
Jim Sciutto: Kavanaugh Being Accused of Gang Rape Is Just Politics

October 5th, 2018 8:08 PM

So what's the big deal? Brett Kavanaugh was accused of being involved in gang rape but why does he have to act so upset about that? I mean, that accusation was just politics. Who would make such absurd analysis? Well, a good bet would be a CNN anchor, specifically Jim Sciutto because that's what he did on Thursday's Newsroom when analyzing Kavanaugh's understandably angry reaction to being…


CNN Panel Explodes in Anger After Learning Kavanaugh Has the Votes

October 5th, 2018 6:47 PM
Upon hearing that Judge Brett Kavanaugh had the votes be confirmed, a CNN panel at the 4:00pm EST hour responded as you would expect, with hysterical tirades against the “sexism” and “racism” of America, adding that the Founding Fathers would be upset today, and this confirmation would energize women to vote against Republicans at the midterm elections this November.

CNN Touts Protesters Confronting Flake, Wonders If White Men Get It

September 28th, 2018 11:14 AM
Friday morning’s CNN Newsroom couldn’t help but be in awe of a handful of female protesters who cornered Republican Senator Jeff Flake (AZ) as he boarded an elevator to attend a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Supreme Court pick Brett Kavanaugh. The takes were so hot that senior political analyst David Gergen wondered if Flake’s refusal to change his mind about Kavanaugh signaled that white…

Nets Cry Uncle Over Dubious Trump Tower Story; Won’t Fess Up on Air

August 29th, 2018 4:13 PM
In contrast to CNN's weasel attempt on Tuesday to absolve themselves of their increasingly-dubious Trump Tower story, CBS updated their own post and NBC’s Hallie Jackson wrote a piece explaining the change at For, they did next to nothing by instead relying on an Associated Press wire story about Davis’s flip-flopping. However, none acknowledged on-air the…

CNN Tries to Weasel Out of Responsibility for Trump Tower Story

August 28th, 2018 5:52 PM
A week after Michael Cohen’s attorney Lanny Davis blew a massive hole in their reporting and nearly a day after he admitted he was their anonymous source, CNN’s Jim Sciutto and Carl Bernstein finally got around to answering the mounting questions surrounding their increasingly dubious about claims the President knew the Trump Tower meeting in advance. Despite their key source’s public retreat,…

CNN Silent on Lanny Davis’s Embarrassing About-Face

August 28th, 2018 1:22 PM
As of 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, CNN has not spent a second of airtime on Monday night’s revelation that Michael Cohen’s lawyer, Lanny Davis now admits to lying on-air to Anderson Cooper when he denied being a key source for a massively-hyped news item CNN broke last month.

Lanny Davis Admits He Was Source Behind CNN’s Erroneous Reporting

August 28th, 2018 12:13 AM
In a BuzzFeed News bombshell published Monday night, Michael Cohen’s lawyer, Lanny Davis, admitted he was the source of fake news aggressively pushed by CNN and eagerly spread by the rest of their liberal media ilk. According to BuzzFeed News reporter Steven Perlberg, “Attorney Lanny Davis says he was an anonymous source in a July CNN story that reported his client, Michael Cohen, had privately…

Nets Punt on Davis Blowing Huge Hole in CNN’s Trump Tower Bombshell

August 23rd, 2018 11:55 PM
On Thursday, the “big three” morning and evening network newscasts of ABC, CBS, and NBC failed to inform their viewers that Michael Cohen did not actually know whether then-candidate Donald Trump had a heads-up on the infamous Trump Tower when media reports starting on July 26 originally claimed otherwise. This massive correction by Cohen lawyer Lanny Davis was ignored on the networks despite the…

MELTDOWN: Behold CNN's Apocalyptic Reactions to U.S. Leaving Iran Deal

May 8th, 2018 4:20 PM
From the moment President Trump ended his remarks announcing the U.S. withdrawal from the Iran Deal, it was DEFCON-1 at CNN with panelist after panelist losing their minds over the President’s decision. One after another, they almost universally claimed that leaving the deal has left America less safe, jeopardized progress with North Korea, handed Iran a “propaganda victory,” and destroyed “…

CNN's Toobin Has Sad News for James Comey on Leaked Memos

April 24th, 2018 9:22 AM
If CNN's Chief Legal Analyst Jeffrey Toobin has bad news for former FBI Director James Comey you know it has to be real bad. Toobin delivered his bad news about Comey's leaked memos on Monday's The Lead which was hosted by Jim Sciutto. The news that Toobin presented might be enough for Comey to break out his worry beads: he placed himself in a "pretty vulnerable position" by leaking them. 

CNN Panel Swoons for Comey’s ‘Extraordinary’ Smears of the President

April 16th, 2018 2:13 AM
Mere seconds after ABC wrapped up their Sunday night broadcast of its exclusive interview with former FBI Director James Comey, CNN began its so-called “Special Report” in which they mostly gushed about what it meant for him to trash Trump like that. While they did have some criticisms (which largely centered on his handling of the Clinton investigation), the stacked liberal panel sang Comey’s…

CNN Panel Hails Booker for ‘Masterfully’ Attacking Pompeo on Gay Sex

April 12th, 2018 4:49 PM
On Thursday afternoon, it was no accident that CNN almost universally focused on New Jersey Democratic Senator Cory Booker’s questions for CIA Director Mike Pompeo at his confirmation hearing to oversee the State Department. It was even less of a surprise that the CNN panel gushed over Booker “masterfully” attacking Pompeo in a “tough exchange” about his views on gay sex.

Panic in the Newsroom: CNN, MSNBC Spend 211 Minutes Trashing Sinclair

April 3rd, 2018 6:00 PM
Since Sunday night, the liberal media have been haranguing network affiliate owner Sinclair Broadcast Group (SBG) for a new “must-run” promo that warned against “biased and false news.” The two have slammed it as Trump-backed “state-run TV” on par with the former Soviet outlet Pravda that's “chilling,” frightening” and “a really embarrassing moment for journalism.” A NewsBusters study examined…

CNN Hysterical Over Sinclair, Credits Support for Ingraham to Russians

April 3rd, 2018 12:35 PM
For the second day in a row, the legacy media has found itself obsessed with the controversy surrounding Sinclair Broadcast Group's promotion denouncing fake news and promising journalistic honesty and integrity. CNN's New Day presented no exception to the media hysteria, with co-host Alisyn Camerota comparing the promos to hostage videos.