James Fallows

CBS Ponders Painting Joe Biden as 'Steady' Like Truman and Eisenhower
If you think part-time Biden speechwriter Jon Meacham sounds humorous when he says everyone needs to vote for Biden as a “test of citizenship,” there’s also former Jimmy Carter speechwriter James Fallows, who insisted on CBS’s Sunday Morning that Biden should position himself in the mold of Truman and Eisenhower as moderate “steady hands at the controls.”

On PBS, Liberal Journos Trade Tips on Deplatforming Trump for ‘24
Thursday's PBS News Hour featured liberal journalistic handwringing over 2024 candidate Donald Trump’s CNN live town hall from New Hampshire, filled with adoring fans and questioning from CNN’s Kaitlin Collins. Online the segment went by “CNN town hall highlights media’s struggle with how to cover Trump and his lies.” Indeed, the segment featured three facets of the liberal…

CNN: GOP 'Dumping Anthrax' In Our Water, Fox News Is 'Killing People!'
CNN host Brian Stelter was giggling like a schoolgirl who said hi to her crush during Sunday’s so-called “Reliable Sources” as he and his cavalcade of unhinged lefty media types declared war on “normalizing” their opponents. Together they went after the Republican Party and Fox News by slinging all forms of lies and innuendo in order to stoke a dangerous hatred against them.

Stelter: Shouldn’t Press Cover Climate Change More Than Afghanistan?
On Sunday, desperate to deflect media criticism of President Biden’s catastrophic Afghanistan failures, CNN’s Reliable Sources host Brian Stelter suggested other topics like climate change really needed to take priority in the press. His panel of liberal pundits predictably agreed and argued that coverage of the foreign policy debacle was overblown.

Lies: Lemon Says Trump's Sanity Isn't Being Questioned, Smears Critics

CNN's Brinkley Dubiously Claims Reagan 'Fabricated' Holocaust Story

Liberal Journo Takes On 'World's Greatest Monster' -- the Leaf Blower

Increasingly Shrill Liberal Journalists Attack 'Legitimacy' of Supreme

James Fallows Reveals Inner Moonbat: '5 Signs the United States Is Und

Pew, That Stinks: Liberals Use Rotten Charts to Claim 'You Can't Sanel