Jumping for Joy: CNN Celebrates Biden Win for ‘Decency,’ Cheers Crowds

November 7th, 2020 6:33 PM

It was one of (if not) the greatest day in the lives of many on-air CNN personalities on Saturday as news organizations declared Joe Biden the 46th President of the United States. Whether it was Jake Tapper sounding like a Lincoln Project mouthpiece, Van Jones crying, Abby Phillip emulating the wokeness of millennial journalism, or cheering thousands taking to the streets during a…


Loathsome CNN Ogles at ‘Big,’ ‘Presidential,’ ‘Soaring’ Biden Speech

November 7th, 2020 1:57 AM

Despite the fact that it was not a victory speech as news outlets had yet to declare him the 46th President, CNN reacted Friday night with nothing but admiration for Joe Biden, calling their candidate's remarks a “big,” “optimistic,” “presidential,” and “soaring” speech “about America” that “applauded democracy.”


CNN RAGES Over ‘Flailing,’ ‘Obese Turtle’ Trump ‘Inciting Violence’

November 5th, 2020 10:56 PM

Following President Trump’s Thursday night statement claiming widespread voter fraud, CNN chose not to simply dissect and/or dismantle Trump’s claims with any sobriety. Instead, the apocalyptic network threw one tantrum after the next over how the “flailing” and “obese turtle...in a hot sun” decided to “attack democracy” and supposedly “incit[e] violence” on what was “sad night for the United…


CNN Expresses Outrage: Barrett Will Not Be a Liberal Judicial Activist

October 13th, 2020 10:05 AM

CNN concluded its day one coverage of Amy Coney Barret’s confirmation hearing by expressing outrage over her stance on judicial activism. After gushing over Democratic Vice-Presidential Nominee and  Kamala Harris’s opening statement, CNN weekday host Brianna Keilar brought in a panel to attack Barrett for following in the philosophy of the late Justice Scalia. CNN chief legal analyst Jeffrey…


‘Pretty Stunning’; CNN Marvels at ‘Emphatic’ Harris Attacking Barrett

October 12th, 2020 4:41 PM

Aside from the opening statements by Senate Judiciary Committee leadership, CNN had ignored day one of Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation hearing. Instead, they spent another Monday trying to fear-monger on coronavirus. But that changed when vice presidential candidate and Senator Kamala Harris got her turn as CNN Newsroom jumped in so they could marvel at Harris’s “pretty…


Ghoulish CNN Bemoans Trump Not Taking Questions, Hypes 25th Amendment

October 2nd, 2020 8:27 PM

Amidst CNN’s firehouse of poison Friday night as President Trump was set to and then took Marine One to be hospitalized at Walter Reed for the coronavirus, they were able to make it all about themselves, being facetious about the use of masks, suggesting we shouldn’t believe a word from the White House, and eagerly talking about their beloved 25th Amendment being invoked.


CNN: ‘Obesely Immoral’ ‘Psychopath’ Trump Refused to Condemn Racists

September 30th, 2020 2:18 AM

Mere moments after their colleagues cursed out Tuesday’s Presidential debate as a “shit show” and suggested President Trump was actively trying to bring the country “down with him,” CNN's Anderson Cooper raged as he led the largely liberal panel in a hate fest against the President. Addressing former Obama advisor David Axelrod, Cooper literally pounded his fist on the desk as he denounced…


DESPERATE CNN Invokes Merrick Garland, Bemoans Dems Elevating ACB

September 26th, 2020 11:08 PM

After Judge Amy Coney Barrett was announced Saturday as President Trump’s third Supreme Court pick, CNN started throwing things at the wall to see what stuck. Among their reactions included nods to Merrick Garland (yes, really), insisting Barrett will be a galvanizer for Democrats to the ludicrous claim liberals appeared to be behaving themselves and not personally attacking Barrett.


CNN and MSNBC: ‘Decorum’ Gone as ‘Gleeful’ Mitch Moves to Replace RBG

September 19th, 2020 12:45 PM

The ghoulish political maneuvering continued on MSNBC, Friday night, as CNN and MSNBC hosts trashed Republicans and plotted to stop Mitch McConnell from replacing the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg. CNN political analyst Gloria Borger sounded like a DNC operative as she lobbied to keep a conservative justice off the Supreme Court: 


Vile CNN Cheers Biden’s ‘Powerful’ Speech on ‘Climate Arsonist’ Trump

September 14th, 2020 6:16 PM

Like the lemmings that they are, CNN reacted Monday afternoon with approval and admiration for Joe Biden’s “pointed” and “powerful” climate change speech that blamed “climate arsonist” President Trump for floods, hurricanes, and wildfires to threatened Americans by claiming that they would lose their homes to natural disasters if they didn’t vote for him.


CNN Hypes Anita Hill Endorsing Biden While Totally Ignoring Tara Reade

September 7th, 2020 8:37 PM

As the Labor Day edition of CNN's New Day hyped Brandeis University professor and sexual harassment activist Anita Hill's decision to endorse Joe Biden for President, the sexual assault accusations made against the Democratic nominee by former Senate office employee Tara Reade were not mentioned at all.


Convention Echo Chamber: CNN Declares It Biden’s ‘Best Performance'

August 21st, 2020 12:46 AM

Just as they all did on night three of the Democratic National Convention with their nauseating gushing for former President Obama’s speech, the Zuckerville collective preached their prescribed consensus: Joe Biden’s closing address was “the best performance I've ever seen.” And with that, a convention night echo chamber ensued. Although, one panelist eventually gave away the game.


CNN: Obama’s ‘History-Shaking Speech’ Declared ‘National Emergency’

August 20th, 2020 2:25 AM

Not long after CNN’s initial analysis of night three of the Democratic National Convention declared former President Barack Obama’s address “the most powerful address he ever gave,” a follow group of the Zuckerville collective somehow managed to ratchet up the glowing rhetoric Wednesday night. Taking over as the main host, Anderson Cooper was enthralled by what he heard and suggested it was…


CRAZY CNN: Kamala’s ‘Fantastic’ Speech Came ‘From the Mountaintop’

August 12th, 2020 11:40 PM

On Wednesday’s Situation Room, CNN analysts, hosts, and reporters debased themselves and reminded us of their embarrassing, shameless, sophomoric, and unserious operation with their reactions to Kamala Harris’s “beautiful,” “conversational,” “fantastic,” and “warm” speech that sounded like it was delivered “from the mountaintop.”