Gardiner Harris

It’s Curtains for NYT Objectivity: ‘Nikki Haley’s...Curtains? $52,000'
September 14th, 2018 12:46 PM
New York Times reporter Gardiner Harris latest hit on a conservative foreign policy figure appears to have backfired in spectacular fashion. Harris's report isupposedly caught United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley for wild spending on her official residence, “Envoy’s View of City is Priceless. The Curtains? $52,000.” The text box: “A purchase was made at a time when the State Dept. was slashing…

NY Times Issues Four (!) Corrections in Story About Think Tank CEO
May 21st, 2018 7:42 PM
May 2018 has been extraordinary for its high volume of establishment press corrections and erroneous tweet deletions. One particular correction at the New York Times stands out from the rest of that crowded field. In that correction, published on May 16 (for the May 17 print edition), the Times admitted that reporter Gardiner Harris committed four significant errors in an attack piece posing as a…

NYT Initially Buries Release of Prisoners, Touts It on Thursday
May 10th, 2018 7:38 AM
New York Times reporter Gardiner Harris apparently has no nose for news -- at least not for the kind that may make President Trump look like an effective leader. His Wednesday story, “On Big Day, Top Diplomat Is Halfway Around the World, Raising Questions,” buried the lead in embarrassing fashion while mocking supposedly AWOL Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Incredibly, the news of Mike Pompeo…

NYT: Pompeo No Longer 'Scowling, Scathing Attack Dog Hounding' Hillary
April 13th, 2018 11:49 AM
In Friday’s New York Times, Gardiner Harris and Eileen Sullivan went on the attack against Mike Pompeo, the current CIA Director and President Trump’s nominee to become Secretary of State with the title “Trading Snarl for Smile, Pompeo Makes Case to Lead State Department.”

NYT Turns ISIS Report on Trump, for Not Mentioning Attacks on Muslims
August 16th, 2017 6:07 PM
The New York Times' Gardiner Harris came up with a Trump-centric spin on an annual report about religious persecution worldwide, which this year focused on the terrorists of ISIS, in his Wednesday report “Islamic State Criticized As Persecutor In U.S. Report.” The text box: “Singling out ISIS in a study of threats to religious freedom.” Harris had some other threats in mind: The Trump…

NYT Hails Obama’s ‘Sacred Duty’ to Troops, But Bush Staged Photo Op
December 4th, 2016 9:05 AM
Presidential visits to wounded soldiers at Walter Reed should be non-political events worthy of non-partisan coverage, but the New York Times manages to shows its colors even in those solemn moments. In the half-page “Obama’s Sacred Duty: Visiting the Wounded -- Trips to Walter Reed Take Toll and Inspire," reporter Gardiner Harris brought a somber, emotional, personalized tone to the proceedings…

Obama to NYT: My Admin Hasn't Had the 'Kinds of Scandals' Others Have
November 22nd, 2016 6:42 PM
At a Sunday press briefing in Lima, Peru, President Barack Obama concluded his response to a question referring to how President-Elect Trump might consider handling his extensive holdings during his presidency by saying that "I am extremely proud of the fact that over eight years we have not had the kinds of scandals that have plagued other administrations."

Journalists Fail to Correct Obama Howler on Economy
November 16th, 2016 12:36 AM
At a press conference in Greece on Tuesday, President Barack Obama claimed that when he came into office, "the economy was contracting faster than it did during the Great Depression, but we were able to intervene, apply lessons learned and stabilize and then begin growth again." Naturally, Elena Becatoros and Josh Lederman at the Associated Press and Gardiner Harris at the New York Times, all of…