ABC, CBS: Did 'Heightened Fear and Prejudice' of Ground Zero Mosque Pr

August 26th, 2010 4:59 PM
ABC's Good Morning America and CBS's Early Show on Thursday both speculated as to whether the stabbing of a New York City cabbie was prompted by a climate of anti-Islamic anger. At the same time, GMA and NBC's Today both ignored the fact that the attacker, Michael Enright, volunteered for a charity supporting the mosque. ABC's Jeremy Hubbard wondered if the violence was "proof the rhetoric…

CBS 'Early Show': Can Obama Fix 'Image Problem' and Bring Back 'Campai

August 23rd, 2010 1:30 PM
Opening Saturday's CBS Early Show, co-host Chris Wragge proclaimed: "Image Problem: The President is on vacation and under fire. From the jobless numbers to the Mosque mess – why is the man with the soaring rhetoric having such a hard time getting his message across?" The headline on screen during the later segment read: "Image Issues; Can Obama's Team Bring Campaign Magic Back?"Introducing the…

CBS: Despite Unpopularity, Obama Still 'Raking in Millions' for Dems

August 17th, 2010 12:26 PM
While teasing an upcoming report on President Obama campaigning for Democrats on Tuesday's CBS Early Show, fill-in co-host Chris Wragge touted: "...plunging poll numbers haven't stopped the President from raking in millions at fund raisers across the country." Later, White House correspondent Chip Reid observed: "You know, the President's approval rating is only 44%, but he is still quite popular…

CBS's Smith: Hispanics See Arizona Law as 'Purely Discriminatory

April 27th, 2010 12:37 PM
Near the end of an interview with Arizona Senator John McCain on Tuesday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith turned to the subject of illegal immigration and the new Arizona law to combat it: "a very tough immigration reform bill which basically makes it illegal for you to be in the state without some sort of documentation. Is this law the answer to the immigration crisis?"McCain noted the…

NBC's Brian Williams Ignores Rangel Corruption Charges

February 26th, 2010 11:43 AM
After the Democrats regained control of the House in 2006, Nancy Pelosi promised NBC's Brian Williams that she would "drain the swamp" and "turn this Congress into the most honest and open Congress in history." So when news broke that a House Ethics committee found that long time New York Democratic Congressman Charles Rangel accepted corporate money for trips to the Carribean one would think…

Networks Allow Letterman to Play ‘Victim

October 2nd, 2009 12:57 PM
Just contrast the current David Letterman sex scandal against the 2004 Bill O'Reilly sex scandal. Last night, left-leaning CBS Late Show Host David Letterman announced on his program that he had sex with female staffers. Letterman's announcement was spurred by the plot of a CBS producer to force the host to pay $2 million in exchange for his silence on the matter. ABC, CBS and NBC largely…

Morning Show Anchors Marvel At Obama's Fly Swat

June 17th, 2009 11:32 AM
The common, everyday act of swatting a bug is something that happens countless times a day at picnics and ball games across the country, especially during the summer, but when Barack Obama was caught on tape by CNBC's cameras doing it, the fawning liberal press couldn't contain their excitement. All three broadcast network morning shows, on Wednesday, praised the presidential kill as they were…

He's No Eliot Spitzer; ABC, CBS and NBC All Brand John Ensign a 'Repub

June 17th, 2009 9:38 AM
All three broadcast network morning shows on Wednesday made a point of labeling Nevada Senator John Ensign as a “Republican” after the Senator came forward last night to admit having an extramarital affair last year. NBC, which refrained for days from calling New York Governor Eliot Spitzer a “Democrat” after his relationship with a prostitute was exposed, called Ensign a “conservative…

ABC Offers Skeptical Take on Obama's Stimulus Claims; CBS, NBC Uncriti

May 29th, 2009 12:15 PM
On Friday's "Good Morning America," ABC White House correspondent Jake Tapper provided a skeptical, challenging analysis of the Obama administration's claims about the economic stimulus bill. NBC's "Today" and CBS's "Early Show" on Thursday simply regurgitated White House statements that the "economy is looking much healthier these days" and that the President is "taking credit for writing the…

CBS: Paint Roofs and Roads White to Stop Global Warming

May 28th, 2009 12:24 PM
On Thursday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Julie Chen teased an upcoming segment on a new way to combat global warming: "Up next, if you could do one thing to fight global warming, would you do it? How about painting your roof white? We’ll explain." Fill-in co-host Chris Wragge later introduced the report: "Could painting your roof white be the best defense against global warming? Some very important…

CBS’s Wragge: Obama ‘Overexposed’ After Tonight Show Gaffe

March 23rd, 2009 5:46 PM
At the top of the Saturday Early Show, co-host Chris Wragge took a critical look at President Obama's recent media tour: "The Obama blitz, the President’s appearing everywhere but is his media tour taking attention away from his message?" In a later report, correspondent Kimberly Dozier highlighted Obama’s Tonight Show Special Olympics gaffe as evidence: "It can and did go a little bit wrong with…

NBC Buries Obama Special Olympics line; ABC Knocks 'Late Night Gaffe

March 20th, 2009 1:02 PM
NBC's "Today" show on Friday minimized and neglected a gaffe by Barack Obama that his bowling skills are on the level of the "Special Olympics or something." In contrast, ABC's "Good Morning America" and CBS's "Early Show" heavily covered the remark. GMA devoted the first two segments to the ill advised joke the President made on Thursday's "Tonight Show With Jay Leno." And although "Today"…

Big War Over 'Big Love

March 16th, 2009 2:19 PM
CBS merely brushed off the controversy that upset many members of the Mormon Church when interviewing HBO’s “Big Love” star Bill Paxton on March 16, 2009.The TV series about a Mormon polygamist has not surprisingly gotten plenty of attention in its three years on air. This time, however, “Big Love” is causing trouble because the March 15 episode showed a highly sacred Mormon temple ceremony. CBS’…

Newsweek's Evan Thomas: Economic Solution 'May Just Be Throwing More M

January 27th, 2009 10:48 AM
Newsweek’s Evan Thomas, a former Washington bureau chief at the magazine, was typically blunt as he warmly assessed Obama’s first few days in office on the Saturday Early Show. "He's moving right along, he's not wasting any time. He still seems cool. I think the American public's still with him," he announced. But what about the crisis atmosphere in the economy and the banking sector? Said Thomas…