CBS Hypes: Obama on Same Side as Tea Party on Budget Cuts

February 17th, 2011 2:59 PM
On Thursday's CBS Early Show, senior White House correspondent Bill Plante seized on a rare instance in which the Obama administration and conservative members of Congress happened to agree on a single budget cut: "It's not very often that the Obama administration finds itself on the same side as Tea Party Republicans when it comes to spending." The spending in question was funding for the…

CBS Touts Bad News: 'GOP Power Struggle' in Congress and 'Infighting

February 11th, 2011 12:09 PM
During a report on Friday's CBS Early Show, congressional correspondent Nancy Cordes emphasized division in the new Republican Congress: "The prospect of a mutiny had sent Republican leaders scrambling to craft an even leaner budget, and make good on their promises to the Tea Party....Just this week, small groups of conservatives defeated two of their own party's measures on the House floor…

NBC's Today Leaves Out Liberal Label for Huffington Post in AOL Buyout

February 7th, 2011 3:04 PM
While both CBS's Early Show and ABC's Good Morning America identified The Huffington Post as a liberal blog when discussing AOL purchasing the web site for $315 million, on NBC's Today, news reader Ann Curry simply described it as an "online news site" co-founded by "pundit" Arianna Huffington. On Good Morning America, news reader JuJu Chang referred to The Huffington Post as a "top-ten news…

CBS Cheers Barbara Bush Supporting Gay Marriage

February 1st, 2011 12:02 PM
On Tuesday's CBS Early Show, news reader Jeff Glor declared: "Former First Daughter Barbara Bush is taking a very public stand in support of same-sex marriage." After a sound bite was played of Bush doing a video for the left-wing group New Yorkers for Marriage Equality, Glor added: "During his presidency, her father pushed an amendment banning same-sex marriage." While Glor touted the move…

Networks Sympathetic to Violent UK Protests Against 'Skyrocketing' Col

December 10th, 2010 4:05 PM
On Friday, all three network morning shows expressed sympathy for protestors in London rioting against college tuition increases, despite a Thursday attack on the royal family. While CBS's Early Show, ABC's Good Morning America, and NBC's Today all reported on security concerns over Prince Charles and wife Camilla, each broadcast also lamented Britain's "drastic new budget cuts." At the top…

Dem Congressman Fumes: 'F**k the President,' All Three Networks Ignore

December 10th, 2010 12:33 PM
Thursday's network newscasts and Friday's morning shows all ignored the report that an unidentified Democratic House member muttered, "F**k the President" during a closed door meeting on a compromise over taxes. Yet, many journalists professed outrage when Congressman Joe Wilson yelled "You lie" at President Obama in 2009. ABC's The Note website on Thursday afternoon explained, "An…

Sloppy ABC Misleads on Estate Tax Being 'Slashed'; It Will Actually In

December 9th, 2010 4:02 PM
Good Morning America's Jon Karl on Thursday offered misleading, sloppy reporting on a congressional tax deal, bizarrely suggesting that the proposal "slashes" the estate tax. In a follow-up piece, news anchor Juju Chang asserted that many Democrats "are still opposed, especially to the estate tax cut." In reality, the so-called death tax is currently at zero. Under the deal, it will increase…

Rates Unchanged, Yet CBS Insists ‘Battle Over Tax Cuts’ Means ‘C

December 8th, 2010 8:56 AM
Matching the distortion documented in a MRC study posted Tuesday, though under the Obama-congressional GOP compromise income tax rates will remain unchanged for all, fill-in CBS Evening News anchor Jeff Glor introduced a story by characterizing a “battle over tax cuts” and how at a White House news conference President Obama “said agreeing to cuts for high-income earners was the only way to get…

CBS Uses Opposition to Ground Zero Mosque to Lecture About ‘America

August 26th, 2010 8:57 AM
“A CBS News poll out tonight finds that seven of ten [71%] Americans oppose building a mosque two blocks from Ground Zero,” fill-in CBS Evening News anchor Jeff Glor announced Wednesday night, but instead of exploring why most think it’s inappropriate to build there, Glor pivoted to how that and “controversies over new mosques in Wisconsin and Kentucky have led some to question is America…

Some Media Tag Serial Stabber as ‘Israeli National,’ Others See

August 14th, 2010 11:14 PM
When reporting on the nationality of a criminal from another country who has already been arrested, it normally would be considered unnecessary or even uncalled for to take the extra step of explicitly identifying the suspect’s ethnicity or religious affiliation as well. But, given that Israelis, the vast majority of whom are Jewish, often face sharp criticism and negative press reaction over…

CBS Shoehorns Palin 'Refudiate' Gaffe Into Story About NYC Mosque

July 21st, 2010 4:35 PM
On Tuesday's CBS Evening News, correspondent Jeff Glor managed to squeeze criticism of a gaffe made by Sarah Palin into a story on a controversial plan to build a mosque just blocks from Ground Zero in New York City: "...on Twitter she called on peaceful Muslims to 'refudiate' the plan....Liberal bloggers pounced on the made-up word and Palin retracted her tweet."While describing the opposing…

CBS: 'Tough' Pennsylvania Immigration Law, Like 'Controversial' Arizon

July 13th, 2010 3:51 PM
On Saturday's CBS Evening News, anchor Jeff Glor reported on an immigration protest in Boston: "...hundreds opposed to Arizona's controversial immigration law protested the presence of Arizona Governor Jan Brewer at a meeting there." One protestor held a sign that read: "Jan Brewer is a Bigot." Glor then turned to a report on a similar immigration law proposed in Pennsylvania.  Correspondent…

CBS Continues to Pressure Congress to Extend Unemployment Benefits

July 13th, 2010 12:07 PM
On Saturday's CBS Evening News, anchor Jeff Glor decided what should be at the top of Congress's agenda as it returned from the July 4th recess: "Congress returns to Washington next week to face a big backlog of unfinished business, and topping the list is the future of unemployment benefits."In a report that followed, senior White House correspondent Bill Plante chided elected officials for…

Douglas Brinkley on CBS: President 'On A Roll' With ObamaCare Before

June 8th, 2010 11:47 AM
Discussing the Gulf oil spill on Saturday's CBS Evening News,  liberal historian Douglas Brinkley fretted over President Obama's left-wing agenda being in jeopardy: "...he was on a roll with the health care legislation. There was a great hope that before the election he was going to get some things done in Washington. This hit, and I think for President Obama, the spill was an inconvenience."At…