
Matthews Compares Trump to Satan, U.S. Making a ‘Deal With the Devil'

February 4th, 2020 9:53 PM
What was Chris Matthews thinking about in the moments before the State of the Union? Politics? Policy? Nope. He was explaining to the MSNBC audience how Donald Trump is like Satan and Americans are making a “deal with the devil” if they reelect him. Referencing the tempation of Christ by Satan, Matthews said of Americans: “[Trump] will tell us why we should love him. He will promise us the world…

Matthews Mocks Iowa's ‘Three Car Funeral' Preview of Dem ‘Disaster?'

February 4th, 2020 12:26 AM
As the Democratic caucus in Iowa descended into chaos and mockery, Chris Matthews turned up just before midnight on Monday to trash the “three car funeral” and suggest it might be a preview of a coming Democratic disaster for the party. He also warned of a “historic loss for the country” if Democrats couldn’t get their act together. Matthews fumed, “The guy in the White House is chuckling all…

FRENZY ENDS IN A FIZZLE: ‘Sad’ Moment for Democracy, ‘Outlaw’ Survives

February 3rd, 2020 10:45 AM

For over a month the liberal media have been in an impeachment frenzy, as they insisted the only way to save the Republic was to remove the “outlaw” President as they compared him to dictators like Joseph Stalin and likened his aides to “Hitler appeasers.” Celebrities threw tantrums too. The following are just a few of the most obnoxious outbursts from the liberal media’s coverage of the…


Chris Matthews Compares Republicans to North Korean Soldiers

January 28th, 2020 3:55 PM
While anchoring MSNBC's pre-impeachment trial coverage on Monday, Chris Matthews continued his ignoble history with analogies as he resurrected his comparison of Republicans to North Korean soldiers. This time, it came in the aftermath of revelations about former National Security Advisor John Bolton's memoir.

Matthews: ‘I Just Don't Get Argument’ That Bidens Aren't Relevant

January 28th, 2020 1:08 PM
Given his tendency to just say whatever comes to mind, sometimes even the liberal Chris Matthews will float comments not considered acceptable to the official MSNBC line. On Tuesday, he blurted out that “I just don’t get that argument” that Joe and Hunter Biden should be ignored at the Senate impeachment trial.

MSNBC Unmoved by Trump Team's Supposed Lack of Substance, ‘Weak Tea’

January 25th, 2020 5:19 PM
Just like with CNN, MSNBC spent Saturday afternoon doing their best to refrain from using positive descriptors when talking about day one of President Trump’s legal team, instead calling their brief presentation as having included “a little false flag,” not substantive, and “weak tea.” 

MSNBC: ‘We All Know’ Republicans Are ‘Horrified’ By Trump

January 24th, 2020 3:10 PM
During MSNBC’s 11:00 a.m. ET hour impeachment trial coverage on Friday, correspondent Kasie Hunt engaged in some mind reading as she proclaimed that “we all know” Republican senators “are horrified by what the President is doing.” The comment came as she and anchor Chris Matthews hailed Democratic House manager Adam Schiff for being at his “absolute best.”

MSNBC: Schiff Is Atticus Finch, Billy Joel, Prince, and Springsteen!

January 24th, 2020 2:03 PM
On Friday afternoon before the Senate impeachment trial resumed, MSNBC continued to search their mental thesauruses for new ways to describe their dearly beloved lead House Impeachment Manager Adam Schiff (D-CA). What they came up with was to call his Thursday night speech “impassioned and unforgettable” and will be read “about in history books years from now.” To make matters even worse, Schiff…

Did ‘Marxist’ Matthews, Panel Just Give Away the Game on the Trial?

January 23rd, 2020 9:55 PM
From time to time, the liberal media will not only have their masks slip, but completely give away the store in terms of their partisan motivations and strategy. During Thursday’s dinner break in the Senate impeachment trial, MSNBC seemed to have done just that, conceding the trial to be the left’s latest attempt to remove President Trump out of office because they don’t like him.

Crazy MSNBC: Managers Are a Landscaping Team, Schiff Is Vanna White

January 23rd, 2020 8:32 PM
Amidst Thursday’s dinner break in the Senate impeachment trial, MSNBC’s panel kept alive the boring, nonsensical, and predictable living love letter to the House Democratic impeachment managers, calling Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA) “excellent” and equating his team to a thorough landscaping team mowing a lawn or a captivating episode of Wheel of Fortune (with Schiff as Vanna White).

MSNBC's Stengel Compares Trump's Treatment of the Media To Stalin

January 22nd, 2020 8:22 PM
As MSNBC got ready for day two of the impeachment trial, former editor of Time and former Obama Undersecretary of State Rick Stengel joined an panel led by Chris Matthews where he compared President Trump's treatment of the media to Joseph Stalin.

Matthews Wails: ‘Bugs Bunny’ McConnell ‘Always Gets Away With It’

January 22nd, 2020 1:07 PM
During MSNBC’s special impeachment trial coverage on Wednesday, Hardball host Chris Matthews couldn’t help himself from comparing Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to a cartoon character and whined that the Republican lawmaker supposedly “always gets away with” whatever he does.

MSNBC Kicks Off Impeachment With Hype Video, Attacks Voters as Dumb

January 21st, 2020 1:37 PM
MSNBC on Tuesday kicked off impeachment with a movie trailer-style hype video and a Chris Matthews rant about dumb voters. Matthews attempted to compliment the legal strategy of Alan Dershowitz, who is arguing that no crime should equal no conviction. The Hardball host bashed the dummies he fears will find the strategy effective. Matthews spewed, “To the non-attentive voter —  I think Trump…

Bozell & Graham Column: Impeachment Is Now Sacred?

January 16th, 2020 11:05 PM

Just ten months ago, Speaker Nancy Pelosi proclaimed that impeachment of Donald Trump would not happen unless “there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan.” The House vote to impeach Trump was the dictionary definition of partisan – not a single Republican voted yes. There is nothing compelling and overwhelming here. But MSNBC and kthe rest of the pro-impeachment media are…