently displaying her as the "only representative of conservatism of any importance" in this nation, the Washington Post's Colby King proved his point (…

Open Thread: Should We Give S. Korea Its Own Nuclear Arsenal

November 23rd, 2010 9:28 AM
That's the latest from Charles Krauthammer, who, in light of skirmishes between North and South yesterday and today, thinks we need to build up SK's nuclear arsenal in order to get the Chinese to reign in the Norks - which they are fully capable of doing, Krauthammer believes.