Al Hunt On Rosen Outrage: Obama 'No Better Than Nixon'; Holder Should

May 22nd, 2013 9:19 AM
How worried should President Obama be when he loses the likes of Al Hunt? On today's Morning Joe, discussing the James Rosen outrage, Hunt called President Obama "no better than Richard Nixon" when it comes to the press. He then strongly suggested that Attorney General Eric Holder should go. View the video after the jump.

Milbank Slams Obama on James Rosen Probe: 'As Flagrant an Assault on C

May 22nd, 2013 8:05 AM
Up until now, the funniest thing Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank has said in the Obama years is “I think the media would love to have an Obama scandal to cover.” Well, Milbank has finally found a scandal that upsets him: the leak investigation of Fox News reporter James Rosen. “The Rosen affair is as flagrant an assault on civil liberties as anything done by George W. Bush’s…

Juan Williams: The Obama Administration Has Criminalized Journalism

May 21st, 2013 5:53 PM
On Tuesday's Fox & Friends, Fox News contributor and Emmy-winning journalist Juan Williams accused the Obama Justice Department of having "criminalized journalism" by investigating Fox News correspondent James Rosen. Williams claimed that such probing by the administration “makes it difficult for journalists to do business” and posed the question, “How do you do journalism if you are…

Committee to Protect Journalists Denounces 'Chilling Effect' of Rosen

May 21st, 2013 3:53 PM
In statement released on Tuesday, the executive director of the Committee to Protect Journalists, Joel Simon, issued this warning against the Obama Justice Department investigating Fox News reporter James Rosen: "U.S. government efforts to prosecute leakers by obtaining information from journalists has a chilling effect domestically and sends a terrible message to journalists around the world…

Veteran Journalist Brit Hume Condemns FBI Investigation Of Fox’s Jam

May 21st, 2013 1:00 PM
Following a Washington Post report showing that the Obama administration under the Justice Department had singled out Fox News’ James Rosen, including secretly reading his personal emails, FNC’s Brit Hume took the Obama administration to task for its actions. Appearing on Special Report w/ Bret Baier on May 20, the veteran Washington journalist described the actions by the Justice Department…

After Terrible Storm, ABC Devotes 10 Minutes to Crime, Botox and Enter

May 21st, 2013 12:10 PM
Despite the devastating tornado that struck Oklahoma on Monday, ABC's Good Morning America still found time to devote several segments to stunningly superficial topics, including getting Botox injections at age 20 and Matt Damon's gay love scenes with Michael Douglas in a new movie. Additionally, the network morning show offered yet another segment to the tabloid details of the Jodi Arias…

ABC and CBS Ignore Obama Administration Investigating FNC's James Rose

May 21st, 2013 11:57 AM
While much of the news coverage Monday evening and Tuesday morning was dominated by coverage of the tornado that devastated Moore, Oklahoma, Tuesday's NBC Today did manage to provide two news briefs, totaling a minute and fourteen seconds, to the stunning revelation that the Obama administration searched through the private emails of Fox News chief Washington correspondent James Rosen,…

It Gets Worse: WashPost Reports Obama DOJ Also Spied on James Rosen of

May 20th, 2013 7:16 AM
The Washington Post on Monday reported that Obama’s Department of Justice was investigating journalists before they started wiretapping the Associated Press – for one, Fox News correspondent James Rosen in 2010. Their headline wasn't "Obama Team Also Spied on Fox News." Fox wasn't in the headline, on A-1 or on A-12, where the story continued. Newly obtained court documents “reveal how deeply…

NBC Touts 'Defiant' Obama Dismissing Benghazi as 'Political Circus' Wh

May 14th, 2013 11:45 AM
While Monday's NBC Nightly News was content to accept President Obama labeling the Benghazi scandal as a "political circus" worthy of ridicule, on Fox News Channel's Special Report, chief Washington correspondent James Rosen was actually being a journalist and fact-checking the commander-in-chief's deceptive assertions on the controversy.   Introducing the Nightly News report on Obama…

Irritated Shepard Smith Decries 'Sour Grapes,' 'Slimy' Methods of Anti

November 9th, 2010 4:24 PM
A visibly annoyed Shepard Smith on Monday decried the "sour grapes" and "slimy motives" of a group of defeated House Democrats who are circulating a letter in opposition of Nancy Pelosi staying on as a leader of the new Democratic minority. The host even appeared to depart from his teleprompter to defend Pelosi. Introducing reporter James Rosen, the Fox News host complained, "Could it be…

O'Reilly on Fox's Front Row Seat: He, Beck and Hannity Might All Sit T

August 3rd, 2010 1:33 AM
Bill O'Reilly was certainly pleased with the announcement that Fox News has won a coveted seat position in the White House briefing room.On Monday's "O'Reilly Factor," the host told guests James Rosen of FNC and Lynn Sweet of the Chicago Sun-Times that he "might be able to sneak down in there" and "sit in the front row." O'Reilly continued with a devilish grin on his face, "Believe me when I tell…

Fox Reporting $25 Mil No-Bid Contract Went to Dem Donor

January 25th, 2010 12:00 PM
I don't know why I'm relaying this to readers. After all, according to former White House Communications Director Anita "Mao Inspires Me" Dunn, it's not coming from a real news organization. Her successor, Dan Pfeiffer, agrees. So does David Axelrod. But on the off chance that what follows might actually mean something, here is an excerpt from a lengthy piece of investigative journalism from Fox…

FNC Examines Plight of Would-Be Gun Owners in D.C. Even After Ban Stru

October 9th, 2009 6:21 AM
On Monday's Special Report with Bret Baier on FNC, correspondent James Rosen filed a report describing the line of obstacles to acquiring a handgun legally in Washington, D.C., in spite of last year's Supreme Court ruling overturning the city's outright ban on handgun possession in the city. Host Baier introduced the report: "Correspondent James Rosen reports while it is now legal to get a…

FNC's Beckel: Obama Must Do With Jones What He Did With Wright -- Cut

September 5th, 2009 10:39 AM
"Obama has been accused during the campaign of associating with people who were radical, whether it be Bill Ayers or Reverend Wright. He has to do with Jones what he did with Wright, which is to cut his relationship off."So said liberal Fox News contributor Bob Beckel about the growing controversy surrounding President Obama's "green jobs czar" Van Jones.In this segment aired Friday evening…