
Of Course: CNN Makes Reaction to McCain’s AZ Funeral About Trump

August 30th, 2018 5:30 PM
From the moment the late Republican Senator John McCain’s Arizona memorial service ended Thursday afternoon, CNN’s assembled panelists continued the embarrassing network’s obsession with tying McCain tributes to President Donald Trump, the latter’s attacks on the former, and how McCain was the anti-Trump.

CNN, MSNBC Lament John McCain 'Mistake' of Choosing Sarah Palin

August 27th, 2018 12:34 PM
In the past couple of days since the passing of former Republican Senator John McCain, several personalities on both CNN and MSNBC have lamented his selection of Sarah Palin as his vice presidential nominee in 2008 as a "mistake," with some suggestions that he helped set up the Republican party to go down the wrong track by doing so.

Sure: Baldwin Says It’s ‘Dangerous’ to Argue Protesters Are Organized

February 22nd, 2017 5:38 PM
The double standard continues, folks. On Tuesday afternoon’s CNN Newsroom, host Brooke Baldwin seemed dismayed and testy when it came to questioning whether or not the attendees at solid congressional Republican town halls are liberal protesters, bemoaning the idea as “dangerous” rhetoric to be articulating.  Of course, NewsBusters readers will find this story to be quite humorous after recalling…

Rubio Comms Director Unloads on CNN After Post on Rubio Quitting Race

March 7th, 2016 10:19 PM
Less than an hour after CNN published an article by special correspondent Jamie Gangel alleging that top Marco Rubio advisers are pushing for him to drop out before the March 15 Florida primary, Rubio communications director Alex Conant took to CNN’s The Situation Room to excoriate the outlet for its “utter nonsense” and “fiction” that didn’t even seek public comment from the campaign. 

CNN's Gangel Gently Pursues 'Decent' Jeb Bush On Trump, Rubio

November 4th, 2015 5:01 PM
On Wednesday's New Day, Jamie Gangel broke CNN's routine of hounding Republican/conservative guests with a mostly non-confrontational interview of Jeb Bush. Gangel only mildly pressed the GOP presidential candidate on the issue of his recent move to target competitor Marco Rubio: "You went after him [Rubio] for missing votes. But he hit back, and some people think he got the better of the moment…

CNN Badgers Rubio On Missed Senate Votes; 'In A Glass House'

October 26th, 2015 6:53 PM
CNN's Jamie Gangel hounded Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio over his missed Senate votes on Monday's New Day. Gangel played up how Senator Rubio "said federal workers who don't show up should be fired." When the Florida politician countered that he had said that "federal workers that aren't doing their jobs — that are not performing at their jobs — should be able to be fired," the…

NBC: Dick Cheney 'A Conservative Hero to His Fans, Darth Vader to His

August 29th, 2011 6:01 PM

Monday's NBC Today featured another preview of the upcoming Dateline interview with Dick Cheney about his new memoir, with correspondent Jamie Gangel declaring the former Vice President to be "A conservative hero to his fans, Darth Vader to his critics." On Thursday, Gangel also appeared on the NBC morning show to promote the interview, with co-host Ann Curry proclaiming…

Scarborough Takes on Colin Powell: Him Going on TV to Defend Himself M

August 29th, 2011 11:36 AM
The liberal media are predictably gushing over Colin Powell's supposed rebuke of Dick Cheney on Sunday's "Face the Nation." Bucking the trend was Joe Scarborough Monday who on the MSNBC program bearing his name said Powell going on "Face the Nation" to defend himself proved Cheney right about heads exploding over his new book (video follows with transcript and commentary):

NBC: Dick Cheney 'One of the Most Controversial Figures of Our Time

August 25th, 2011 1:00 PM

Thursday's NBC Today previewed an upcoming Dateline interview with Dick Cheney about his new memoir and labeled the former Vice President "controversial" three times in less than a minute. Co-host Ann Curry proclaimed him to be "one of the most controversial figures of our time." Turning to correspondent Jamie Gangel, who conducted the interview, Curry noted: "I understand that you…

Today Show Hero-Worships Rising Democratic 'Star' Cory Booker

March 22nd, 2011 2:24 PM
NBC's Jamie Gangel gave Cory Booker the full liberal media rock star treatment in her Tuesday Today show profile of the Democratic Newark, New Jersey mayor as she cheered that he's "a celebrity with friends like Bon Jovi" and gushed he has "more than a million followers on Twitter." Calling Booker "a young ambitious politician often compared to Barack Obama," Gangel proclaimed: "He truly is…

Olbermann: Rush Spawning Beck 'Like Spreading Syphillis

October 13th, 2009 8:33 PM
Just when you thought Keith Olbermann couldn't get any more vile or vulgar . . . Opening this evening's Countdown, Olbermann said that Rush Limbaugh's observation that Glenn Beck was the result of his success "is like congratulating yourself for spreading syphyllis."Olbermann made his crude comment in teasing a segment on Rush's interview with NBC's Jamie Gangel. 

NBC's Gangel Tries to Broker Beer Summit for Rush and Obama

October 13th, 2009 11:03 AM
In the second part of her interview with Rush Limbaugh, on Tuesday's "Today" show, NBC's Jamie Gangel attempted to broker a beer summit between the radio talk show host and the President. Gangel, during the mostly friendly interview with Limbaugh, suggested a meeting between the two to promote "more unity," as seen in the following exchange:JAMIE GANGEL: Do you think the Republicans can win? RUSH…

Limbaugh Transcends 'Today' Attempt to Discredit Him

October 12th, 2009 11:19 AM
“Lord, thank you for my enemies.”Thus began El Rushbo’s interview with NBC national correspondent Jamie Gangel.  It is remarkable that, even when the media sit down with Limbaugh, they still find a way to be biased.  To be fair, Gangel did not conduct the interview like Keith Olbermann might have.  But there were a few points of interest which must be noted – and some even pointed out by Rush…

NBC Thrills Over 'Brand Obama': 'The Messiah of Madison Avenue

February 6th, 2009 4:33 PM
On a day when Barack Obama was struggling to push through a stimulus bill in Congress, journalists on Friday's "Today" show decided to fawn over the branding of the new President, even referring to the Commander in Chief as the "messiah of Madison Avenue." NBC correspondent Jamie Gangel highlighted a batch of new Obama merchandise and enthused, "And the whole world is apparently going Obama."…