
FLASHBACK: Media’s Most VICIOUS and BIGOTED Attacks on Mike Pence

July 30th, 2020 9:00 AM

The following are the worst attacks on Vice President Pence from the liberal press and Hollywood elitists.

Matthews: Harassment Allegation Against Me Was ‘Highly Justified'

April 28th, 2020 10:12 AM
It’s been almost two months since former Hardball host Chris Matthews stepped down from his weeknight post, but the MSNBC veteran demonstrated in an interview late last week that his views are just as liberal now as they were during his decades-long television tenure. After stating that the sexual harassment charge made against him by GQ columnist Laura Bassett was “highly justified,” Matthews…

Maher: 'Guys Are Married for a Million Years, They Want to Flirt'

March 9th, 2020 4:43 PM

Perhaps no one engages in hypocrisy more than a member of the media elite. Sooner or later, all of the “woke” societal causes championed by the press will boomerang back to their detriment, as was the case with former MSNBC host Chris Matthews. On Friday’s Real Time, HBO host Bill Maher granted mercy to the ex-Hardball host and excused Matthews's improper behavior.

Column: The Sudden Crash of Chris Matthews

March 4th, 2020 7:47 AM
On the Monday before “Super Tuesday,” longtime MSNBC host Chris Matthews came on the air and promptly, tartly announced he was retiring, that “this will be my last Hardball.” His language and tone strongly implied he was being pushed out. Politically, it felt like MSNBC was shedding a host that had become a liability with the Sanders socialists who are a decent chunk of their audience.

'Shut Up Chris': Behar Angry at Matthews for Insulting Hillary's Looks

March 3rd, 2020 2:34 PM
After MSNBC Hardball host Chris Matthews was forced out of a job Monday, the hosts of ABC’s The View had mixed reactions on Tuesday’s show. While some of the hosts praised Matthews, Joy Behar revealed she was fed up with the host’s sexist remarks about women. In particular, she was peeved he had complimented Republican women’s appearances while disparaging Hillary Clinton’s.

Bye-Bye Chris! The Worst of Matthews

March 3rd, 2020 10:20 AM
He’s gone! After 23 years at CNBC and MSNBC, Chris Matthews has “retired” as Hardball host. Here at the MRC we’ve documented Matthews’s long career of slams on conservatives and his thrills over “immaculate” Obama and Jesus-like Bill Clinton. The following are just a few of those Hardball lowlights over the years: 

Watch Kornacki’s Emotional Tributes to Matthews on Final ‘Hardball’

March 3rd, 2020 1:15 AM
Following Monday’s sudden retirement/pushing out of longtime MSNBC pundit Chris Matthews after a plethora of recent negative headlines, Hardball still needed some to see it through to the end. Frequent fill-in host Steve Kornacki was left to soldier on and, while he did, emotions were high. Putting aside Matthews's actions, Kornacki handled Monday night with command, genuine (and heartbreaking)…

Chris Matthews Announces RETIREMENT After Pressure He Be Fired

March 2nd, 2020 8:09 PM
MSNBC’s Hardball is no more! That was part of the somber announcement host Chris Matthews made at the top of the program on Monday when he announced his retirement from the network. The move came after a week of pressure from supporters of Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and the #MeToo movement for him to be fired for controversial comments he had made. The pressure appeared so great that he wasn’t…

Oops! Chris Matthews Confuses Tim Scott and Jaime Harrison

February 29th, 2020 9:48 PM
On Friday evening, MSNBC host Chris Matthews made an embarrassing faux pas as he seemed to forget that South Carolina has more than one black politician and confused Republican Senator Tim Scott with Democratic candidate Jaime Harrison.

Journalist Accuses ‘Unfit’ Matthews of Sexually Suggestive Comments

February 29th, 2020 12:38 PM
In a Friday night column for GQ, former Huffington Post reporter Laura Bassett revealed that MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews was the cable news host she referenced in an October 2017 item alleging repeated inappropriate and sexually suggestive comments. She argued that, based on his “downright irresponsible” behavior that’s been an “open secret,” Matthews is “unfit for his job.”

Angry About Acquittal, Redoing the Russia Hoax and Pushing Dems Left

February 28th, 2020 3:42 PM
Over the past month liberal journalists were infuriated by “dark” Donald Trump’s “bizarre” State of the Union performance and his “vindictive,” “viperous” victory speech after his impeachment acquittal. Lefty hosts like MSNBC’s Chris Matthews and Lawrence O’Donnell tried to redo the Russian hoax. Meanwhile liberal debate moderators like Chuck Todd actually pushed the already-liberal Democratic…

MSNBC Temporarily Benches Jason Johnson For Hot Race Talk on Bernie

February 28th, 2020 8:12 AM
It’s takes a lot of effort for a black commentator to be removed -- even temporarily -- from the liberal MSNBC cable channel, but a magazine editor found himself in that situation. Jason Johnson, a founder of The Root magazine who has been described by others as “a fixture of the network’s Democratic primary analysis,” has been benched for loose talk about "racist white liberals" and "the island…

MSNBC President Softens Political Coverage to ‘Give Bernie His Due’

February 26th, 2020 11:45 AM
Bernie Sanders may be winning the Democratic presidential race right now, but he’s very unhappy with MSNBC, especially after Chris Matthews compared his victory in the Nevada caucuses to the Nazis overtaking France in World War II. Vanity Fair reports MSNBC boss Phil Griffin is hard at work to give Bernie more rally air time and more "smart, pro-Sanders voices" on the network, to "make our…

Despite Apology, Matthews Spends Spin Room with Dems Hammering Bernie

February 26th, 2020 1:55 AM
MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews made clear Tuesday that, despite an apology Monday to socialist Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) for comparing his Nevada win to the Nazis taking France, he would continue to be firmly anti-Sanders. Along with his takes both pre- and post-debate, Matthews used his time with other candidates in the spin room to bash Sanders.