Scott Brown to CNN's Gergen: 'It's Not the Kennedys' Seat

January 12th, 2010 11:57 AM
Update - 9:25 AM | Lachlan Markay: David Gergen commented on Brown's response. His comments below.  The death of Ted Kennedy hit the liberal media particularly hard. NBC's Andrea Mitchell caught the mood of the nation's pundits when she said the "heavens were weeping" during Kennedy's funeral. Now that Kennedy is dead, some pundits feel as if Democrats are entitled to the seat he left vacant.CNN…

Stunning: Gergen Compares Senate ObamaCare Vote to Brown v. Board of E

December 21st, 2009 11:59 AM
CNN senior political analyst David Gergen went so far to compare the Senate’s cloture vote early Monday morning on ObamaCare to the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision. Seconds after the Senate concluded its vote, Gergen lamented the party line vote, and contrasted it with the unanimous finding of the Supreme Court which ended the segregation of schools [audio clips from segment available…

CNN's Gergen Likens President Obama to Damsel in Distress

December 15th, 2009 1:57 PM
CNN’s David Gergen played up the difficulties that President Obama has faced on Monday’s Anderson Cooper 360, underscored the importance of the coming week for the executive, and compared him to an iconic movie damsel in distress: “For a president who’s had more trials than anybody I can remember in a long time, sort of ‘The Perils of Pauline’ all year, this has become a climactic week for his…

CNN's Amanpour: Criticism of Obama's Nobel Peace Prize 'Overdone

December 10th, 2009 3:44 PM
CNN’s Christiane Amanpour lashed out at the widespread criticism of the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to President Obama on Thursday’s American Morning: “Can I just say, I think it’s overdone, this pushing back against his award. He’s obviously done something very significant, and that is...the United States has now had a new relationship with the rest of the world” [audio clip from the…

CNN Poll Shows Tumble in Obama Approval: Cooper Says 'Look, It's Just

December 5th, 2009 7:16 AM

CNN: White House Attacks On Fox Help Its Ratings, Hurt Democrats

October 11th, 2009 10:32 PM
UPDATE AT END OF POST: Fox officials agree that all this attention is helping ratings.Three days before Howard Kurtz talked with White House communications director Anita Dunn about the Obama administration's attacks on the Fox News Channel, a number of CNN contributors pointed out how this strategy is helping FNC's ratings while hurting Democrats. Such was discussed on Thursday's "Situation Room…

'Touch of Greatness' in 'Remarkable' Speech About 'Re-Branding' Obama

September 9th, 2009 11:16 PM
Some very friendly assessments of President Barack Obama's health care address Wednesday night to a joint session of Congress, most gathered from the quick analysis in the short time between Obama and the Republican response:  ♦ MSNBC's Keith Olbermann hailed it as “a broad and forward thinking speech” with “a touch of greatness.” (MP3 audio)♦ On ABC, George Stephanopoulos saw “a pretty…

CNN's Gergen on Van Jones: 'Sad to See a Man of Good Work Get So Littl

September 8th, 2009 2:09 AM
“It's a sad day to see a man of good work get so little credit,” CNN senior political analyst David Gergen regretted about Van Jones on Monday's Anderson Cooper 360, complaining about the coverage of the Obama “green jobs” czar who resigned late Saturday night after his radical views were exposed: “I mean, there's no balance to understanding just how many good things he's done.”Jones signed a…

CNN's Analysts' Panel Agrees With Democrats on Obama 'Report Card

August 7th, 2009 1:40 PM
Three of CNN’s political analysts- Jeffrey Toobin, David Gergen, and Gloria Borger- all gave President Obama B’s or B-pluses on the economy and overall job performance during the network’s special “The National Report Card: The Second 100 Days” on Thursday. These grades from these “non-partisan” analysts lined-up with the A’s and B’s that Democrats Paul Begala and Donna Brazile gave the president…

AC360 Strikes Gergen Gusher: Obama Speech 'Most Powerful Speech' Ever

June 5th, 2009 5:08 PM
It must have been a while since David Gergen dropped his resume in the hopper for Team Obama, so it’s no small surprise that it was about for him to turn on the rhetorical firehose and gush some love the White House’s way. On the June 4 “Anderson Cooper 360,” Gergen was asked by the host to give his initial reaction to President Obama’s speech in Cairo. Gergen immediately mugged for the…

A-Minus for Obama from CNN: 'Nuanced... Mastery... Articulate... Capab

April 30th, 2009 3:17 AM
CNN's on-staff political analysts and reporters -- not just the left-wing political operatives (Paul Begala and Donna Brazile) were in awe of President Barack Obama's press conference performance. Just after it ended Wednesday night, senior political analyst David Gergen hailed how “in terms of mastery of the issues, we have rarely had a President who is as well briefed and speaks in as…

CNN Questions 'Rationality' of Tea Parties, Hints They're 'Out of Step

April 16th, 2009 5:15 PM
On Wednesday’s Anderson Cooper 360 program, CNN’s Christiane Amanpour and Jeffrey Toobin voiced their skepticism about the hundreds of Tea Party protests across the U.S., with Toobin stating how it was “disturbing” that there was a “edge of anger at the government” at the rallies. He continued, “There is a real -- a real hostility that is not just politics as usual among some of these people....I…

CNN's Anderson Cooper: 'It's Hard to Talk When You're Tea-Bagging

April 15th, 2009 12:33 PM
CNN anchor Anderson Cooper followed his colleague David Shuster into the gutter on his Anderson Cooper 360 program on Tuesday in making a vulgar “tea-bagging” joke about Republicans/conservatives. After CNN’s senior political analyst David Gergen remarked that Republicans were “searching for their voice” after two electoral losses, Cooper quipped, “It’s hard to talk when you’re tea-bagging.” […

CNN Bemoans Americans' Hostility to Islam, Obama Needs to 'Educate

April 7th, 2009 6:13 PM
CNN latched onto two separate poll results on Monday that indicated that about half of Americans view the Islamic world negatively or don’t trust Muslim allies as much as other allies, and indicated that President Obama and others in authority need to be “educators” for the public about Islam. The network brought up the polls’ results on seven different occasions during their programming that day…