
Phony CNN Journalist Lets Guest Blame Trump for Deaths on Puerto Rico

August 29th, 2019 11:15 PM
In a truly disgusting display of partisanship during CNN’s Erin Burnett OutFront Thursday, former Obama administration official (who's now passed off as a journalist), Jim Sciutto allowed Democratic strategist Maria Cardona to claim President Trump was responsible for the 3,000 Puerto Ricans who died in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria.

Not a Good Week: Now NBC Botches New Citizenship Claim

August 29th, 2019 12:10 PM
It hasn’t been a good week for NBC. First, MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell had to retract a bombshell claim that Donald Trump’s taxes showed loans co-signed by Russian oligarchs. Now, MSNBC has backed down on an assertion that “children born to U.S. service members outside of the U.S. will no longer be automatically considered citizens. Parents will have to apply for citizenship for their children in…

CNN's Sciutto Doesn't Challenge Tim Ryan's Profanity-laced Rant

August 8th, 2019 10:01 AM
Ohio Rep. and Democratic Presidential candidate Tim Ryan joined CNN Newsroom co-host Jim Sciutto on Wednesday to go on a passionate, profanity-laced, if not factually challenged rant against Mitch McConnell and the National Rifle Association. Sciutto did not care to challenge Ryan on any one of his numerous arguments, such as they were, instead choosing to aide Ryan is his diatribe against…

CNN Downplays Own Report on Shooter's Leftist Politics

August 6th, 2019 12:31 PM

After CNN online finally published a report on the Dayton shooter’s leftist politics late Monday night, the network’s left-wing anchors and reporters were eager to dismantle it almost as soon as it went up. On Twitter, CNN host Brian Stelter and reporter Oliver Darcy argued that the two shootings couldn’t be compared and denied that the Dayton shooting was politically motivated. On Tuesday…


CNN Lets Lefty Run Show, Leads Flogging of Conservative on Guns

August 5th, 2019 3:50 PM
Along with panelists on Monday morning’s CNN Newsroom ripping President Trump’s speech and displaying a visceral hatred for non-liberals, these CNN personalities bolstered their takes on this weekend’s mass shootings by showcasing a nearly 14-minute-long beatdown of political commentator David Urban, who was the lone conservative panelist.

CNN Smears Gun Owners, Trashes ‘Diversionary’ Speech by Racist Trump

August 5th, 2019 11:51 AM

On Monday morning, CNN Newsroom made sure everyone recognized its hatred for President Donald Trump, his supporters, the Second Amendment, and anyone looking to unify the country in the wake of the Dayton and El Paso mass shootings. If you weren’t on board with those terms or approved of the President’s Monday morning speech, there was no place for you aboard Team Jeffrey Zucker.

With Hurd Leaving, CNN Pretends to Be Concerned About the GOP’s Future

August 2nd, 2019 4:35 PM
While he’s received some praise during his congressional career, the liberal media’s use of sudden respect boiled with Congressman Will Hurd (R-TX) announcing that he won’t seek reelection. And, as with many cases of when GOPers either retire or pass away, the liberal media used the occasion to lament how their hated opposition just isn’t as respectable as it used to be. Throughout the day on…

Irony: A CNN Host Thinks Someone Is Too Partisan

July 30th, 2019 9:29 AM
President Trump has nominated Texas Rep. John Ratcliffe to replace Dan Coats as Director of National Intelligence and CNN's Jim Sciutto is not supportive. In addition to an alleged lack of experience, Sciutto condemned the "Trump loyalist" for being "a fierce critic of Robert Mueller’s handling investigation." On the Monday edition of CNN Newsroom, Sciutto confronted Utah Republican Chris Stewart…

MOP-UP: CNN Hails ‘Bombshell’ Hearing as ‘Big Deal,’ ‘Bad’ for Trump

July 24th, 2019 1:49 PM
While others in the liberal media conceded that Wednesday morning’s House hearing with former Special Counsel Robert Mueller didn’t go as swimmingly as planned, CNN largely operated in an alternate reality concocted by Marvel’s Doctor Strange. Instead, the analysts and hosts triumphantly hailed the hearing’s contents as a “big deal,” a “bombshell,” and “really bad” for Trump that it was “almost…

Trump Aide Battles CNN's Sciutto on the 'Squad' Being Anti-American

July 22nd, 2019 4:05 PM
As the media moves into week two of President Trump versus "The Squad," the focus has shifted from Trump's original tweets to "How dare you call The Squad unpatriotic." CNN Newsroom co-host Jim Sciutto has been at the forefront of this goal post shifting and on Monday's show he battled Trump campaign adviser Mercedes Schlapp on Trump's attacks on The Squad.

CNN Boosts Warren's 'Dark Prediction' of Coming Financial Crisis

July 22nd, 2019 3:52 PM
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) offered a “dark prediction” of economic crisis and the liberal media immediately helped her sell those fears. Warren wrote of “The Coming Economic Crash and How to Stop It” on Medium on July 22. In it, she claimed “top economists” warned if the debt ceiling is breached there could be a “catastrophe” worse than 2008’s Lehman Brothers…

CNN Hypes Warren's Wall Street Plan, Claims It's 'Not Wackadoodle'

July 18th, 2019 10:21 PM
Elizabeth Warren is trying to portray herself as the serious candidate with a left-wing plan to address the nation's issues. On Thursday, CNN Newsroom hosts Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto were joined by CNN correspondent MJ Lee to discuss Warren's Wall Street proposals in a segment that ended with Sciutto stating that the plan was not  far-left "whackadoodle."

Jim Sciutto Shames GOP Senator for Calling The Squad 'Whack Jobs'

July 17th, 2019 3:37 PM
The media must be exhausted from constantly moving the goal posts. First, it was why won't Republicans condemn President Trump and his tweets, then the condemnation was not sufficient and now, according to CNN Newsroom co-host Jim Sciutto are damaging the state of political discourse by calling the four Democratic congresswomen "whacko birds."

CNN Harps on Protest Sizes During Trump U.K. Visit

June 4th, 2019 10:32 PM

On Tuesday, President Donald Trump and Prime Minister Theresa May held a joint press conference during his state visit to the United Kingdom. The included Trump acting diplomatic towards his hosts, and he even extended an olive branch to May when he quipped that she was probably a better negotiator than him, but that didn’t stop CNN from running hourly coverage of the protests in London.