
CNN Panics About Dropping Masks for Vaccinated: 'It's Very Scary!'

May 14th, 2021 7:42 PM

On CNN's Inside Politics Friday, host John King fretted about the new CDC guidelines with Dana Bash and Jeff Zeleny worrying that vaccinated people do not need to wear masks in most circumstances.


CNN Laughs, Accuses Sen. Tim Scott of Tokenism, an Uncle Tom for GOP

April 28th, 2021 11:56 PM

Casual racism was the disgusting tone CNN decided to go with following South Carolina Senator Tim Scott’s delivery of the Republican response to President Biden’s address to Congress Wednesday night. Together, chief political correspondent Dana Bash and senior political correspondent Abby Phillip cackled as they attacked Scott as a liar for defending Republican election integrity efforts and…

The Liberal Media’s 100-Day Swoon Over Kamala Harris

April 27th, 2021 8:30 AM

Watch the news for any length of time, and it’s easy to distinguish the liberal media’s heroes from their villains. And for the last three months, new Vice President Kamala Harris has definitely been a media hero.

Dana Bash CNN SOTU 4-25-21

OMITTED: CNN's Bash Doesn't Ask Kamala About Failure to Visit Border

April 26th, 2021 11:58 AM

This wasn't a softball interview. It didn't even rise to powder-puff level. This was a love-in. Dana Bash's interview of Vice-President Kamala Harris on CNN's State of the Union that aired on April 25th was nothing short of a journalistic disgrace. Among other failures, Bash didn't ask Harris the most obvious question: why, despite being put in charge of the border crisis by Biden a month ago…


Absurd CNN Falsely Claims ‘Icon’ Ginsburg Was ‘Not Political’ on Court

April 15th, 2021 4:29 PM

Dana Bash joined CNN Newsroom host Ana Cabrera on Thursday to discuss a new biography of Nancy Pelosi that contains a dispute Pelosi had with Mitch McConnell after the death of Ruth Bader Ginsberg about whether she should lie in state at the Capitol. Both portrayed Ginsburg as "iconic" and tried to portray Ginsburg as someone who wasn't an activist wearing a robe.


Jake Tapper Doubts Paralyzed Vet Is Committed to America After No Vote

January 13th, 2021 5:19 PM

Wednesday afternoon during the second Trump impeachment vote, CNN’s The Lead and State of the Union co-host Jake Tapper lobbed a disgusting and vile attack on Republican Congressman Brian Mast (FL) for voting against impeachment, questioning whether the Army veteran and double-amputee is truly committed to upholding and defending the Constitution and American democracy.

Enjoy Your Vacation! Fake News Jim Leaves WH, Will Anchor on Weekends

January 11th, 2021 3:34 PM

On Monday morning, CNN and chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta announced that, having spewed four years of hatred against President Trump and his supporters and vanquished Trump from office, he’ll depart the White House beat. Instead, he’ll become chief domestic correspondent and become a weekend anchor for the Jeffrey Zucker-led circus. We report, you decide on whether that’s a…

Jumping for Joy: CNN Celebrates Biden Win for ‘Decency,’ Cheers Crowds

November 7th, 2020 6:33 PM

It was one of (if not) the greatest day in the lives of many on-air CNN personalities on Saturday as news organizations declared Joe Biden the 46th President of the United States. Whether it was Jake Tapper sounding like a Lincoln Project mouthpiece, Van Jones crying, Abby Phillip emulating the wokeness of millennial journalism, or cheering thousands taking to the streets during a…


Loathsome CNN Ogles at ‘Big,’ ‘Presidential,’ ‘Soaring’ Biden Speech

November 7th, 2020 1:57 AM

Despite the fact that it was not a victory speech as news outlets had yet to declare him the 46th President, CNN reacted Friday night with nothing but admiration for Joe Biden, calling their candidate's remarks a “big,” “optimistic,” “presidential,” and “soaring” speech “about America” that “applauded democracy.”


CNN: We Must Celebrate 'Remarkable Moment' of Biden/Harris Winning

November 6th, 2020 8:37 PM

With Joe Biden on the verge of being declared the winner of the presidential election, CNN's Friday afternoon panel took the time to tell the country that we should all celebrate the historic glass-shattering moment of Kamala Harris becoming vice president. We must also subscribe to the theory that says that Biden has a mandate, despite Democrats' lousy performance in House and Senate races…


CNN RAGES Over ‘Flailing,’ ‘Obese Turtle’ Trump ‘Inciting Violence’

November 5th, 2020 10:56 PM

Following President Trump’s Thursday night statement claiming widespread voter fraud, CNN chose not to simply dissect and/or dismantle Trump’s claims with any sobriety. Instead, the apocalyptic network threw one tantrum after the next over how the “flailing” and “obese a hot sun” decided to “attack democracy” and supposedly “incit[e] violence” on what was “sad night for the United…


Hedging Bets: CNN Now Says Dem ‘Landslide’ Was ‘Always a Pipe Dream’

November 3rd, 2020 11:33 PM

With President Trump holding onto good leads in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and Ohio (with strong numbers in the rest of the rust belt), months of media reports about the death of the Trump presidency may have been greatly exaggerated. So much so that shortly before the 10 o’clock hour, CNN started hedging their bets by suggesting pundit predictions of a Democratic landslide were “always…


CNN Avoids Biden Pledge to Gut Oil/Gas, Trump ‘Theoretically’ Normal

October 22nd, 2020 11:55 PM

The final presidential debate, Thursday, featured a more strategic and measured President Trump who allowed Democratic nominee Joe Biden to speak more freely and thus tie himself in knots with his own policy proposals, including admitting to wanting to gut the oil and natural gas industry in this country. The liberal media have spent weeks denying this fact, so it was no surprise that CNN’s so…


Debate Damage Control: CNN Says Kamala Was Victim of Racism, Sexism

October 7th, 2020 11:53 PM

Mere moments after the vice presidential debate concluded Wednesday CNN was in full damage-control mode for Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) and the Biden campaign. Prior to the debate, the liberal media was praising how she was going to bring her prosecutorial reputation to bear against the evil Trump administration. But according to CNN’s band of flunkies, Jake Tapper, Dana Bash, and Abby…