
CNN Fails to Mention Ilhan Omar During Question About Anti-Semitism

May 31st, 2019 5:04 PM
On Thursday night, CNN gave 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, Colorado Senator Michael Bennet, a town hall. Moderator Dana Bash, remarked about the tragic history of Bennett’s mother and grandparents, who lived through the Holocaust in Poland, but failed to mention the rhetoric used by Democratic congresswomen.

VIDEO: CNN, MSNBC Decide Mueller ‘Basically’ Called for Impeachment

May 30th, 2019 3:35 PM
CNN and MSNBC's audiences heard repeated assertions on Wednesday that Special Counsel Mueller’s public briefing was “basically” a call for President Trump’s impeachment or prosecution. Rather than simply relaying what Mueller had actually said, cable hosts meticulously picked apart and psychoanalyzed his words to divine what the Special Counsel “really” meant: that the President was “a criminal”…

CNN Panel Twists Mueller's Words to Declare Trump Guilty

May 29th, 2019 5:43 PM
On Wednesday, Special Counsel Robert Mueller held a press conference on the Russia investigation and the subsequent investigation into obstruction of justice. Mueller’s statement wasn’t very revealing, but that didn’t keep the liberal media from declaring President Trump guilty and jumping on the impeachment train yet again.

Updated: Media Mention Impeachment 363 Times in One Day

April 19th, 2019 11:09 AM
Although the Mueller report did not recommend any charges against the President, liberal journalists on cable and broadcast networks spent Thursday suggesting to audiences that impeachment was imminent, if not inevitable. Throughout Thursday afternoon and Friday morning, liberal talking heads on cable and broadcast news networks mentioned impeachment an astonishing 309 times during their coverage…

CNN Loons: Trump Is Screwed Since Mueller Report Is ‘Very Damaging’

April 18th, 2019 2:54 PM
After a Thursday morning of losing touch with reality both before and after the release of the Mueller report, the CNN ostriches insisted that the President obstructed justice, the report is “pretty bad,” “very damaging,” Republicans are charting a legacy where lying about Russian contacts is acceptable, and the Mueller team want Congress to determine Trump’s guilt through impeachment.

CNN Panel Celebrates Mueller Report as ‘Road Map’ for Impeachment

April 18th, 2019 12:47 PM
In the first hour since the liberal media had time Thursday morning to sift through the Mueller report, the CNN analysts and hosts masquerading as Loony Tunes characters were distressed the Mueller team didn’t make a ruling on whether President Trump obstructed justice. But on the other hand, they cheered the report’s ten instances of possible obstruction constituted a “road map” for the House to…

CNN's Toobin Accuses Barr of Sending a 'Dog Whistle to Sean Hannity'

April 11th, 2019 9:50 PM
Discussing Attorney General William Barr’s testimony on Capitol Hill Wednesday, the panel on The Situation Room repeatedly used the terms “dog whistle” and “bullhorn” when describing his assertion that there was spying on the Trump campaign leading up to the 2016 election. CNN chief legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin went so far as to accuse Barr of sending a “dog whistle” to Fox News host Sean Hannity…

CNN Desperately Clings to Their Claims That Trump Obstructed Justice

March 24th, 2019 6:33 PM
Moments after first admitting President Trump was “cleared” and “exonerated” Sunday afternoon by Attorney General William Barr’s letter about the Mueller report, then walling it back on CNN Newsroom, the same assembled cast of analysts and journalists insisted that, while there may not have been enough evidence to charge President Trump with obstruction of justice, there was enough for Dems to…

CNNers Admit: Trump Has Been ‘Cleared’ and ‘Exonerated’, Walk It Back

March 24th, 2019 4:47 PM
The assembled cast of CNN reporters and analysts were staring down at their phones and printouts as they were reading Attorney General William Barr’s letter to Congress summarizing the Special Counsel report, Sunday afternoon. They seemed almost mystified by the findings when they began admitted President Trump would not be facing charges. But then once they seemed to realize what they were…

CNN’s Bash Presses Hickenlooper on National Emergency Against Guns

March 21st, 2019 12:52 AM
Wednesday was CNN’s Democratic Town Hall with former Colorado Governor and 2020 hopeful John Hickenlooper in Atlanta, Georgia, which was only the latest in their series. And while there were some funny moments, there were plenty of far-left questions sprinkled throughout. One of which came from moderator and chief political correspondent Dana Bash, asking Hickenlooper if he would sign a national…

Getting Excited for Beto, But Bummed by Trump

March 20th, 2019 11:00 AM
In the past few weeks we’ve seen the media get excited for Beto O’Rourke while also blaming Donald Trump for the actions of a crazed shooter. Vanity Fair sent Joe Hagan to pen a cover story on Beto that left the writer giddy about a “gleam in his eye” as the “too innocent to be a politician” began his presidential campaign. Conversely, journalists raged at Donald Trump’s reaction to the shooting…

Divisive CNN Blames Trump Giving NZ Terrorist ‘Credence,’ ‘Validity’

March 15th, 2019 3:48 PM
From 6:00 a.m. Eastern to 12:00 p.m. Eastern, CNN analysts, commentators, and hosts repeatedly takes such as “[t]here is a one man who pulled the trigger here” inside two Christchurch mosques on Friday afternoon (New Zealand time), but they very quickly pivoted using transition words like “but” to then place blame on President Trump due to the animal’s citation of the President in a screed CNN…

Dana Bash: Trump Riling Up His Base Also Riles Up ‘Nut Jobs’

March 15th, 2019 12:35 PM
Even if a shooting happens in another country, the anti-Trump media here at home are quick to put the blame entirely on President Trump. After the horrific massacre at two mosques in New Zealand, CNN’s Dana Bash and John Avlon complained that Trump’s rhetoric was responsible for the alleged suspect’s violent act of terrorism, which killed 49 people. Bash made a direct link between what Trump says…

FLASHBACK: Media Dismissed GOP Investigations as Partisan Witch Hunts

March 11th, 2019 10:16 AM
A “partisan” “witch hunt” that is wasting “taxpayer millions” is not how liberal journalists are describing current Democratic congressional investigations into Donald Trump’s finances and alleged Russian collusion. No, those words are strictly reserved for when Republicans are investigating Democratic scandals that involved Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton. The following are just few…