NY Times Shrieks 'WAR ON THE PRESS' When Turnabout Is Fair Play

August 26th, 2019 11:01 AM
So much for the New York Times’ pursuit of “truth.” Digging up old social media postings to use against public figures (usually conservatives) is the kind of “investigation” the Times and the rest of the press have being doing for years. But now, as a recently uncovered project is revealed to be targeting journalists in similar fashion, the tactic is suddenly disreputable, even dangerous. The…

Bozell & Graham Column: Mass Murder? Blame 'Conservative Media Stars'

August 13th, 2019 10:54 PM
On August 12, The New York Times published what The New York Times does best: a smear of conservatives, attaching them to a national travesty. This time it was “How the El Paso Killer Echoed the Incendiary Words of Conservative Media Stars.” Online, it was illustrated by screen captures including Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and Boris Epshteyn of the Sinclair TV…

NY Times Whines About 'Relentless Conservative Fire' on The Squad

July 29th, 2019 6:49 AM
On Sunday, New York Times reporter Jeremy Peters found himself deeply disturbed by what he hinted was racist criticism of four new liberal congresswomen. The four left-wing Democrats known as “The Squad” have replaced Nancy Pelosi had been replaced as a conservative enemy: "After barely eight months in office, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez and three other progressive women of color have reached a level of…

Laura Ingraham Highlight's NBC's Fawning Over Amy McGrath

July 11th, 2019 6:43 PM
The leftist media seeks to vilify those who support conservative ideals and glorify all who oppose them. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R), has felt the wrath of the press for decades so it’s not surprising that the liberal media are pulling out all the stops for his Democratic opponent Amy McGrath.

‘Whole New Ballgame’; Mitchell Cheers ‘Louisville Slugger’ Amy McGrath

July 9th, 2019 3:22 PM

As Logan Dobson pointed out on Twitter, it’s been all hands on deck in the last 24 hours for NBC has partnered with its journalists and platforms (including MSNBC) to give former Marine and failed Kentucky congressional candidate Amy McGrath (D) the full Beto O’Rourke treatment in conjunction with her campaign Tuesday morning against Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.


Totenberg: Only a 'Whack Job Panel' of Judges Would Overturn Roe

May 21st, 2019 8:49 AM
Appearing as a panel member on Sunday's Kasie DC on MSNBC, NPR legal affairs correspondent Nina Totenberg predicted that a circuit court panel would have to be made up of "whack jobs" to side in favor of recently passed laws banning abortion. She also joined with Jeremy Peters of the New York Times to repeat misleading polling claiming that a solid majority of Americans support Roe v. Wade and…

NYTimes: Right Misinforming, Distorting to Conquer Pro-Choice 'Nuance'

May 17th, 2019 7:42 PM
Reporter Jeremy Peters chose a novel angle in Friday’s New York Times -- how conservatives are actually winning the PR war on abortion of late. It’s an unusual topic for the paper, which is reluctant to dwell on issues that favor conservatives. Still, a predictable tone of lament and clear disappointment prevails, salted with accusations that social conservatives are distorting the debate and…

NY Times: GOP ‘Stoking Paranoia Over Stolen Elections,’ Applauded Dems

November 19th, 2018 1:17 PM
After then-candidate Donald Trump issued an off-the-cup hypothetical about not respecting the election results, the New York Times hysterically compared him to a dictator. So it’s striking how accepting the Times is of liberal Democrats who actually do fail to accept the disappointing results elections. On the front page of Monday’s New York Times, political reporters Glenn Thrush and Jeremy…

NYT: 'Cold Political Calculation,' Race Tension in GOP's FL Strategy

November 13th, 2018 3:44 PM
The front of Tuesday’s New York Times featured reporters Jeremy Peters and Maggie Haberman in the Florida capital Tallahassee, the heart of the latest controversial voting issues related to recounts to hit that state, for a “news analysis” that cast the Republican Party as ruthless and cynical and the Democrats as meek: “G.O.P. Fears Over Senate Edge Drive Push to Discredit Recount.” The…

NY Times Front: GOP Uses Trump’s ‘Political Playbook of Demonization’

November 4th, 2018 5:29 PM
Sunday’s front-page New York Times featured reporter Jeremy Peters’ horrified reaction to President Trump’s aggressive push (or “demonization”) on behalf of Republicans as Election Day closes in: “G.O.P. Tactics Amplify Theme Of Us vs. Them – Sticking to President’s Script in Tight Races.”  The Times tried as best they could to paint Trump as a racist and bigoted without actually using the words…

NYT Front Page: Trump-Fed Conspiracies' That 'Appear to Drive Attacks'

October 30th, 2018 8:21 PM
On the front page of Tuesday’s New York Times, reporter Jeremy Peters committed a “news analysis” that basically blamed Trump for stoking the recent pipe bomb attack against Democrats and anti-Semitic massacre in Pittsburgh: “Caravan Rhetoric Intersects With Deadly Hatred -- President Stokes Same Fears That Appear to Drive Attacks.” The online headline made the connection even more explicit: “How…

Matthews Invokes Halloween in Bombs Coverage, Compares Trump to Hitler

October 25th, 2018 12:16 AM
Reacting Wednesday night to the bombs sent to CNN and other Democrats, MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews offered a bizarre take that invoked how next Wednesday is Halloween, blamed the President without evidence for being responsible for the bombs, and insinuated that he was akin to Adolf Hitler in the 1930s.

NYT: 'Trump Seizes on Migrant Caravan' for ' Inflammatory Attacks'

October 22nd, 2018 3:27 PM
The New York Times reported from Omaha on Saturday: “Trump Seizes On Migrant Caravan to Rev Up Republican Voters.” "Barely two weeks away from an election that threatens to sweep Republicans from power in the House of Representatives and dash any lingering hope of conservative immigration reform, the party, led by President Trump, is leaning more aggressively into dark portrayals of undocumented…

NYT’s Comparison: Kavanaugh’s Defense Makes Him Bad as Trump

September 30th, 2018 5:59 PM
New York Times reporters Jeremy Peters and Susan Chira shamelessly played both the race card and the Trump card to dismiss and mock Brett Kavanaugh’s anger at being called a rapist in front of America, in Sunday’s “Court Pick Steals a Page From Trump’s Playbook On White Male Anger.” The word choice gave away the paper’s disbelief at the effrontery of the conservative Supreme Court nominee…