
MRC’s Dan Gainor: ‘No Neutrality’ at The New York Times

January 4th, 2017 11:35 AM
MRC Vice President of Business and Culture Dan Gainor ripped the liberal media for its anti-Trump, pro-Clinton bias. “There is no neutrality at The New York Times,” Gainor told After the Bell host Dan Asman before pointing out the double standard in how differently the Times covered Democratic and Republican presidents. 

Graham Blasts Media Double Standard on Presidents Criticizing Press

December 22nd, 2016 6:55 PM
Late Thursday afternoon, the Media Research Center’s Tim Graham appeared on the Fox Business Network (FBN) program After the Bell to slam the media for their double standard in reacting to President Barack Obama’s media criticism versus whenever President-elect Donald Trump does the same. FBN host David Asman set the scene with a quote from an Atlantic interview in which President Obama’s offered…

FBN's Asman Blasts 'Atrocious Anti-Cop NYT Editorial' — and Its Timing

January 3rd, 2015 12:13 AM
In the midst of properly blasting the New York Times for its disgraceful editorial attacking the NYPD, Fox Business News's Davd Asman has raised an important question which goes to the paper's fundamental integrity. Specifically, did the Times acquiesce to active efforts by Mayor Bill de Blasio's office encouraging them to go on the attack, effectively serving as his mouthpiece? The question…

On FBN's Cavuto, Bozell Discusses Media's Silence on Menendez Prostitu

February 8th, 2013 7:10 PM
When then-Rep. Mark Foley (R-Fla.) was caught in a sex scandal involving inappropriate instant messages to an underage boy, the media had a field day, using the matter to tar House Republicans at large in the 2006 election cycle, NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell noted in a February 7 appearance on Fox Business Network's "Cavuto." But fast-forward six years to allegations against Sen. Bob…

Rezko Sentenced to 10½ Years, Media Ignore It And/Or His Ties to Obam

November 23rd, 2011 10:40 AM
Depending on which news outlet you rely on for current events, you may not have heard that convicted Chicago real estate developer Tony Rezko was sentenced to 10½ years in prison Tuesday. On top of this, unless you read the following report from Reuters, you mightn't have known just how connected he was to a junior senator from Illinois who just so happens to be the President of the United…

Video: Bozell Discusses Media's Disinterest in Jump in Poverty Under O

September 14th, 2011 10:12 AM
"To the degree" that the jump in the poverty rate in the United States is being reported, it "is being reported as a problem for Obama" and "not a problem caused by Obama," NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell told Fox Business Network's David Asman on the September 13 edition of "Nightly Scoreboard." "His policies have nothing to do with the effect," in the minds of liberal journalists, the…

Analyst: BP Oil Spill Clean-Up Will Have $60-Billion Price Tag; Divide

June 10th, 2010 5:21 PM
We all know the BP oil spill is a huge mess. It's going to be costly to clean up - but just how much? And while some outspoken critics are calling for BP to eliminate its dividend, they probably aren't realizing the residual effects. On the June 10 broadcast of Fox Business Network's "Bulls & Bears," Fadel Gheit, a senior analyst at Oppenheimer & Co., offered a huge estimate. But, he…

Fox News 'Forbes on Fox' Panel: Detonate Nukes in Gulf to Stop Oil Spi

June 6th, 2010 12:22 AM
How's this for outside-the-box thinking - use nuclear explosives to stop the BP oil spill that is ravaging the Gulf Coast? According to some of the panelist on Fox News Channel's "Forbes on Fox," using nuclear materials would be a more expeditious way to solve this calamity. "That's right, nuke it." "Forbes on Fox" host David Asman said on the show's June 5 broadcast. "Some scientists do…

Curt Schilling Talks about Starting a Small Business in MA, 'Disappoin

March 29th, 2010 5:41 PM
Watch the latest business video at <a href=""></a>Curt Schilling is finding out that starting a small business in the state of Massachusetts is more taxing than 50,000 heckling Yankee fans could ever be. Schilling and wife Shonda were interviewed on…

FNC, FBN Highlight Anti-ObamaCare Doctors Protest As ABC, NBC Tout Oba

October 8th, 2009 3:26 AM
When a group of about 200 doctors gathered in D.C. on Thursday, October 1, to demonstrate against the public option and in favor of tort reform and free market-based solutions, FNC’s Hannity show highlighted the group’s activities, as host Sean Hannity introduced a story by correspondent Ainsley Earhardt on how "doctors from around the country converged on Washington, D.C. today to protest the…

BMI’s Gainor: ‘Maybe We’re Using Too Much Government Interventio

April 7th, 2008 9:57 AM

BMI’s Gainor Talks Depression Coverage on Fox Biz

February 29th, 2008 9:23 AM
BMI Vice President Dan Gainor took to the Fox Business Network Thursday to explain the difference between "depression," "recession" and "slow growth," terms the mainstream media has blurred.Economists "don't even agree that we're in a recession yet," Gainor said. "But then if you watch the network news shows, we're already up to eight times this year - that's once a week where they've made a…

Fox Biz’s Claman: ‘We’re Nowhere Near the Great Depression

February 15th, 2008 4:49 PM
Vice President of the Business & Media Institute Dan Gainor outlined the media's failure in covering consumer confidence numbers in a February 15 appearance on the Fox Business Network."What we're talking about, instead of consumer confidence, we're talking about media competence," Gainor said. "Last year, July was the six-year high for consumer confidence and yet if you watch any one of the…

Is Skepticism Un-American

January 24th, 2008 5:40 PM
In a verbal tussle with Fox Business Network host Liz Claman January 24, Business & Media Institute Managing Editor Amy Menefee explained that conservatives are just looking for some balance from the media."You get upset when the media is skeptical about certain things and you say that that's un-American," Claman said. "Yet when we're not skeptical you're saying now, ‘Why aren't you skeptical…