
MSNBC Hosts Take Turns Interrogating Sean Spicer

January 31st, 2017 4:36 PM
On Monday morning, White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer was a guest on MSNBC’s Morning Joe. He was there to address any remaining questions concerning the events that transpired over the weekend, like Trump’s immigration order. The segment began with political analyst Mark Halperin, grilling Spicer about Trump’s beliefs concerning the Islamic religion. Conversely, their other guest that day,…

Electoral Attitude Adjustment? NYT's Positive Take on March for Life

January 28th, 2017 11:01 AM
What a difference an election makes: The annual pro-life March for Life, long ignored by the New York Times, led the paper’s National section on Saturday, driven by a little political star power in the form of Trump counselor Kellyanne Conway and Vice President Mike Pence. Jeremy Peters and Yamiche Alcindor’s account was teased with a photo from the rally on the front page: “Thousands March…

Will the NY Times Finally Recognize Pro-Life Movement, March for Life?

January 27th, 2017 4:06 PM
It happens every year in late January -- the annual March for Life, the 44th edition happening today -- around the anniversary of the Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade that legalized abortion. It reliably draws to the nation’s capital tens of thousands of pro-lifers out into the winter cold, only to be virtually ignored by a paper that routinely gives out space to far sparser liberal protests.…

Press Thinks It Owns 'Fake News' Tag; Center-Right Has Had It 10 Years

December 31st, 2016 8:44 PM
On Christmas evening, appearing in print on Sunday, December 26, Jeremy Peters at the New York Times pretended that the term "fake news" has only gained common currency very recently during the social media era. He also effectively contended that the establishment press holds ownership rights over the term, claiming that "conservative cable and radio personalities, top Republicans and even Mr. (…

NYT Hails Snopes' Fake-News Fact-Checking, Hits Doubting Conservatives

December 27th, 2016 9:12 AM
Snopes is having its time in the spotlight in Monday’s New York Times, as reporter David Streitfeld pumped up the famous “fact-checking” website on the front of Business Day. Snopes’ profile is rising with its new relationship with Facebook, but as the site has waded more into politics, it’s getting a liberal reputation and allegations of hypocrisy have been raised. But Streitfeld dismissed any…

MSNBC Hosts Hollywood Reporter, says: ‘We the Media – The Liberals'

November 21st, 2016 5:00 PM
On Monday’s Morning Joe, the liberal media’s concern about appointments to the Trump administration was once again observed concerning the latest controversial selection of White House chief strategist. Former Trump campaign chief executive officer, Steve Bannon was appointed last week to one of the most important advisory positions in the White House. Bannon, a former chairman of Breitbart News…

'Hardball' Guest Rules Voter Fraud Concerns in PA Are Racist

October 12th, 2016 1:03 PM
Before MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews compared President Barack Obama to Martin Luther King Jr. with a biblical delivery, Matthews expressed on Tuesday some bitterness that “the Supreme Court intervened in our electoral process” back in 2000 to which conservative radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt promptly swatted him down. 

NYT's Peters, Cher Acolyte, Celebrates Singer as 'Trump Neutralizer'

September 5th, 2016 2:20 PM
The front of the New York Times Sunday Styles section featured a novelty: One of the paper’s political reporters interviewing that noted expert Cher: “Campaign Sighting: It’s Cher – She is going all out for Hillary Clinton, and her Twitter followers are along for the ride.” From the tone it was clear that NYT’s Jeremy Peters was talking both to a rabid Trump-hating Clinton supporter, and a…

NYT Reporter Sees ‘Different Media World’ for Conservatives

August 10th, 2016 12:37 PM
During MSNBC’s 10 a.m. ET hour on Wednesday, anchor Thomas Roberts gloated that the latest Donald Trump controversy pushed another Hillary Clinton scandal out of the headlines: “Trump’s comments continue to hurt his overall message, this time distracting from a potentially damaging release of e-mails that could have cost the Clinton camp precious support among independents.” 

NYT Puts Race Front and Center at RNC, Lead With Melania's Speech-Gate

July 20th, 2016 12:56 PM
Playing on long-established stereotypes of the melanin-challenged Republican Party, New York Times coverage of the Republican National Convention on Wednesday put racial controversies front and center, accusing speakers (particularly Rudy GIuliani) of lecturing and moralizing to blacks about law and order as an all-white crowd lapped it up. The paper led with Melanie Trump's speech with this…

NY Times: GOP Platform 'Goes Far to the Right,' Ignores Sanders Boasts

July 13th, 2016 11:25 AM
As he endorsed Hillary Clinton yesterday, Bernie Sanders comforted himself by asserting his campaign had brought the Clintons to creating “the most progressive platform in the history of the Democratic Party.” You wouldn’t find those words in The New York Times on Wednesday, but they did carry this story: “Emerging Republican Platform Goes Far to the Right."

NYT Again Blames Anti-Gay GOP, Not Radical Islam, for Orlando Massacre

June 16th, 2016 11:46 AM
The post-Orlando demonizing of the GOP, not radical Islam, as dangerous anti-gay ideologues continued in Thursday’s New York Times, as Jeremy Peters and Lizette Alvarez demonstrated in “A Death Toll Fails to Narrow a Chasm on Gay Rights.” Peters and Alvarez seemed eager to equate lack of support for gay marriage to mass murder of gays: "And the murder of 49 people in an Orlando gay club has, in…

MSNBC Uses Trump's WashPost Ban to...Attack the Reagan Administration?

June 15th, 2016 3:00 PM
Nearly two days after Donald Trump revoked press credentials of The Washington Post for his campaign events, MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports was still wallowing over it on Wednesday afternoon as the eponymous host and her panel slammed the idea that a candidate would attack the liberal media as both “petulant and childish” plus bashed the Reagan administration’s press record.

NYT Slams Sanders for Supporters' Actions During Nevada Primary

May 19th, 2016 7:10 PM
Hillary Clinton has yet to put away challenger Bernie Sanders in her quest for the Democratic presidential nomination, and her supporters at the New York Times (and the rest of the media) are trying to shield her from Sanders’ “harm,” while pointing fingers at him for the alleged violence and death threats committed by his supporters after suspicions of process-rigging during the Nevada primary.…