
WashPost Reporter Insinuates Russian Trolls Made Hillary Lose Election

February 28th, 2018 4:03 PM

Whenever someone from the liberal media footnotes in a Trump-Russia story that there’s no evidence that votes were changed, remember segments like this one from Tuesday’s Hardball that showed why, deep down, they’re still convinced that Russians were why Hillary Clinton lost the election.


Matthews Jokes: Defying the NRA Will Leave You Dead Like Rabin, Sadat

February 27th, 2018 10:20 PM
On Tuesday’s Hardball, lefty MSNBC pundit Chris Matthews refused to correct Democratic Governor Jay Inslee (Wash.) on his absurd claim that the National Rifle Association (NRA) wants first graders to be armed with guns. Not only that, but the host debased the gun rights group's millions of members and civil discourse by comparing anyone who defies the NRA to assassinated leaders Anwar Sadat of…

Matthews Leads Anti-Gun Student Through NRA Bashing Talking Points

February 19th, 2018 10:55 PM
Since the Parkland, Florida school shooting late last week, the liberal media has been leaping at every opportunity to put one of the young anti-gun student activists on the screen so they can parrot back liberal talking points on guns. A great demonstration of this occurred on Monday’s edition of MSNBC’s Hardball where host Chris Matthews took anti-gun activist Chris Grady through his NRA/GOP…

Delusional Matthews Spews Fake News, Fearmongering on Guns

February 16th, 2018 12:29 AM

One can almost count on MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews to make an eyebrow-raising statement on a given night. Thursday night saw Matthews up his game with a stream of fake news, fearmongering, and liberal talk points on gun control a day after the Parkland, Florida high school massacre. 


Media Push Debunked Myth That Trump Urged Execution of Innocent Teens

February 15th, 2018 1:41 PM
After President Donald Trump last week called for "due process" for former White House aide Rob Porter after accusations that he abused both his ex-wives, the dominant liberal media responded by again resurrecting discredited claims that Trump lobbied for the execution of the Central Park Five who were accused of raping a jogger in 1989. In fact, according to a transcript recently posted in Nexis…

‘Hardball’ Spends Nearly 39 Minutes on Gun Control, Minimizes Shooting

February 14th, 2018 11:52 PM
On Tuesday, MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews spent over two and a half times more on trumpeting the need for gun control and chastising gun owners, the National Rifle Association, and ordinary Americans over the issue than covering the deadly Florida school shooting, and its victims. All told, Matthews spent 38 minutes and 46 seconds on segments or parts of ones discussing the issue with…

CNN, MSNBC Pundits Blast American Exceptionalism Due to No Gun Control

February 14th, 2018 8:27 PM
On Tuesday, it didn’t take long for the liberal media to move from learning about what happened at the deadly school shooting in Florida and the victims to lobbying for gun control. Ghoulishly, CNN law enforcement analyst Phil Mudd, MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews, and MSNBC’s The 11th Hour host Brian Williams chose to condemn America as an exceptional country due to its gun policies. 

Still Tingling: The 10th Anniversary of Matthews’s ‘Thrill' Up the Leg

February 12th, 2018 7:30 AM
As tough as journalists are on Donald Trump, it’s hard to believe they ever loved a president as much as Barack Obama. But it’s now been a full decade since Chris Matthews announced his famous “thrill” up the leg. Provoked by Obama’s speeches during the 2008 Democratic primaries, the MSNBC host prompted ten years of mockery for the fawning comment.

Kasie Hunt Accidentally Admits Dems To Blame For January Govt Shutdown

February 9th, 2018 1:11 PM
During the A-block of Friday’s MSNBC Live With Stephanie Ruhle, White House Correspondent Kasie Hunt inadvertently put lie to the media narrative that the government shutdown in late January was not the fault of congressional Democrats.

Hypocrisy: Matthews Rebuffs Trump-Simpson Comparison, Used It Himself

February 8th, 2018 9:01 PM

On Thursday’s Hardball, host Chris Matthews took issue with guest and former Obama Justice Department official Neal Katyal when he compared President Trump’s behavior during the Russia probe to O.J. Simpson trying to discredit the LAPD during his murder trial. While Matthews quibbling with a point raised by a guest is nothing new, it’s noteworthy because the pundit seemed to have suffered some…


Matthews Disparages Johnson, Nunes as ‘Munchkins’ Colluding with WH

February 7th, 2018 11:19 PM
In the A-Block of Wednesday’s Hardball, MSNBC host Chris Matthews lost his cool in denouncing Republicans like Congressman Devin Nunes (Calif.) and Senator Ron Johnson (Wisc.) as part of a “group of munchkins” being “pushed around and led around” by their staffs and the White House in publishing the controversial intelligence memos and FBI texts.

What? Chris Matthews: Trump ‘Goes After’ Pelosi Because She’s ‘Ethnic'

February 6th, 2018 1:55 PM

In his latest nutty rant, MSNBC's Hardball host Chris Matthews adamantly argued that President Trump didn’t like Nancy Pelosi because she was “ethnic.” To back up his crazy point, Matthews cited another white person that Republicans supposedly attacked because they were “ethnic,” former House Speaker from Massachusetts, Tip O’Neill.


‘Hardball’ Goes DEFCON-1 Over Memo Causing ‘All-Out War’ on America

February 1st, 2018 8:56 PM
In another sign of tension ahead of the highly-anticipated intelligence memo’s release, Thursday’s Hardball was in DEFCON-1 territory with MSNBC host Chris Matthews and his A-Block guests melting down over the “all-out war” that could lead to a “constitutional crisis.”

Fake News to Smearing the Defector: Four Awful Moments from ‘Hardball’

February 1st, 2018 3:28 PM
With Tuesday’s State of the Union well-received by the public (and not the liberal media), it was time to move on and back to spreading fake news, attacking Christians, and hurling around tired insults. Luckily for the Resistance, Wednesday’s Hardball accomplished just that thanks to four cringe-worthy moments featuring host Chris Matthews and a team of liberal guests and journalists.