NY Times Frets About Freedom of the Press as Palin's Libel Suit Looms

January 25th, 2022 5:46 PM

A June 2017 New York Times editorial falsely linked former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin to the 2011 attempted assassination of Arizona Democrat Rep. Gabrielle Giffords that left six dead. Palin filed a defamation suit. The Times is worried that the press’s free ride in the judicial system may be ending, as demonstrated in Jeremy Peters’ “Sarah…

Classic NY Times: ‘Republicans Pounce on Schools as a Wedge Issue...'

November 4th, 2021 11:49 AM

As Democrats ponder their newly vulnerable electoral state, here’s a New York Times headline that’s a neat encapsulation of media bias: “Republicans Pounce on Schools as a Wedge Issue to Unite the Party.” That's the online headline to the front-page Thursday story by Lisa Lerer and Jeremy Peters. It’s two liberal media tropes in one line: the idea of Republicans cynically “pouncing”…

NYT Scared for Dems in Virginia: Youngkin’s ‘Hard-Right Turn'

October 30th, 2021 8:10 PM

New York Times political reporter Jeremy Peters wrote about the tight Virginia governor’s race between Democrat Terry McAuliffe, the former DNC head who previously served as Virginia’s governor from 2014-2018, and Republican Glenn Youngkin: “Running in Virginia, Youngkin Shifted Tone With Hard Right Turn.” Youngkin has a lead outside the margin of error in at least one poll in the…

NYT Mocks Claim of Mostly Peaceful Jan. 6: But Floyd Protests Were?

July 4th, 2021 7:59 AM

Friday’s New York Times report by Luke Broadwater covered the continuing drama of the Republican Party’s treatment of Sen. Liz Cheney in “Cheney Joins the Jan. 6 Investigation Committee, to G.O.P.’s ‘Shock.’” Broadwater has twice condemned “far-right” Republicans in Congress for disingenuously claiming that the mob action on Capitol Hill on January 6 was “mostly peaceful.” Such a…

Column: New York Times Outsources Research to Media Matters

March 31st, 2021 6:05 AM

The New York Times published a front-page story on the Republican "culture war" on transgender athletes. What stood out was their promotion of "a review of social media content conducted for The New York Times by Media Matters, a left-leaning watchdog." Suddenly, the Times is outsourcing its research on conservatives to a hard-left organization – one of the most…

NY Times Goes on Elitist Rant About Rush’s ‘Indefensible Conduct'

February 20th, 2021 2:30 PM

After brutalizing him in its front-page obituary, the New York Times took a Trumpian angle on talk radio legend Rush Limbaugh’s passing with reporter Jeremy Peters’ “Political Memo”: “Rush Limbaugh’s Legacy of Venom: As Trump Rose, ‘It All Sounded Familiar’ -- Weaponizing conspiracy theories and bigotry long before Donald Trump’s ascent, the radio giant helped usher in the political…

NY Times Shows Hypocrisy on Race, Hugo Chavez, and Maxine Waters

January 9th, 2021 4:45 PM

The inexcusable rioting and looting in the halls and floors of the U.S. Congress this week has cast a shameful pall over the country. But the New York Times often went beyond justifiably calling out the rioters and those who egged them on. The paper overreached, making accusations of racial favoritism among police and alleging a double standard on riots, while ignoring liberal…

Hypocritical NYT Takes a Shot a ‘Reckless’ Conservative Media Polls

November 19th, 2020 10:15 AM

New York Times reporter Jeremy Peters, always eager to attack conservative media, decided to pick on a couple of right-wing sites with strange charges of inaccuracy and tired jabs about their funding, in Tuesday’s edition: “A Popular Political Site Made a Sharp Right Turn. What Steered It?” The text box: “Questionable articles and polling averages at Real Clear Politics.” (Yes, the…

NY Times HACK Plays Defense for ‘Flabbergasted’ Dems Unfairly Smeared

September 10th, 2020 10:03 AM

New York Times reporter Jeremy Peters blared a 1,700-word blast of pro-Democratic bias from the front of Wednesday’s edition, while also portraying the Trump campaign as desperate and foundering in “Scaring Voters Didn’t Work in 2018. Will It Now?” When even Al Sharpton is suggesting that “latte liberals” are taking the anti-police attitude too far, perhaps the Democrats really do…

NYTimes Engages in Awful Fact-Checking, Tars GOP 'Alternate Histories'

August 28th, 2020 10:42 AM

The New York Times set the table for Night Three from the Republican National Convention by accusing Republicans of “using selectively edited scenes to exaggerate violence from the summer protest movement….warping momentary scenes of violence from largely peaceful protests earlier this year into scenes of chaos.” A convention recap tried to gin up sympathy for poor Joe Biden: "The…

NY Times Slap Mollie Hemingway, Ben Shapiro for Picking Apart the Left

August 5th, 2020 12:32 PM

New York Times reporter Jeremy Peters has developed a beat of targeting conservative media, and in his sights on Tuesday were The Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway, as well as personalities Ben Shapiro and Allie Beth Stuckey, in “An Outlet for the Outrage Against Trump’s Enemies.” Peters focused predominantly on The Federalist, whose influential commentary has angered liberals since 2013…

NYTimes Hits Rush & Co. on Floyd: ‘Conservative Media Outrage Machine'

June 3rd, 2020 9:39 PM

Sunday’s New York Times tried to put “law and order conservatives,” not liberal riot supporters, on the defensive in the violent aftermath of the unjust death under police custody of George Floyd in Minneapolis: “Floyd Case Presents Ideological Challenge for Law-and-Order Conservatives.” The text box: “Even Limbaugh and Pirro can’t defend an officer’s actions.”

NY Times Says Pandemic Should Stop 'Me First' Conservatism

May 30th, 2020 9:00 AM

The New York Times lead National “news” story on Friday was a full-page opinionated attack on conservatives by NewsBusters regular Jeremy Peters, who once again used the coronavirus pandemic as a cudgel: “‘The Crisis of 2020,’ Predicted in 1991: What’s Next?” Peters first marveled at how the 1991 book “Generations” by William Strauss and Neil Howe, “which introduced a provocative theory that…

NYT’s Peters: ‘Overwhelmingly White’ Protests Based on Misinformation

April 21st, 2020 4:57 PM
New York Times reporter Jeremy Peters is still waging attacks on conservatives in the time of coronavirus. He devoted nearly 1,800 words to “A Culture War Is Simmering in Quarantine” to deride conservative protests over oppressive state restrictions, while framing (unlabeled) liberal politicians and activists as founts of sweet reason: "The people at these protests have been overwhelmingly white…