
ABC/NBC Tout Biden's Big Talk on Sanctions While CBS Pumps the Brakes

January 25th, 2022 9:16 PM

As tensions between Russia and Ukraine continue to intensify on Tuesday, the liberal evening news broadcast networks have continued to cover the Biden administration's tough talk and threats towards Russia to help him look like he's handling it competently. Meanwhile, they're giving little airtime to congressional Republicans' criticisms that he's not doing enough and going it too slowly.


Nets Actually Criticize Biden Approving 'Minor Incursion' By Russia

January 19th, 2022 9:59 PM

You know Joe Biden really stepped in it when even the network newscasts heaped criticism on the geriatric President. On Wednesday evening all three evening news broadcasts were flabbergasted over Biden’s comments during his press conference where he seemed to suggest it would be ok if there was “a minor incursion” by Russia into neighboring Ukraine. 


ABC Rediscovers Afghanistan Crisis, Ignores Americans Still Trapped

December 15th, 2021 11:19 PM

On Tuesday, the State Department and the White House drew scrutiny after they disclosed that there were still Americans and legal residents trapped in Afghanistan over three months after President Biden abandoned them there. Yet on Wednesday, when ABC was the only network to cover the ongoing humanitarian crisis there, they failed to mention those Americans.


Mixed: ABC, NBC Journos Slam Biden While Others on CBS, NBC Go Soft

August 31st, 2021 10:20 PM

On Tuesday afternoon following President Biden’s address about the end of the war in Afghanistan, some broadcast network journalists slammed President Biden’s speech as an angry, defiant, and misleading while others fawned over his claims about the withdrawal as “largely a success” and said his firm deadline will be “reward[ed]” by voters.


ABC Warns Americans Abandoned in Safe Haven for Islamic Terrorists

August 30th, 2021 11:51 PM

Americans were left outraged Monday after the Biden administration completely pulled out of Afghanistan and left behind some 250 American citizens to be hostages and targets of the Taliban. And in their infinite wisdom, officials anticipated that the Taliban would be kept busy fighting ISIS-K. But in a Special Report and on World News Tonight, ABC News warned viewers that Americans…


CBS, NBC Censor 250 Americans Abandoned By Biden’s Afghanistan Debacle

August 30th, 2021 4:18 PM

On the eve of the final withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, only ABC’s Good Morning America specifically mentioned that Joe Biden’s disaster will abandon at least 250 Americans in the country. CBS This Morning, for example, vaguely mentioned “some” would be left behind. 

Nets Ignore ‘Terrified’ University Students Abandoned in Afghanistan

August 30th, 2021 11:37 AM

Today, the big three networks chose not to report on another heartbreaking story out of the New York Times, Sunday, about university students trapped in Afghanistan, abandoned by the U.S., as the August 31 deadline nears. 


CBS/NBC Ignore Reality Biden Ready to ABANDON Americans in Afghanistan

August 24th, 2021 8:45 PM

On Tuesday, President Biden made it clear that he would not extend the evacuation of Americans and allies past his arbitrary August 31 deadline. And with the military’s need to pack up their own stuff and Fox News warning that the military would leave in roughly three days, it was obvious Biden was ready to completely abandon Americans to their fate with the Taliban. And of the big three…


ABC Blasts Biden’s ‘Breathtaking’ Lies on Afghanistan Catastrophe

August 20th, 2021 4:29 PM

Immediately following President Biden’s contentious Friday press conference about the ongoing disaster he created in Afghanistan, ABC News special coverage slammed him for saying things about the crisis that were just blatantly false. Correspondents described his lies as “breathtaking” and completely out of touch with the dire reality facing U.S. citizens and Afghan allies still trapped in the…


Stephanopoulos Hounds Biden on Afghanistan, But Lets Lies Stand

August 19th, 2021 12:24 PM

In a lengthy interview this morning, the Good Morning America anchor repeatedly pressed the president on his administration’s “failure” in Afghanistan. However, despite some misleading statements, Biden was saved from the eager media fact-checks his predecessor was frequently exposed to.


Nets SLAM Biden as Failed Leader, Passed ‘Blame’ for Afghan ‘Disaster’

August 16th, 2021 8:17 PM

The major broadcast networks continued their welcome stance on Monday afternoon of holding President Biden accountable for the embarrassing collapse of Afghanistan and the peril Afghans and Americans have found themselves in. After Biden’s speech, ABC, CBS, and NBC lambasted it for having “missed the moment” in failing to “accept responsibility” for this “catastrophe” he’s caused and explain…


President What’s-His-Face? Nets Allow Seconds to Biden Role in MESS

August 12th, 2021 2:00 PM

In the last 24 hours, the Taliban has swept through major parts of Afghanistan, taking their tenth major city. And while the networks all gave that substantial coverage on Wednesday night and Thursday morning, one person was mostly missing: Joe Biden. The evening newscasts and morning shows barely mentioned the President of the United States, just 28 seconds


Joe What’s-His-Face? ABC Devotes Show to Afghanistan, Seconds to Biden

May 14th, 2021 9:10 AM

In Joe Biden’s America, things just happen. No one is really running the country. That’s the attitude of much of the mainstream media. It’s especially true when it comes to Biden’s removal of all U.S. troops in Afghanistan by September 11, 2021. ABC’s Nightline on Wednesday devoted the entire show – 16 minutes and 14 seconds to the impact of the U.S. withdrawal. Total…


‘Incredible’; ABC Spot, CNN Host Marvel at China’s Mass Surveillance

April 10th, 2020 12:21 AM

There was a disturbing trend that popped up on ABC’s World News Tonight and CNN’s coronavirus town hall (the latter hosted by Anderson Cooper and Dr. Sanjay Gupta on Thursday). Both ABC and Cooper marveled in amazement at the mobilization communist China’s mass surveillance state to track their citizens and monitor for their coronavirus. Cooper seemed to go slack-jawed after hearing about a…