
Ex-MSNBC's Abrams: 'Many in Media to Left of Hillary,' Not 'Swooning'

August 8th, 2016 11:19 PM
Appearing as a guest on Sunday's Relable Sources on CNN, former MSNBC general manager Dan Abrams advised against Donald Trump complaining about media bias against him, and claimed that the media are not "swooning" for Hillary Clinton the way they did for Barack Obama in 2008, as he asserted that the media "really don't like her" partly because "many in the media" are "to the left of Hillary…

ABC Slams ‘Outrage’ of Sean Penn’s Interview With El Chapo

January 11th, 2016 12:25 PM
Even the journalists at ABC News, who have their own problems with journalistic ethics, were disgusted by Rolling Stone having Sean Penn interview the drug lord known as El Chapo. Legal analyst Dan Abrams appeared on Good Morning America, Monday, to decry, “I think he [Penn] did something wrong here. In particular, I think Rolling Stone did something wrong here, journalistically.” 

Nightline Defends Sanctuary City Laws as Having Good Intentions

July 8th, 2015 3:42 PM
The normally vacuous Nightline on Tuesday night took a break from such topics as "bootleg butt injections" and instead offered a sympathetic look at San Francisco's sanctuary city law. The city's practice of not reporting illegal immigrants came under harsh scrutiny after a woman was murdered by a man who had been deported five times. ABC analyst Dan Abrams appeared to defend the laws, saying, "…

NBC Laments Ferguson Grand Jury ‘Failed To Come Up With Charges'

November 25th, 2014 9:55 AM
On Monday night, a grand jury in Ferguson, Missouri found no probable cause to indict Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson for the shooting death of Michael Brown. Following the grand jury’s ruling, the “big three” (ABC, CBS, and NBC) all broke from their regular prime time programming to announce the decision. Unlike ABC and CBS, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams failed to mention any of…

On Saturday, Nets Gloss Over 'Scathing' Report on V.A. Scandal, ABC Ig

June 29th, 2014 4:56 PM
After Friday's World News on ABC ignored the White House report on the infamous problems with the Department of Veterans Affairs, Saturday's Good Morning America on ABC also ignored the scandal, while CBS This Morning Saturday and NBC's Today show -- both of which are two-hour programs - only ran short briefs, the one on CBS totaling 25 seconds and the one on NBC 19 seconds. By contrast, the…

Blackout: 400 Days Since ABC's 'Nightline' Covered IRS Scandal

June 19th, 2014 12:19 PM
As of June 19, 2014, it's been 400 days since Nightline, the once-serious news program, has covered the growing scandal involving the Internal Revenue Service's targeting of Tea Party organizations. This includes the new revelation that the IRS has "lost" former director Lois Lerner's e-mails and the hard drives have been destroyed. In fact, Lerner's name has never been uttered on Nightline.…

Blackout: 200 Days Since ABC's 'Nightline' Covered ObamaCare

June 2nd, 2014 8:20 AM
As of June 2, 2014, it's been 200 days since Nightline, the once-vaunted news program, covered ObamaCare. In the 28 and a half weeks since November 14, 2013, the show has continued its descent into tabloid oblivion, focusing on topics such as celebrities, weight loss and pop culture. As a consequence, the program has skipped the myriad of problems associated with ObamaCare.   When the White…

52 People Shot in Rahm Emanuel's Bloody Chicago; CBS Ignores

April 22nd, 2014 4:00 PM
Fifty-two people were shot, eight fatally, over the last three days in a bloody epidemic sweeping Rahm Emanuel's Chicago. Yet, CBS has, thus far, completely ignored the crime wave while NBC's Today on Monday and ABC's Good Morning America on Tuesday gave only a few seconds each to the violence in the city run by Barack Obama's former chief of staff.  GMA news reader Dan Abrams explained, "…

ABC’s Dan Abrams On Zimmerman Coverage: Don’t Blame Media, We ‘E

July 17th, 2013 5:34 PM
To those of us who pay attention to the news media, it is clear that journalists played a major role in stirring up public outrage over the Trayvon Martin killing by essentially assuming George Zimmerman’s guilt before all the facts of the case were known. But on Tuesday, ABC News legal analyst Dan Abrams tried to absolve the media of any wrongdoing in covering the shooting and subsequent trial…

Smiley on Zimmerman Verdict: Evidence of Contempt This Nation Shows fo

July 14th, 2013 2:21 PM
As NewsBusters has been reporting, the liberal media are out in force Sunday expressing their disgust with the George Zimmerman verdict. On ABC's This Week, PBS's Tavis Smiley had the nerve to say, "I think this for many Americans, George, just another piece of evidence of the incontrovertible contempt that this nation often shows and displays for black men" (video follows with transcript and…

ABC's Dan Abrams On Zimmerman: 'I Don't See How A Jury Convicts

July 6th, 2013 8:10 AM
No wonder Dan Abrams left MSNBC . . . The former legal analyst at the "Lean Forward" network, now at ABC, expressed an opinion this morning that would surely be unwelcome at his former shop.   Guest-hosting on Good Morning America, Abrams opined that as a legal matter "I don't see how a jury convicts" George Zimmerman of murder or manslaughter.  Abrams sees too much reasonable doubt in the…

MSNBC, Which Mocked Karl Rove for Signing Up With 'Home Team' Fox, to

February 19th, 2013 6:36 PM
In 2008, a then-MSNBC host mocked George W. Bush's senior adviser, Karl Rove, for signing up with the "home team" of Fox News. Yet, on Tuesday it was announced that Barack Obama's senior adviser, David Axelrod, will be joining NBC and MSNBC as an analyst. A NBC press release hyped that Axelrod "will contribute frequently across all broadcasts and platforms of both networks." (There was no…

NYT's East Africa Reporter Works in Bizarre Shot at Israel's Alleged E

December 20th, 2012 7:51 AM
Dan Abrams at Mediaite caught a weird bit of anti-Israel bias in Jeffrey Gettleman's brutal investigation on Sunday's New York Times front page of the carnage in Congo: But for years Tutsi-led Rwanda has tried to carve out a zone of influence in eastern Congo, using ethnic Tutsi militias and Tutsi businessmen inside Congo to do its bidding. Rwanda has a very disciplined, patriotic army that…

MSNBCer: 'The Situation At Our Channel Is About To Blow Up

August 27th, 2008 10:36 PM
On Wednesday, NewsBusters asked: Is the hatred [Keith] Olbermann has been spewing on virtually a nightly basis beginning to take its toll on his fellow on air personalities presaging a looming uncivil war at MSNBC?Hours later, Politico reported (emphasis added throughout): Amid a spate of awkward on-air conflicts among MNSBC anchors at this week’s Democratic convention, some staff members say…