David Greene

NPR Show Selects Paranoid Leftist Caller: The GOP Might Rule Forever!
One way you can identify the leftist tilt on NPR stations is by listening to the callers that are taken on NPR-distributed talk shows. On the latest episode of Left, Right, and Center, coming out of KCRW out of California, the host (or "center") David Greene set the agenda with a paranoid leftist caller who asked what's to stop Trump, the congressional Republicans, and the…

NPR on Media: 'Can You Believe in Democracy Without Being Pro-Biden?'
Former NPR anchor David Greene performed a very pompous rhetorical dance on the latest podcast Left Right and Center out of Santa Monica NPR station KCRW. Greene is supposedly the “Center,” but he’s a typical leftist, as you can see. He proclaimed "I, as a journalist, believe in democracy," and asked "Can you believe in democracy without being pro-Biden?"

Column: The Arrogance of the Media Creates an Illiberal Bias
An essential ingredient in the stew of hysteria over a second Trump term is heavy-breathing concern for “vital institutions” like the press. On the badly named public-radio podcast Left Right & Center -- originating from KCRW, the NPR affiliate in Santa Monica, California -- former NPR morning host David Greene furiously pushed the panic button about the media in a year-end review…

NR Is Blunt: 'NPR Remains Journalistically Incompetent'
On Thursday, Kevin Williamson at National Review described how "NPR Remains Journalistically Incompetent." His target was Morning Edition anchor David Greene: "If you would like an example of how it is that our political discourse gets dumber by the day, tune in to NPR."

PBS/NPR Poll Finds Trump's First Year a 'Failure', NPR Exaggerates It

NPR Cites Antifa to Smear Conservative Bay Area Group as 'Alt-Right'

NPR Analyst Cokie Roberts: Democrats Talking About Replacing Hillary

NPR ‘Morning Edition’ Airs Three Anti-Brexit Stories Day Before Vote

PBS, NPR Ignore Clinton E-Mails in Post-Interview Coverage

Dana Perino: NPR Cut My Touching George W. Bush Story From Interview

NPR Promotes Liberal 'Health Advocates' Hoping For Smoother ObamaCare
NPR Hypes Spain's 'Far Right Political Party Similar to the Tea Party