
ABC Hides GOP Criticism to Pork in Dems' Costly ‘COVID Relief’ Package

March 1st, 2021 10:59 AM

The media doesn’t want Americans to know about the partisan pork inside President Biden’s “coronavirus relief” package passed solely by House Democrats last Friday. On their morning newscasts Monday, the big three networks took different approaches to reporting on the package, but they each worked to help the Democrat administration.


Broken Dam? NBC Press Panel Shocked By Cuomo, ABCer Calls for Ouster

February 28th, 2021 4:00 PM

Had the dam finally broken? While CBS was the lone broadcast network hold out hiding the latest sexual harassment allegation against Governor Chris Cuomo on their major programs on Sunday, the panels on ABC’s This Week and NBC’s Meet the Press were shocked and disgusted, with one Democratic panelist saying it was time him to go.


Nets Refuse to Fact-Check, Call Out Biden After Town Hall

February 17th, 2021 10:50 AM

The big three networks devoted reports this morning to President Biden’s town hall on CNN last night, but all three refused to actually fact-check the president, or criticize him for backtracking on promises or making embarrassing gaffes.


HITLER? ABC Reporter Says Trump Owns GOP Like 'a Caesar, a Fuhrer'

February 11th, 2021 2:38 PM

Joe Wulfsohn at Fox News plucked out a “Trump = Hitler” reference in ABC’s live coverage of the Trump impeachment trial on Wednesday afternoon. The journalist throwing that bomb was ABC senior national correspondent Terry Moran. "He has the Republican party as a personalized power like we haven't seen. It's a caudillo, it’s a Caesar, it's a Fuhrer, we don't see that in this country. We do now…

Bruce Springsteen

Nets Swoon Over Leftist Divider Springsteen Preaching Unity

February 8th, 2021 3:30 PM

On Monday, all three network morning shows hailed left-wing, bomb-throwing rocker Bruce Springsteen for a Jeep Super Bowl ad in which he hypocritically preached unity and meeting in the political “middle.” Rather than call out the singer for his history of incendiary partisan rhetoric, hosts all seemed to experience collective amnesia as they pretended he was the perfect messenger to bring…


ABC Praises Biden’s 'More Aggressive Use of Executive Action'

February 7th, 2021 11:19 AM

For four years, the liberal media were acting like President Trump was a dictator for relying on executive orders to push his policy agenda. But during Sunday’s This Week, George Stephanopoulos and ABC chief Washington correspondent Jon Karl gushed and praised President Biden for his “speed” and “more aggressive use of executive action” than former-President Trump, whose executive…

Is Modern Media More Biased Than Before?

January 26th, 2021 8:40 PM

There is a perception, supported by many surveys, that what passes for contemporary journalism is more biased, even propagandistic, than in earlier times. One of the definitions of "journalism" on will affirm that attitude for many: "writing that reflects superficial thought and research, a popular slant, and hurried composition..." Journalism has, in fact, been infected by bias…


ABC Helps Fauci Praise Biden, Trash Trump: 'Very Refreshing!'

January 25th, 2021 11:20 AM

On Monday’s GMA, Stephanopoulos asked the highly respected infection disease expert to get political and compare how different it’s been working for President Biden this past week, instead of Trump


ABC Edits Out Chuck Schumer’s Embarrassing ‘Insurrection’ Blunder

January 25th, 2021 10:13 AM

We’re used to the networks editing out and refusing to own up to their own fake news, but you’ll never guess the lengths the media goes to protect Democrats as well from their own embarrassment. 


ABC: U.S. Like Post-War Germany, Antifa and BLM Violence Is Moral

January 24th, 2021 1:56 PM

Aside from ABC chief anchor George Stephanopoulos’s fiery exchange with Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), Sunday’s This Week was awash with ridiculous and repugnant pronouncements from their mostly liberal cast. Between suggesting America was getting over something akin to Nazism and proclaiming the extremist violence from the left was morally justified, ABC was out to normalize dangerous…


Embarrassing ABC: Biden's Like Abe Lincoln, Our 'Papa-in-Chief!'

January 20th, 2021 2:23 PM

ABC News continued their embarrassing, but predictable, fawning over the newly inaugurated Democrat President Joe Biden as his inaugural address concluded early this afternoon. Each ABC journalist and commentator did their best, with the assistance of chief anchor George Stephanopoulos to make sure to hammer home how iconic and transformative Biden’s words were for the country, even comparing…


ABC's Inauguration Day Hate: Slamming 'Anarchist President' Trump

January 20th, 2021 11:22 AM

ABC News split their time this morning between fawning over Joe Biden as the healer of our country and bashing outgoing President Trump as the divider-in-chief who stole America’s unity.


ABC’S MOVIE TRAILER for Biden: ‘New Era of Hope’ to ‘Heal the Country’

January 20th, 2021 10:30 AM

It begins. Good Morning America on Inauguration Day opened the show with what can only be described as a movie trailer-style montage. The excitement was palpable as George Stephanopoulos cheered Joe Biden’s goal of “uniting and healing the nation.”


ABC Frets GOP in Capitol Have Caused COVID ‘Superspreader’

January 12th, 2021 10:26 AM

After CBS went out of their way to slander a maskless GOP congressman who helped protect his Democrat colleagues from violent insurrectionists last week during the Capitol Hill riot, ABC went all-in on mask-shaming on Tuesday’s Good Morning America as well.