
ABC Encourages Cuomo Boasting He Will Block Trump Distributing Vaccine

November 9th, 2020 10:17 AM

After spending the majority of Monday morning’s GMA celebrating Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, ABC’s journalists saved some time for their usual Trump trashing with New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.


ABC, CBS Revel in Biden Feeling ‘Fortified’ With a ‘Remarkable’ ‘Tone’

November 9th, 2020 2:38 AM

ABC and CBS were in full celebration Saturday night over the thousands of people partying in the streets of major cities following news projections that President Trump would lose reelection, so things went into overdrive after hearing speeches from both Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA). Between the two, liberal journalists marveled at how Biden’s speech illustrated “a man…


ABC Stokes Left-Wing Hate As They Declare Biden President-Elect

November 7th, 2020 2:58 PM

ABC News declared Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden the winner of the 2020 race late Saturday morning, and spent the next couple hours praising the return to “decency” and “normalcy” that a Biden-Harris administration would supposedly bring. 


ABC’s Vega: Trump Presidency's 'Biggest Moments' Showed His Racism

November 6th, 2020 2:48 PM

During their live election coverage Friday afternoon, ABC’s White House correspondent Cecilia Vega claimed the Trump presidency boiled down to the president’s own racism. 


ABC Urges Biden to Declare Victory, Demands Trump Accept Defeat Now

November 6th, 2020 10:32 AM

ABC News journalists on Friday’s Good Morning America were fed up with the ballot counting in this tight presidential race and just wanted to declare Joe Biden the winner. 


Blackmail? ABC: Biden Losing Could ‘Call into Question’ Our Democracy

November 4th, 2020 5:36 AM

Early Wednesday morning on ABC, three liberal journalists eagerly entertained the idea that, if voters don’t do as Democrats and young people want in electing Joe Biden through both the Electoral College and popular voter, the legitimacy of our Constitution and electoral process could be called into question.


ABC Cheers Biden 'Acting as President' Before All Votes Counted

November 3rd, 2020 11:45 AM

ABC anchor George Stephanopoulos was already celebrating Joe Biden’s victory on Good Morning America Tuesday morning. While the GMA journalists blasted President Trump as a voter suppressor who would declare a premature victory, Stephanopoulos didn’t mind Biden pretending he was President, prematurely.


NBC, CBS Censor ‘Fastest Growth Ever’; ABC Suppresses Trump Economy

October 29th, 2020 4:33 PM

America is five days away from the presidential election, and the NBC and CBS morning news shows censored an astounding recovery in U.S. GDP growth. The ABC morning news show coverage of the news was a weak micro-mention.


Alert! ABC on New Supreme Court: ‘Conservative,’ ‘Conservative’

October 27th, 2020 1:07 PM

ABC on Tuesday REALLY wanted to let you know that there is now a "conservative" majority on the Supreme Court. Good Morning America alerted viewers five times in stories on Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation. NBC only used the conservative label three times. CBS This Morning made sure to highlight, once again, that Ruth Bader Ginsburg disapproved of a new nominee before the…

ABC’s Good Morning America Avid Editor Is a Biden Donor

October 23rd, 2020 3:30 PM

It looks as if an Avid Editor for ABC’s Good Morning America (GMA) news show may have violated company policy and engaged in a serious conflict of interest. Federal Election Commission records revealed that GMA Avid Editor Cybele Policastro had donated $225 so far to Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.


ABC Hawks ‘Feistier’ Biden Going ‘On Offense,’ ‘Not Sitting on a Lead’

October 23rd, 2020 3:13 AM

Unsurprisingly, ABC journalists followed the markers on Thursday they laid down following the first 2020 presidential debate and vice presidential debate, going all out to boost the Joe Biden ticket. For this debate, ABC personalities gushed over the “feistier” Biden going “on offense” and putting President Trump “on the defensive repeatedly” to prove that calling so many lids “paid off.”


ABC Encourages Dems' Vaccine Panic: Only Safe with Biden in Office

October 19th, 2020 11:13 AM

ABC continued parroting the Biden campaign’s talking points as if they were reporting facts, on Monday’s Good Morning America. Anchor George Stephanopoulos gave a softball interview to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo about coronavirus and to make matter worse, the so-called journalist encouraged Cuomo to tell Americans a vaccine will only be safe if Joe Biden is in office.


Per Biden Memo: ABC Warns Viewers Not to Get Complacent Against Trump

October 18th, 2020 10:54 AM

Initially pitching it as the latest messaging from the Biden campaign, the Sunday edition of ABC’s Good Morning America embodied a Joe Biden campaign memo warning supporters not to get complacent and hand President Trump another election victory. “Meanwhile, team Biden warning supporters not to get overconfident” co-anchor Dan Harris announced at the top of the show. The network later…

Joe Scarborough mocks Rush Limbaugh

Scarborough Throws Tantrum Over Critics Blasting Tainted Town Halls

October 16th, 2020 6:08 PM

On MSNBC’s Morning Joe Friday, co-host Joe Scarborough had harsh words for anyone who dared to criticize his left-wing media buddies who moderated town hall events with President Trump and Joe Biden.