Gwen Ifill Book Party: My 'Truth' Won Out Over Conservative Bloggers

January 21st, 2009 8:24 AM
The liberal media elite piled into David Bradley's Embassy Row mansion in northwest Washington DC on Monday night to celebrate PBS anchor Gwen Ifill's book The Breakthrough, touting the ascent of black Democrats in the Age of Obama. (FishBowl DC has a nice photo of the hope-and-change Barack Obama cookies at the party.) So didn't writing this book taint her as a debate moderator? Ifill told the…

PBS's Gwen Ifill Classifies Illinois as the South, Claims Media Stuffe

December 19th, 2008 10:16 AM

Krugman Worried Obama Doesn't Have 'Enough Stuff To Spend On

December 14th, 2008 5:26 PM
As Americans across the fruited plain worry about their jobs and how they're going to make ends meet during the current recession, Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman showed Sunday morning just how separated from reality and the common man he actually is.Appearing on ABC's "This Week," the New York Times columnist said that he wasn't worried about how expensive president-elect Barack Obama's economic…

Angst on PBS Over Too-Long Wait for Obama's Inauguration

December 5th, 2008 9:29 PM
In the midst of a discussion about President-elect Barack Obama's national security team, Washington Week host Gwen Ifill on Friday night's program sought confirmation for her theory that “what people are beginning to say is that this President-elect should be President now” as “people are saying why isn't Barack Obama leading the fight about the auto-makers?” New York Times reporter Peter Baker…

F Is For Ifill: Gwen Ifill Failed the Moderator Test

October 3rd, 2008 11:32 AM
There was one player on the stage in St. Louis on Thursday night that really failed to meet the standard of professionalism and national leadership: moderator Gwen Ifill. Her questions often failed the first journalistic test: they failed to press the candidates to take or defend a stand, instead of letting them unload their talking points. One came across as just plain incoherent: "Governor, on…

McCain on Fox News: 'I Wish They Picked A Different Moderator

October 2nd, 2008 6:30 PM
This morning, Republican presidential candidate, John McCain, appeared on Fox News's Fox & Friends to answer a few questions about tonight's vice presidential debate between Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and Delaware Senator Joe Biden.Grabbing the headlines the past few days has been the news that Gwen Ifill, debate moderator, has written a book subtitled "The Age of Obama" which is set to be…

Joy Behar: Gwen Ifill Should 'Get Out' as Moderator

October 2nd, 2008 4:42 PM
Surprise! Joy Behar thinks Gwen Ifill, with her conflict of interest, should step aside from moderating the vice presidential debate. Could it be Joy attempting to establish herself as an independent thinker? Not likely. Joy explained, on the October 2 edition of "The View," that Ifill should not give "Palin’s side any excuse to not step up to the plate."Earlier in the broadcast, when each…

Will Gwen Ifill Challenge Joe Biden’s Iraq ‘Expertise

October 2nd, 2008 4:07 PM
While the networks scrutinize Republican Sarah Palin’s every comment for evidence that she’s a dimwit unqualified for the vice presidency, there’s been barely any discussion of how alleged foreign policy expert Joe Biden was dreadfully wrong in 2006-2007 in his fierce objection to the troop surge strategy in Iraq, which has led to a massive reduction in U.S. and Iraqi casualties and prevented a…

Flash Back Photo Open Thread

October 2nd, 2008 1:23 PM
Due out from Random House Publishing:Breakthrough: Politics and Republicanism in the Age of DeweyAuthors: The Editors of the Chicago Daily Tribune.Publish Date: January 20th, 1949.Thoughts from the authors:

Gwen Ifill, Debate Commission Try 'No Comment' on Obama-Book Conflict

October 2nd, 2008 12:13 PM

Gwen Ifill Wrote Adulatory Magazine Article About Obama Family

October 2nd, 2008 11:55 AM

How Can Americans Be So Smart But Maggie Rodriguez So

October 2nd, 2008 8:51 AM
For someone who doesn't know something as obvious as the fact that—given her upcoming book—Gwen Ifill has a financial stake in an Obama win, Maggie Rodriguez has an awfully high opinion of the knowledge level of ordinary Americans.  Rodriguez interviewed a feisty Fred Thompson on today's Early Show.  During the course of the contentious exchange:Questioning Thompson on Sarah Palin's inability to…

'Brilliant' Ifill Cousin Scours Palin As 'Offensive to Black Women

October 2nd, 2008 6:48 AM
Here are more signs Sarah Palin could face an uphill battle with PBS host Gwen Ifill. Professor Sherrilyn Ifill of the University of Maryland Law School, whom Gwen Ifill has lauded as "my brilliant baby cousin," has written that black women are not buying Sarah Palin’s "false claims to feminism" and is portrayed as too perfect: "when women who are privileged present as though they have it all…

Only ABC Highlights Debate Moderator Gwen Ifill's Obama Book

October 1st, 2008 6:23 PM
Of the three morning shows on Wednesday, only "Good Morning America" highlighted the growing controversy regarding the disclosure that PBS reporter Gwen Ifill, the moderator of Thursday's vice presidential debate, has authored a supportive book about Barack Obama and other African American politicians. CBS's "Early Show" and NBC's "Today" both skipped the subject. GMA news anchor Chris Cuomo…