
Partisan CNN Abandons Principles to Heap Praise on Biden

December 4th, 2020 7:28 PM

There is no other way to describe CNN’s reaction to Joe Biden's softball Thursday interview with anchor Jake Tapper than partisan exaltation. Throughout the course of the 180-minute New Day broadcast on Friday, the leftist network spent nearly 110 of those minutes gushing over the friendly exchange between Tapper, Biden, and Kamala Harris. The partisan hacks had nothing but praise for…

Jeff Zeleny CNN New Day 11-25-20

CNN: Those Aren't Biden Gaffes! They Demonstrate His 'Empathy'

November 25th, 2020 12:41 PM

CNN sought to pull off an incredible double of pro-Biden partisanship on this morning's New Day. First, by fostering sympathy for the poor guy who may have just been made the most powerful person in the world. Then, somehow transforming his worst traits into wonderful qualities, claiming his gaffes are actually evidence of "empathy."


Partisan CNN Gushes Over 'Upset' Obama Blasting Trump

November 17th, 2020 9:30 AM

In two separate segments on Monday morning’s New Day, CNN hosts Alisyn Camerota and John Berman gushed over former President Obama being invited to trash President Trump during a pair of …


Obama Sycophants at CNN Plug Divisive Memoir Trashing Republicans

November 12th, 2020 12:05 PM

This morning CNN journalists let former President Obama take a turn at spewing hate towards President Trump and the millions of Americans who voted for him. 

Alisyn Camerota Jessica Schneider CNN New Day 10-12-20

Weird CNN: At Hearings, ACB Will 'Portray' Herself as Mother, Wife

October 12th, 2020 1:15 PM

A CNN reporter says that at her confirmation hearings, Amy Coney Barrett will "portray" herself as a mother of seven, as a wife, and as a justice who will be in line with the late, "staunchly-conservative" Justice Antonin Scalia. Reporting from Iowa, CNN reporter Jeff Zeleny interviews a man who says he voted for Trump in 2016, but won't do so now because he finds him "despicable."


CRAZY CNN: Kamala’s ‘Fantastic’ Speech Came ‘From the Mountaintop’

August 12th, 2020 11:40 PM

On Wednesday’s Situation Room, CNN analysts, hosts, and reporters debased themselves and reminded us of their embarrassing, shameless, sophomoric, and unserious operation with their reactions to Kamala Harris’s “beautiful,” “conversational,” “fantastic,” and “warm” speech that sounded like it was delivered “from the mountaintop.”


CNN On Auto Repeat: Michigan Protests ‘Not Organic,’ ‘Not Organic'

April 20th, 2020 5:30 PM
CNN’s Senior White House Correspondent Jeff Zeleny really wants you to know that protests about reopening the government are “not organic.” Zeleny described them this way three times on Sunday night, telling Don Lemon, “there's no question these are not organic protests..” He then compared the rallies to the dreaded Tea Party:

CNN, MSNBC Circle the Wagons Around Pal Adam Schiff After NYT Report

October 2nd, 2019 6:41 PM

In the first hour since they finally acknowledged a bombshell New York Times story about liberal media confidant/Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA) knowing in advance about the whistleblower being used to impugn the presidency, CNN’s The Lead and MSNBC Live circled the wagons on Wednesday afternoon to defend Schiff


Blitzer: ‘Condemning’ Trump’s ‘Racism...Shouldn’t Be a Partisan Issue’

July 16th, 2019 6:27 PM

CNN’s Situation Room host Wolf Blitzer might be viewed as an iconic journalist and bastion of truth, but the Trump era has shown that he’s a liberal pundit who mirrors, say, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow. On Tuesday’s show, Blitzer came back from break to insist that voting in support of a House Democrats resolution “condemning the President's racist comments...shouldn’t necessarily be a partisan…


CNN Uncorks Lunacy-Filled, Self-Absorbed Special on WH Press Corps

December 28th, 2018 5:35 PM
On Thursday night, correspondent Randi “Kush” Kaye offered an hour-long special on the White House Briefing Room that served as nothing more than a pompous exercise in lamenting how they believe the Trump administration has been unfair to them and are unraveling American democracy. The endeavor was dominated by attempts to make viewers to feel bad for CNN, fondly look back on past administrations…

CNN's Collins Claims Trump Saying 'Nationalist' Is 'Like Hitler'

October 25th, 2018 9:59 AM
On Tuesday's The Situation Room, liberal CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin and correspondent Kaitlan Collins got into a surprising debate over whether it was appropriate for President Donald Trump to call himself a "nationalist" as Collins claimed that the word "nationalism" had become "like Hitler" while Toobin seemed out of character as he defended the President.

CNN’s Cooper: Trump Doesn’t See Bomb Targets as ‘Human Beings’

October 25th, 2018 12:53 AM
Mere moments after President Trump called for national unity at a Wisconsin rally in the wake of attempted bombings of prominent Democrats and CNN, CNN host Anderson Cooper kicked off AC360 by decrying the President’s speech. Not long after that, Cooper and senior White House correspondent Jeff Zeleny teamed up to tear into the President for the things he “did not say.” And according to Cooper,…

FNC’s Baier Calls Out CNN’s Zeleny for False Reporting

August 1st, 2018 1:32 PM
In a whiny tweet Tuesday afternoon, CNN Senior White House Correspondent Jeff Zeleny complained about President Trump not taking questions from the White House Press Corps as he left for a campaign rally in Florida, even making this completely false claim: “It marks at least a week that he’s gone without answering questions about his Tweets or anything else in the news.”

PANIC: CNN Throws Fit Over Reporters Not Hammering Trump on Cohen

July 30th, 2018 4:57 PM
On Monday afternoon, CNN went into full-blown panic mode directing anger and bitterness at the Daily Caller’s Saagar Enjeti and Reuters’s Roberta Rampton following President Trump’s press conference with Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte in which neither U.S. reporter asked the President the questions CNN wanted them to.