NBC's Chuck Todd Asks: 'Is This the Single Best Week in the Obama Re-E

December 9th, 2011 3:03 PM
On Friday's The Daily Rundown on MSNBC, host Chuck Todd posed this question to guests Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post and Jonathan Martin of Politico: "Is this the single best week in the Obama re-election effort?" Todd elaborated on his hyperbolic question by announcing: "The argument I've already heard from team Obama is yesterday that they were giddy that the first line of attack…

NBC's Chuck Todd Admonishes Andrea Mitchell for Lame Attempt to Play R

October 19th, 2011 4:32 PM
Andrea Mitchell's attempt to imply Rick Perry was being racially insensitive, for calling fellow GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain "brother," during Tuesday's Republican debate, was so lame even her NBC colleague Chuck Todd wasn't buying it. Mitchell, on Wednesday's edition of MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports, dredged up the N-Head controversy on Perry as she scolded: "If I were Rick Perry…

Obama Admin On Miserable Jobs Report: Blame Bush, Claim 11 Million Job

September 2nd, 2011 12:10 PM
Give Gene Sperling credit--he managed to keep a straight face. Sent out onto the White House lawn to explain away the horrendous jobs report showing that the economy created no new jobs in August, the director of the White House National Economic Council actually resorted to blaming the economy inherited from George W. Bush, then making the mind-boggling boast that the failed Obama stimulus…

WaPo's The Fix: Utah Democrat Keeps 'Seat by Voting Very Conservativel

July 29th, 2011 3:49 PM
Yesterday on "The Fix", a politics blog of the Washington Post, Chris Cillizza and Aaron Blake wrote "Five Members to watch in the House debt ceiling vote."  One of the five is Rep. Jim Matheson (D-UT).  He's described as a potential "yes" vote for Speaker John Boehner's (R-OH) debt ceiling bill: Matheson, a Democrat, has managed to keep his Republican-leaning Utah seat by voting very…

Boston Who? Establishment Press 'Colleagues' Virtually Ignore WH Shuto

May 19th, 2011 12:03 PM
Imagine if the Bush 43 administration had decided to exclude a newspaper's reporters from full access to presidential events--regardless of the ostensible reason. Does anyone believe that the New York Times or Associated Press would have ignored the story? Well, in a thoroughly predictable but nonetheless sad development, that is what has happened since the Boston Herald's Hillary Chabot…

Despite Dems, Media Banging the 'Secret Money' Drum, Poll Shows Voter

November 2nd, 2010 3:20 PM
Liberal Democrats in the past few weeks have been pounding the message that massive infusions of "secret" money into independently-run political advertising have a detrimental effect on Democrats democracy. The media have done their level best to amplify that complaint. But is knowing the identity of political advertising donors really a huge issue to swing voters? By and large, no,…

Matthews: How Long Before We See Tea Partiers Start Showing Up in Unif

October 27th, 2010 6:35 PM
  Chris Matthews, on Wednesday's Hardball, not so cryptically compared the actions of Republican volunteers to that of Nazi-style tactics from the 1930s as he claimed the restraining of a MoveOn.org activist by a Rand Paul supporter reminded him of what "we saw from hoodlums in the thirties in another country I will not mention" and added: "I mean it isn't far from what we saw in the thirties,…

Matthews Dumps on 'Misanthropic' Joe Miller, Compares Him to 'Unlikabl

October 14th, 2010 6:34 PM
  Chris Matthews and Chuck Todd tag-teamed against Alaskan Republican Senate nominee Joe Miller, on Thursday's Hardball, as Todd claimed Miller was "running a terrible campaign" and warned that "it may be popular among conservatives to bash the media" but Miller is "turning off" voters when he does it. For his part Matthews called Miller "unlikable" going as far to compare him to the negative…

Chris Matthews Scolds Bob Schieffer for Challenging Bogus GOP Campaign

October 11th, 2010 9:17 PM
MSNBC's Chris Matthews on Monday took on CBS's Bob Schieffer for challenging unsubstantiated allegations that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is funneling foreign dollars into Republican campaigns. As NewsBusters previously reported, the "Face the Nation" host mocked White House senior adviser David Axelrod Sunday for advancing this unfounded premise that even the New York Times has discredited…

WaPo Boosts Its Outlier Md. Gubernatorial Poll; Veteran Political Obse

October 1st, 2010 12:52 PM
In my beloved home state of Maryland, this year's governor's race is a rematch of the contest four years ago, and most polls show a close race, with current Gov. Martin O'Malley (D) up a few points over former Gov. Bob Ehrlich (R), but at or below the crucial 50 percent mark. Enter the Washington Post, which two days ago released a poll that shows O'Malley up by 11 points, breaking the 50 percent…

Matthews Admits: Maybe I Was Smart Not to Run For Office This Year

September 13th, 2010 6:57 PM
Well you have to give Chris Matthews credit for admitting the obvious. On Monday's Hardball, as he overlooked the bad environment for Democrats this midterm season, Matthews appeared grateful he didn't make his much rumored run for Pennsylvania's Senate seat, as he asked one of his guests: "Do you think it could be the year where guys...like me were smart not to make the run?" [audio available…

Chris Matthews Breaks Down Spitting Video on Hardball

March 30th, 2010 6:29 PM
Chris Matthews, on Tuesday's Hardball, broke down video of a tea party protester, allegedly spitting on Congressman Emanuel Cleaver, like it was the Zapruder film as he and his guest John Heilemann of the New York magazine both claimed it reminded them of the integration of Little Rock Central High School, as Matthews blurted: "You know I just saw one of those pictures the other day, a woman down…

Hardball Spins: Bayh Quitting Because There's No Room for 'Centrists

February 15th, 2010 6:39 PM
Since the announcement of his resignation from the Senate the common label (from CNN to MSNBC) of Indiana Democratic Senator Evan Bayh seems to be that of a "centrist." On Monday's Hardball both Chris Matthews and his guest panelist NBC News' Chuck Todd called Bayh a "centrist," which is an inaccurate label for someone who, as NB's Matthew Balan pointed out, has a lifetime ACU rating of 20 and…

Matthews Goes on Tear Against Term 'Homeland

December 4th, 2009 1:30 PM
Chris Matthews, on Thursday's Hardball, admonished one of his panelists, April Ryan of American Urban Radio Networks, for using the term "homeland," because "it sounds like Russia," and worried that use of that term could lead to calling the United States "motherland," and "fatherland," and "that's when we are getting imperial." The discussion with Ryan and Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post,…