Bitter Chris Cillizza Throws 'Reality Show' Shade on Trump-Kim Meeting

March 9th, 2018 10:43 AM
In stark contrast to his CNN colleague Erin Burnett who gave President Donald Trump glowing praise for his upcoming meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, Chris Cillizza went on a late Thursday night rant bitterly writing off that summit as more likely to resemble a reality TV show. Cillizza set the tone of his petulant diatribe by unflatteringly describing the two leaders as being very…

Lib Pundits: Broward Cowards Disprove 'Good Guy With a Gun' Argument

February 25th, 2018 7:16 AM
In an epic self-awareness fail, several liberal commentators claim that Broward County police officers who remained outside as Nikolas Cruz massacred students and teachers at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School were "good guys with a gun." This, they believe, shows that a good guy with a gun doesn't always stop a bad guy with a gun. It apparently hasn't occurred to them that these officers who…

Even CNN's Cillizza Thought Senator Nelson Too Political at Town Hall

February 23rd, 2018 7:26 PM
Just how inappropriately political does a Democrat have to be to incur the wrath of even reliably liberal Chris Cillizza of CNN? About as self-serving as Florida Senator Bill Nelson who used Wednesday's CNN Town Hall meeting about the tragic Parkland, Florida shootings at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School to attack his likely campaign opponent later this year.  

CNN Guest: 'GOP Women Are Trapped with Their Abuser, Which Is Trump'

February 12th, 2018 5:06 PM
CNN spent nearly the entire day on Monday hammering President Trump for his response to the Rob Porter controversy. During the 3:00 p.m. ET hour, anchor Brooke Baldwin presented no exception to the anti-Trump hysteria. Baldwin brought on Amanda Carpenter, Chris Cillizza and Anushay Hossain to discuss the fallout of the President’s handling of the Porter situation.

Cupp: 'Weird' for Dems to Mock Ryan, Americans, Happy About Tax Cuts

February 5th, 2018 3:31 PM
Democrats have been slamming House Speaker Paul Ryan after he deleted a tweet touting an AP story, in which a school secretary explained that she got a nominal raise because of the GOP tax bill. Because the amount was so small, or “crumbs” as Nancy Pelosi would put it, Democrats bashed Ryan and Republicans for daring to celebrate Americans getting more money in their paychecks.  

Real News: CNN’s Cillizza Mocks, Reenacts Trump’s ‘Exercise Routine’

January 19th, 2018 6:00 PM
CNN, the network that takes itself so seriously that they create ad campaigns defending themselves as “truth-tellers,” and whose reporters self-righteously rant they have the “right” and “duty” to call President Trump a “racist,” further embarrassed themselves this week by having their editor-at-large re-enact the president’s non-existent “workout routine” and write a whole snarky article about…

CNN Unloads: Trump's 'S***hole' Quote Shows He's Clearly 'Racist'

January 11th, 2018 8:29 PM
On Thursday’s The Situation Room, CNN analysts and correspondents brought out the long knives for President Trump after his disturbing and startling comments about certain countries being “sh***holes,” using it to bludgeon home the notion that Trump is “racist” and “inject[ing] a lot of poison” into the immigration debate.

Ryan Raves Over 'Rock Star' Oprah for 2020: ‘She Is Every Person!'

January 8th, 2018 3:41 PM
CNN political analyst April Ryan fangirled over the idea that Oprah Winfrey could run for president in 2020, on At This Hour With Kate Bolduan Monday morning. Ryan went on an irrational rant, gushing that the media mogul was both “every person” and a “rock star.”

Press Draws Lame 2010 ObamaCare Parallel in Seeing Big 2018 GOP Losses

December 23rd, 2017 4:39 PM

During the past month, many establishment press pundits have pivoted from believing that Republicans will suffer major losses in the 2018 midterm elections because they haven't accomplished anything to predicting that Republicans will suffer major losses now that they have. They're now saying that the just-signed tax law, which they have declared is and will remain deeply unpopular (if so,…

Even As Media Whine About Trump, Hostile Coverage Shows No Let Up

December 12th, 2017 1:15 PM
As yesterday’s throwdown in the White House press room made clear, relations between the President and the press corps are as bad as they have ever been during the Trump administration. But as the Media Research Center has been documenting all year, the media have approached the Trump presidency with unrelenting hostility. Our latest numbers show that coverage of Trump on the ABC, CBS and NBC…

‘It Makes Me Angry’; CNN’s Cillizza Bewails Media Attacks by WH

December 11th, 2017 11:12 PM
If the meltdowns by CNN personalities inside Monday’s tense White House press briefing weren’t crazy enough, the reactions on CNN Newsroom were close as host Brooke Baldwin and CNN Politics editor-at-large Chris Cillizza admitted that Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders made them “angry” as she called out the media’s liberal bias.

As Usual, CNN’s Chris Cillizza Misses The Point

December 6th, 2017 11:47 PM
If you’re a conservative supporter of Donald Trump, it’s likely you have your own personal villain in the mainstream media who you love to hate. For me, it’s CNN politics reporter, Chris Cillizza. That’s not to take away from the fine work many left-wing activists masquerading as reporters are doing. But Cillizza takes the cake. He is supposedly a politics reporter and editor-at-large for CNN,…

CNN's Camerota: 'Absurd' for Trump to Repeat 'Tired NRA Talking Point'

November 7th, 2017 8:37 PM
On Tuesday -- one day after nearly begging Senator Jeff Flake on New Day for Congress to pass more gun laws -- CNN's Alisyn Camerota continued pushing for more gun control as she complained that President Donald Trump has been repeating "the same old NRA talking point" and "the tired NRA talking point," calling it "absurd," during a discussion of the President's reactions to the Texas mass…

CNN Panel Dismisses GOP Push on Clinton/Russia As 'Distraction'

October 25th, 2017 11:32 PM
On Wednesday's New Day on CNN, during discussions of the push by congressional Republicans to investigate links between Hillary Clinton and Russia obtaining uranium during the Obama administration, CNN analysts repeatedly described the GOP effort as an attempt to have a "distraction" from President Donald Trump's problems.