
Matthews: Dems, Media Must Remind America What Decency Is

June 12th, 2018 10:52 AM
It was a case of the pot calling the kettle black on CBS’s The Late Show Monday evening, when guest Chris Matthews rallied his fellow liberals and members of the media to show the world what “moral goodness” is, while Trump’s in office.

‘Hardball’ Panel: ‘Wannabe Despot’ Trump Likes Kim More Than Allies

June 11th, 2018 8:20 PM
Less than two hours before the Trump-Kim summit in Singapore, MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews and panelists Elise Jordan and Bobby Ghosh declared that President Trump is a “wannabe despot” who wants to “fulfill his fantasy” by ruling the country with an iron fist while having more affection for dictators like North Korea’s Kim Jong-un than U.S. allies.

Gross: Matthews Cozies Up to Former Obama Officials Brennan, Rhodes

June 8th, 2018 6:23 PM
Thursday’s Hardball featured MSNBC host Chris Matthews spending two separate segments sucking up to former Obama foreign policy and intelligence officials John Brennan and Ben Rhodes, complimenting the former for “know[ing] so much” and the latter for his “beautiful” new book defending his role in the far-left Obama legacy.

MSNBC: Trump Wants Whites to ‘Hate’ Players, Only Backed by ‘Morons’

June 6th, 2018 9:20 AM
Doing their part to drive another wedge into the polarizing NFL debate over national anthem protests, MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews proclaimed on Tuesday night that President Trump’s strategy is to make “white guys” attending NFL games “hate” the predominantly African-American players while a panelist deemed Trump supporters on the kneeling debate to be “morons.”

Tarnishing Trump Supporters as Racist and Still Worshipping Obama

June 5th, 2018 2:21 PM
From Roseanne Barr’s firing to the President condemning MS-13, liberal journalists found new ways to tarnish Donald Trump and his supporters as racist this past month. MSNBC’s Chris Hayes used the Roseanne Barr controversy to condemn Trump voters as he deemed her racist reference to former Barack Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett “represented the actual worldview of a significant chunk of the Trump…

Cable Fearmongering: Everything Is a 'Constitutional Crisis'

June 5th, 2018 10:04 AM
The Chicken Littles of cable news are in a full-scale panic over the latest fantasy disaster that hasn’t happened yet. Over the weekend, TV talking heads burst into flame in anticipation of the supposed “constitutional crisis” that might ensue if President Trump were to pardon himself – which he has not done, and which his lawyer has flatly stated he “has no intention” of doing.

MRC’s Graham Unloads on Attack on Trump Voters by MSNBC Hosts

May 31st, 2018 9:43 PM
MRC Director of Media Analysis and NewsBusters executive editor Tim Graham stopped by the Thursday edition of the Fox Business Network’s The Evening Edit and tore into claims by MSNBC host Chris Hayes and Chris Matthews that condemned Trump voters as racist and Republicans as golf-swinging, Wall Street Journal-reading, and sports-watching enthusiasts.

Chris Matthews: GOP Men ‘Programmed’ for Sports, Wall Street Journal

May 31st, 2018 6:43 PM
As the host of MSNBC’s Hardball, Chris Matthews has said some very startling things along the way, but it’s hard to top his comment during Tuesday’s edition regarding the behavior of Republican men, who “are told” to “read the Wall Street Journal, play golf and talk about pro sports." "I mean," he added, "the men especially are all programmed a certain way. They don’t have too many outliers,…

MSNBC Panel: 'Bigot in Chief' Trump Told KKK They Can 'Take Hood Off'

May 31st, 2018 11:59 AM
On Wednesday's Hardball on MSNBC, during a panel discussion of President Donald Trump complaining about there being a double standard in ABC punishing Roseanne Barr, with liberals like Keith Olbermann and Jemele Hill being tolerated after incendiary tweets, New York Times contributor Michael Eric Dyson slammed Trump as a "bigot-in-chief" who has made America into a "psychic commode into which he…

Matthews: 'You've Got to Say Something that Leads to Impeachment'

May 25th, 2018 11:12 AM
Chris Matthews, obviously frustrated by the utter lack of any evidence of Trump-Russia collusion, tells an Adam Schiff staffer in private that he needs "something that leads to impeachment."

Wild ‘Hardball’ Panel Calls Trump Presidency ‘Fake,’ Fears for America

May 25th, 2018 10:20 AM
For those keeping score at home, this is the third post on Thursday’s Hardball, so that should tell you plenty about the straight jacket-worthy craziness that unfolded on MSNBC from start to finish. It began at the top with ringleader/host Chris Matthews setting a grim picture of the country’s future down to’s Heidi Przybyla seeming to question the intelligence of those in flyover…

Matthews, Guest Blast Fox as Hate-Filled; NFL Policy Is Apartheid

May 25th, 2018 8:47 AM
Gosh, these people are coming unglued. During Thursday’s edition of Hardball, MSNBC host Chris Matthews declared that “Fox News nation” (aka Trump supporters) are not interested in the American people “get[ting] along with each other” but instead “hat[ing] each other.” Matthews upped the craziness by arguing that, on the NFL’s new national anthem policy, “[t]elling the football players we watch…

Matthews Blasts NFL's Anthem Move with Former 9/11 Truther, Ex-Player

May 24th, 2018 9:27 PM
Amid an absolutely insane Thursday night edition of Hardball, MSNBC host Chris Matthews repeatedly condemned the new NFL policy regarding protests of the Star-Spangled Banner and, during one such instance, he relied on help from former NFL player Donte Stallworth, who happens to be a former 9/11 truther.

What Changed? The Same Media Who Excuse Bob Mueller Abused Ken Starr

May 23rd, 2018 12:32 PM
Today’s journalists routinely assert that it is “extreme,” “dangerous,” and possibly even criminal for the White House – or anyone else, for that matter – to criticize an investigation into the President. But twenty years ago, Independent Counsel Ken Starr was savaged by the same liberal media during his investigation of then-President Bill Clinton. At that time, Starr was harangued as a “…