
CNN IN LOVE: Kamala Is a ‘Fighter,’ ‘Remarkable Moment’ for America

August 11th, 2020 5:50 PM

Having received word Tuesday afternoon that Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) would be Joe Biden’s running mate, CNN was smitten and thus Zuckerville citizens had their marching orders. In the moments after the announcement, she was hailed as a “fighter,” “historic” figure making for a “remarkable moment” that will help “expand” America’s “imagination” “about who can lead.”


CNN: The Only Way to Honor John Lewis Is to Embrace Liberalism

July 29th, 2020 8:05 AM

While most of the coverage of John Lewis' memorial focused on his role in the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960's and later career as a congressman, CNN's Abby Phillip and Dana Bash argued on Monday's special edition of CNN Newsroom that if Americans wanted to honor Lewis' legacy, they should embrace not just Lewis' dedication to civil rights and racial equality, but also his…


CNN’s King’s Dabbles in Doublespeak to Hide Antifa Violence

July 28th, 2020 4:12 PM

CNN continued to showcase how much they hate Americans knowing the truth on Tuesday, by objecting to Republicans showing footage of the media downplaying left-wing anarchy in Portland to open the House Judiciary Committee hearing today. 


Rooting for the Virus? CNN Boasts Pandemic Is ‘Beating’ Trump ‘Badly’

July 23rd, 2020 9:39 PM

Through its rhetoric on the coronavirus pandemic, CNN has made it abundantly clear its goal has been to send Americans into mentally-crippling fear over the coronavirus pandemic and blaming President Trump directly for the rampant loss of life. Thursday’s Situation Room did that in reacting to the White House Coronavirus Task Force briefing, bragging that “the chickens [have come]…


Fear-Loving CNN Lambastes Briefing, Suggests ‘Rosy’ Trump Doesn't Care

July 21st, 2020 10:03 PM

White House Coronavirus Task Force briefings returned for what one could call a second season on Tuesday and, once again, CNN’s Situation Room decided that such briefings are again a waste, entirely political, and feature a President speaking from notes who not only doesn’t care about the American people, but has refused to scare Americans into crippling fear over the virus.


Disgusting: CNN's Berman Mocks Members of Trump Team Contracting COVID

July 7th, 2020 2:30 PM

On Monday morning’s New Day, CNN hosts John Berman and Alisyn Camerota brought on chief political correspondent Dana Bash to spout Democratic propaganda about President Trump’s handling of the coronavirus. Berman was so nasty that he even joked about several members of the Trump campaign contracting the virus: “It is a traveling coronavirus road show from the Trump campaign right now…

Dana Bash Tammy Duckworth CNN SOTU 7-5-20

Potential Biden VP Refuses to Rule Out Taking Down Washington Statues!

July 5th, 2020 12:04 PM

On CNN's State of the Union, Sen. Tammy Duckworth, who is reportedly attracting buzz as Joe Biden's potential running mate, refuses to rule out taking down statues of George Washington. Asked by Dana Bash, subbing for Jake Tapper, Duckworth first said "we should start off by having a national dialogue on it." Pressed by Bash, she again refused to express opposition to taking down statues of…


CNN Decides Biden Will Win, Ignores COVID Gaffe

June 26th, 2020 7:00 PM

On Friday morning’s New Day, CNN hosts Alisyn Camerota and John Berman brought on political correspondent Dana Bash to assert that their candidate, Joe Biden, has already won the presidential election. Camerota asserted that “voters agree” with Biden calling President Trump “a child” and the hosts and Bash ignored a major gaffe that Biden made about coronavirus in the same speech.


CNN Panel Rages Against Trump's Use of 'Kung Flu' as 'Overtly Racist'

June 24th, 2020 7:40 AM

Based on Monday’s edition of The Situation Room, it looks like the liberal media are running out of talking points to use when trashing President Trump. Host Wolf Blitzer and the panel repeatedly trashed the President as a racist and managed to invoke yet another Trump-Nixon comparison.


Dana Bash: Talking About America's Heritage Is a Racist Dog Whistle!

June 17th, 2020 9:59 PM

On Wednesday's CNN Newsroom, Dana Bash expanded the definition of racism to include talking about the nation's heritage, claiming that phrase to be a well-known dog whistle.


Blitzer Marvels at Bash’s ‘Excellent,’ Social Distance Biden Interview

May 27th, 2020 8:15 AM
Tuesday’s Dana Bash-Joe Biden interview was embarrassing and pathetic to begin with for CNN, but things got even dumber right after it first aired. On The Situation Room, host Wolf Blitzer spent over six minutes boasting of how not only was it an “excellent interview” with Biden’s “very strong words” for President Trump, but how socially distanced the interview was.

Loyal Lackey: CNN’s Bash Goes Soft on Biden, Helps Push Conspiracies

May 26th, 2020 11:01 PM
Naturally, Trump-hating and fear-loving CNN served Tuesday as Joe Biden’s first in-person interview since the coronavirus pandemic began and, right on cue, chief political correspondent Dana Bash fulfilled her role as a real-life Bashful, liberal foot solider, and citizen of Zuckerville. Between softball questions and assisting Biden in touting anti-Trump conspiracy theories, it was mission…

Delusional CNN Rewrites Biden History, Hits MSNBC as Dem's ‘Home Team'

May 1st, 2020 12:30 PM
CNN journalists seem to be switching to an alternate reality when it comes to the Tara Reade sexual assault allegations. The network that didn’t cover the story at all for a month now says that “the media has been reporting on this extensively.” On Friday's New Day, Dana Bash derided competitor MSNBC, where Biden finally gave an interview on the topic, as a “home team” venue for the Democrat.

MELTDOWN: CNN Rages at WH 'Propaganda' Video Calling Out Media

April 14th, 2020 12:38 PM
Hell hath no fury than a journalist confronted with his own hypocrisy. That was evident Monday evening into Tuesday morning as just about every CNN host and correspondent raged at President Trump for playing a video during Monday’s coronavirus task force briefing that called out the media for their hypocritical coverage of COVID-19.