
CNN Reporter Brags about Calling Cops on Maskless Floridians

February 8th, 2021 3:40 PM

On Sunday’s CNN Newsroom, host Fredricka Whitfield brought on correspondent Randi Kaye for a laughably bad segment which almost seemed like a parody of CNN. Kaye, who was tasked with covering Tampa Bay during the Super Bowl this weekend, bragged about her double mask due to the large crowds in Tampa and about calling the cops on maskless fans.


CNN Does PR for Warnock: GOP Attacks On Him Are 'Out of Context'

January 4th, 2021 12:36 PM

With the Georgia Senate races wrapping up on Tuesday, CNN decided to do some PR for Democratic candidate Raphael Warnock. On Saturday’s CNN Newsroom, anchor Fredricka Whitfield brought on Warnock to dismiss attacks on Warnock as taking him “out of context” and to portray the “man of the cloth” as being too good of a Christian to fire back at his opponents.


CNN Pounces on Unverified NYT Report: Trump Opposes Democracy!

December 20th, 2020 8:47 PM

Like they always do with any unverified negative report about President Trump, CNN is automatically assuming that the New York Time’s claim that Trump considered installing martial law is completely true and is using it to bash him. 


CNN FINALLY Ends On-Air Silence on Reade Thanks to Bombshell MRC Video

April 25th, 2020 6:43 PM
Albeit obscenely late and buried on a Saturday afternoon, there was a small victory for those demanding TV news networks cover former Senate staffer Tara Reade’s sexual assault allegations against Joe Biden as CNN broke its on-air silence with a seven-minute-and-30-second segment. The mea culpa came less than 24 hours after a bombshell story from The Intercept alleging Reade’s mother called into…

CNN Features Guest 44x for 150 Mins, Barely Notes Past Abortion Job

April 3rd, 2020 7:46 PM
Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, CNN has shown an inability to shy away from framing the pandemic through the lens of attacking President Trump. Another tic has been their continued refusal to describe frequent guest Dr. Leana Wen as a former president of Planned Parenthood. Since our first post about Wen on March 16, the Media Research Center kept tabs on Wen’s appearances and calculated her…

Media STILL Pretending We Can Believe China's Coronavirus Numbers

March 29th, 2020 6:02 PM
Whether motivated by ratings or by some political agenda, liberal TV news networks on Sunday acted as though the coronavirus numbers released by the Communist Party of China were trustworthy enough to report on American national television. Throughout Sunday morning and into the afternoon, journalists on both cable and broadcast networks proclaimed that the number of confirmed cases in the United…

MSNBC Cherry Picks, Botches Data on Record High Temps in Antarctica

February 14th, 2020 4:48 PM
In response to reports that a part of Antarctica recently reached a record high temperature of 65 degrees Fahrenheit, some media outlets descended into climate alarmism as they sloppily reported the findings. But, as pointed out at ClimateDepot, climate skeptic Jim Steele this week wrote up a piece debunking claims that the occurrence is a sign of global warming, and even cited studies suggesting…

CNN Awkwardly Links Disgraced Republicans to Trump

January 20th, 2020 3:21 PM
On Saturday's CNN Newsroom, weekend anchor Fredricka Whitfield conspicuously made a point of including President Donald Trump in a brief she delivered about the legal problems of two former congressional Republicans. Informing viewers that former New York Congressman Chris Collins was recently sentenced over an insider trading case, Whitfield made sure to remind viewers that Collins was the first…

CNN Anchor Frets 'Iconic' Photo of 'God Hates Trump' Sign Was Censored

January 20th, 2020 6:53 AM
On Saturday's CNN Newsroom, weekend anchor Fredricka Whitfield touted "shock and outrage" over the National Archives blurring part of a sign from the annual anti-Trump Women's March declaring "God hates Trump." Lauding the photograph of the sign as an "iconic image," Whitfield seemed surprised when Bernice King -- daughter of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. -- was critical of the sign itself and not…

CNN Desperately Defends Terrorist Leader’s Reputation as a Tough Guy

November 3rd, 2019 12:23 PM
A week after ISIS founder and leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was eliminated in a raid by U.S. Special Forces at the order of President Trump, the liberal media were still desperately trying to discredit the President’s claim that the terrorist fled down a dead-end tunnel in fear while “crying” and “whimpering.” They were so reluctant to give Trump a W that CNN was defending al-Baghdadi’s reputation…

CNN ‘Analyst’ Implies Abbott’s Gun Views Will Cause More TX Shootings

September 3rd, 2019 10:09 PM
Likely seen by only a tiny audience, Sunday afternoon’s CNN Newsroom featured law enforcement analyst and former Jim Comey flack Josh Campbell decrying the lack of gun control in the state of Texas, suggesting that more mass shootings like the one in the Midland and Odessa area will continue to happen due to Governor Greg Abbott ( R)’s views about the Second Amendment.

'Facts First' CNN Wonders If Anyone Cares About Biden Mangling Facts

August 31st, 2019 7:39 AM
Is this an apple, or a banana? The usual self-confident and self-appointed defenders of truth at CNN aren't sure because the controversy at hand is not one that involves President Trump, but rather former Vice President Joe Biden and a story Biden has been telling about the war in Afghanistan.

Brian Stelter Tries to Have It Both Ways With Trump and Fox

August 28th, 2019 8:58 PM
CNN's Brian Stelter has a very elastic definition of the Trump-Fox News relationship. When President Trump says something nice about Fox News, that is proof that Fox is something akin to state-run TV. When President Trump voices his displeasure with Fox it is proof that Trump wants it to be "an organ of the White House." That's what Stelter told At This Hour guest host Fredricka Whitfield on…

CNN's Jones: 'The President Is Failing Kindergarten Right Now'

July 29th, 2019 4:01 PM
Appearing on CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield Sunday, CNN Political Commentator Van Jones reacted to President Trump’s tweets targeting Democratic Congressman Elijah Cummings; describing his Baltimore-based district as a “disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess.” Jones compared President Trump to a kindergartener and not surprisingly, alleged that the President’s tweets directed at the…