Obama Takes Credit For 'Saving World Economy From a Great Depression'

April 25th, 2016 6:25 PM
If what Barack Obama contended in London, England on Saturday was obviously true, I suspect that the establishment press would be broadly proclaiming it and looking back at the President's wonderful work. What Obama is claiming — that his presidency is responsible for "saving the world economy from a Great Depression" — is nonsense, but he's clearly beginning to lobby for it to become the…

AP's Darlene Superville: Critics of Obama Economy Are 'Deniers'

February 29th, 2016 5:34 PM
It appears that there's an effort underway to expand the definition of "deniers" beyond the realm of climate change/"global warming." Ideally, in leftists' minds, a "denier" would be "anyone who doesn't accept leftist dogma without reservations." That definition would apparently extend to anything relating to the economy, if Associated Press White House reporter and dedicated Barack Obama…

AP: San Bernardino Terrorist Massacre Was a 'Mass Shooting'

December 17th, 2015 10:04 AM
Pity the poor folks at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press. The Obama administration, usually hyper-reluctant to characterize a domestic terrorist attack on U.S. soil as, well, a domestic terrorist attack, has actually had to admit in the face of overwhelming evidence that the San Bernardino massacre on December 2, during which 14 were killed and two dozen injured, was indeed a…

After Tenn. Massacre, AP Asks Earnest About 'Father-Daughter Weekend'

July 20th, 2015 12:46 AM
On Friday, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest held his first press briefing after the massacre of then-four, now-five Americans "at a military recruiting office and a Navy-Marine operations center a few miles apart" in Chattanooga, Tennessee. A mere three minutes into that briefing, thanks to the Associated Press's Darlene Superville, he was already on another topic: President Obama's…

AP Fails to Report Obama's Claim That 'Our War in Afghanistan' Is Over

May 25th, 2015 4:58 PM
Today at Arlington Cemetery, President Obama said — not kidding — "For many of us, this Memorial Day is especially meaningful; it is the first since our war in Afghanistan came to an end." He immediately added: "Today is the first Memorial Day in 14 years that the United States is not engaged in a major ground war." At the White House's twitter account, one finds the first of those two sentences…

AP Shamelessly Changes the Obama Subject -- From Health Care to His Co

December 3rd, 2013 2:14 PM
AP knows how to change the subject from the Obamacare fiasco. AP reporter Darlene Superville has decided now is the ideal time to focus on “5 New Things About President Obama.” They’re five personal stories about his activities. Superville began: “The man who lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. is more than just another celebrity, or the famous face behind the government's troubled health care…

As Contrary Evidence Mounts, Establishment Press Ignores President's

September 29th, 2013 11:44 PM
Google News really needs to work on its results counter. The first page of its 10:15 p.m. search listings on [Obama "widespread evidence"] (typed exactly as indicated between brackets) tells us that there are "about 90 results," but moving to the second page of listed results shows there are only 11 (technically 13, because the first listing on the first page has three items). Those sparse…

Obama: Ho Chi Minh 'Inspired' by the Declaration, Jefferson; Press Cov

July 27th, 2013 8:38 PM
At the White House on Thursday, President Obama let his radical leftist slip show when he accepted a 67 year-old letter from from Ho Chi Minh to U.S. President Harry Truman given to him by Vietnam's current president Truong Tan Sang and spoke of the letter's contents: "... we discussed the fact that Ho Chi Minh was actually inspired by the U.S. Declaration of Independence and Constitution, and…

Not News: Pastor Goes Off on 'Enemies,' Leads Chants of 'Forward' With

January 21st, 2013 1:13 AM
At the Associated Press today, Darlene "Supine" Superville filed a report on Barack and Michelle Obama's church attendance "at the historic Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church." Ms. Superville told readers that "The Old Testament reading during the service came from the book of Exodus, Chapter 14, in which the Israelites cross the Red Sea as Moses leads them out of Egypt." That's…

AP Touts President Obama's Openness to Compromise, Ignores Campaign Ob

September 14th, 2011 8:26 PM
Darlene Superville's Associated Press report earlier this evening on President Obama's visit to North Carolina ("Obama touts jobs bill benefits for small business") had an interesting final paragraph. Concerning Obama's openness to compromise on his "jobs plan" (otherwise known as "spend now, pay for with taxes later"), she wrote: "President Obama has made clear he'd sign a portion of the…

Hoffa Before Obama at Detroit Labor Day Rally: 'Let’s Take These Son

September 5th, 2011 7:27 PM
That civility thing which Democrats and the Left thought to be all-important earlier this year is sooooo January. Unless it changes its stripes overnight, the incivility and hostility on display today in Detroit, which hasn't been seen much in establishment press reports to this point, won't appear on the Big 3 Networks' morning shows tomorrow. The American people really need to see what has…

AP 'Scoop,' Naively Reported: WH to Form 'Rural Council' -- As If Help

June 8th, 2011 10:54 PM
Statism never sleeps. The Obama administration has apparently identified a significant constituency it hasn't been able to buy off, and is attempting to do something about it. Of course, the ever-gullible Darlene Superville at the Associated Press is swallowing the White House line completely, as seen in these excerpted paragraphs: Obama to create White House Rural Council  …

Obama's Condescension at Pa. Town Hall Disappears in AP Updates, Gets

April 10th, 2011 6:47 PM
Back in mid-2008, as gas prices approached $4 a gallon and the first inklings that a real recession would soon be under way were appearing, George W. Bush told a town hall audience questioner who wondered when gas prices might start coming down that it might be time for owners of gas-guzzling SUVs like the questioner to "think about a trade-in." He also laughed at the questioner's indication…

Absolutely Pathetic: AP Report Says GM, Chrysler Lost 400,000 Jobs in

April 25th, 2010 12:48 AM
In his weekly address today (video only at link; transcript was not present when this post was prepared), President Obama opened with these three sentences: It was a little more than one year ago that our country faced a potentially devastating crisis in our auto industry. Over the course of 2008, the industry shed 400,000 jobs. In the midst of a financial crisis and deep recession, both…