WashPost's Milbank Is Paranoid About How 'Dangerous' Scott Walker Is

July 28th, 2015 5:05 PM
The Washington Post's Dana Milbank is obsessed with tearing Wisconsin Governor and 2016 GOP presidential candidate Scott Walker down, and is clearly not above distorting the facts to make his pathetic points. Milbank's latest tirade is about how Walker is allegedly "so dangerous" because he doesn't like unions. That's based on quite a bit of direct experience, which has included death threats…

Panel on The Last Word: GOP to Blame If SCOTUS Rules Against ObamaCare

June 18th, 2015 11:04 AM
Discussing the upcoming King v. Burwell decision on the legality of ObamaCare subsidies, Lawrence O'Donnell pushed the idea that Republicans would be culpable if the Supreme Court rules against the administration. On the June 17 edition of The Last Word, the host invited on the liberal trio of Ezra Klein, Dana Milbank, and Michael Tomasky to attack the Republicans for their irresponsibility and…

Media Distort Conservative Women's Positions on Abortion, Religion

June 15th, 2015 1:13 PM
In a Friday column, the Washington Post's Dana Milbank again misquoted a conservative, where he attacked pro-lifers for not being "on the right side of logic" for opposing abortion, but not supporting "contraceptives [which] would seriously reduce abortions." Milbank cited Americans United for Life's Charmaine Yoest, who supposedly stated, "'I haven't seen anything' to convince her that more…

Milbank Suggests Schieffer Should Seek Dem Nomination

April 19th, 2015 1:29 PM
Sure, it was tongue in cheek. But still, it revealed an underlying truth . . . On today's Face the Nation, when Bob Schieffer wondered why the Dems have fielded only one presidential candidate, the Washington Post's Dana Milbank responded by suggesting that Schieffer himself should go for it. Milbank said there was a "real opportunity" for someone to run against Hillary by filling the Elizabeth…

MSNBC’s Alex Wagner Compares Netanyahu to ‘Scooby Doo’ Villain

March 19th, 2015 8:41 AM
On Wednesday, MSNBC host Alex Wagner continued the “Lean Forward” network’s tradition of vilifying Israeli Benjamin Netanyahu by comparing him to a “Scooby Doo” villain who has just pulled off his mask “revealing himself to be who he is actually.” 

Blogger: GOP Favors ‘Heresy Against the Constitutional Order’

March 14th, 2015 11:41 AM
Esquire’s Pierce claims that Republicans’ subversive efforts are fueled by a mixture of avarice (“they want the country to come apart so they can sell off the pieces to the people who run their campaigns”) and racism: “This heresy, which should have died at Gettysburg, is part and parcel of the modern conservative movement, which was born out of the flotsam left behind by the (partial) fall of…

WaPo's Milbank: GOP Iran Letter 'Unprecedented' by Number of Signers

March 13th, 2015 11:33 PM
Liberal journalists have come up with an unconvincing new spin on how the open letter signed by 47 Senate Republicans to the leaders of Iran is "unprecedented." It's because 47 politicians signed it. So every time Sen. Tom Cotton talked another colleague into signing on to this letter, he was multiplying the "unprecedented" argument used by Democrats and their "objective" media enablers.…

WashPost's Milbank Accuses Walker of Giuliani-Related 'Cowardice'

February 23rd, 2015 12:08 AM
In his Friday Washington Post column, Dana Milbank accused Scott Walker of "cowardice" which "ought to disqualify him as a serious presidential contender." Walker's alleged "cowardice" was his failure to disown the following remark made by New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani: “I do not believe that the president loves America.” Last time I checked, Rudy's entitled to his opinion, and Walker's…

Salon: ‘Parents Owning Children is Staple of Right-Wing Rhetoric'

February 3rd, 2015 2:08 PM
After a nationwide outbreak of measles and other formerly-eradicated diseases have made a comeback, largely due to internet-driven fear mongering about a disproved link between autism and vaccines, a national discussion on whether vaccinations should be mandated by government or parents should have the right to opt-out has ensued.  Some politicians on the right like Gov. Chris Christie and Sen.…

WashPost's Milbank: Obama On Track to Be As Popular As Reagan

January 28th, 2015 5:10 PM
On MSNBC's PoliticsNation on Tuesday, host Al Sharpton touted liberal Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank making a "bold prediction" about the remainder of Barack Obama's presidency: "...you wrote, quote, 'If the economy continues on its current trajectory, as most expect, he'll leave office a popular president and leave the 2016 Democratic nominee with a relatively easy past to victory.'"

MSNBC’s O’Donnell Defends Gruber: ‘What He Did Was Tell The Truth’

November 18th, 2014 12:24 PM
MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell, host of the Last Word, stopped by Morning Joe on Tuesday, November 18 and did his best to defend ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber from criticism following video of him saying that the “stupidity of the American voter” was key to getting ObamaCare passed. Speaking to the Morning Joe panel, O’Donnell argued that “what Gruber did, specific language aside, the offensive…

WashPost First Ignores, Then Spins Walkout of Obama/Brown Rally

October 21st, 2014 4:20 PM
On Monday, Maryland conservative political blogger Jeff Quinton explained how The Washington Post ignored crowds streaming out of the October 19 Democratic campaign rally for Anthony Brown featuring President Barack Obama. On Tuesday, Post columnist Dana Milbank admitted that the crowds did thin out well before the event was concluded, but he made sure to put the best possible spin on the matter.

Dana Milbank: ‘Dick Cheney, Still Blindly Beating The Drums of War’

September 11th, 2014 1:57 PM
In the wake of President Obama announcing that the United States will use air strikes to target the terrorist group ISIS in Iraq and Syria, the Washington Post’s Dana Milbank decided to go after liberals’ favorite punching bag, former Vice President Dick Cheney. In an op-ed that appeared in Thursday’s Washington Post, Milbank proclaimed “Dick Cheney, Still Blindly Beating The Drums of War.” The…

Milbank: Obama More Passionate About Playing Golf Than Pushing His Age

August 13th, 2014 9:37 AM
President Obama is more "forceful" and "stubborn" about playing golf than he is about pushing through his policy agenda.  That was Dana Milbank's take on today's Morning Joe.   As Joe Scarborough described it, earlier this week the normally left-leaning Milbank enjoyed a "12-minute honeymoon" with conservatives after his Washington Post column called Obama's decision to go golfing while the…