Debbye Turner Bell

CBS Hosts Guest Who Implicates Climate Change in Disasters of
December 31st, 2011 8:45 PM
On Thursday's The Early Show, CBS hosted a guest who implicated climate change as one of the factors contributing to many weather disasters in 2011, and he ended up warning of more droughts in the future. After asserting that 2011 was an unusually active year for natural disasters, Dr. M. Sanjayan of the Nature Conservancy including climate change in the list of influences:

'Occupy' Opponents Missing on CBS, Plays Up Holdout Protesters
October 31st, 2011 2:59 PM
CBS's Early Show on Monday found yet another excuse to report on Occupy Wall Street, spotlighting the diehard protesters who stayed in Zuccotti Park during a winter storm. While correspondent Debbye Turner Bell noted the $3.4 million spent on police overtime in New York City and the complaints from businesses near the demonstrators' campsite, she didn't play one sound bite from the opposition…
Early Show's Adoration Of The Obama
January 1st, 2010 8:11 AM
Diabetic or not, you might want to have a dose of insulin handy while watching this morning's video clip. The Early Show's review of the past year was one sicky-sweet adoration—in overtly religious terms—of Barack Obama.Harry Smith set the tone with his opening comments:"Politics, and patriotism and the presidency: it is the place where the secular and the religious merge. One of the sacraments…
CBS News Recommended Video: 'Beaver Urinates on Correspondent
November 12th, 2009 1:26 PM
Is it newsworthy when an animal urinates on a member of the press?The good folks at CBS News must think so.On Thursday, not only created a video clip of Debbye Turner Bell getting splashed in the eye by a beaver on that morning's "Early Show," but someone actually posted it at the website's "Recommended" videos section (embedded below the fold):