CBS’s Mitchell: How Does Obama ‘Not Denounce Jeremiah Wright

March 18th, 2008 2:01 PM
Following Monday’s sanitized coverage of the controversial comments of Barack Obama’s pastor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Tuesday’s CBS "Early Show" continued to gloss over the most inflammatory of Wright’s comments, spending over 6 minutes on Obama’s upcoming speech on the issue while devoting only 16 seconds of video to Wright’s more mild statements. Following this video, co-host Russ Mitchell…

CBS ‘Early Show’ Makes No Mention of Spitzer Being Democrat

March 11th, 2008 1:15 PM
At the top of Tuesday’s CBS "Early Show"a 1,612 word story on New York Governor Eliot Spitzer’s sex scandal did not feature the word ‘Democrat’ even once, nor was the word used in any further coverage of Spitzer during the show. A 'D' did appear briefly next to Spitzer's name on screen at two points during the show, for a total of 14 seconds. In addition, the story portrayed Spitzer as a great…

CBS Relieved It Has a Juicy Bad News Story

December 12th, 2007 12:22 PM
After months of declining violence in Iraq as a result of the troop surge, Wednesday’s CBS "Early Show" jumped on news of a car bombing in the Iraqi city of Amarah as co-host Russ Mitchell declared: "There's breaking news out of Iraq this morning. Three car bombs exploded today in one of the deadliest attacks in months." CBS Correspondent Jeff Glor reported from Baghdad and tried to frame the…

'Early Show' Frames Story to Make Bush Look Heartless

July 30th, 2007 5:52 PM
On Saturday’s "Early Show," host Jeff Glor framed a political headline in a way that portrays President Bush as criminally uncaring. The story was about a seven year old Orlando boy who wrote a letter to the president, pleading for him to do something to make his community safer.Jeff Glor (Host): "And one seven year old boy's cry for help has gone as far as Capitol Hill and the White House."…