Chris Cillizza on CNN Newsroom

CNN Urges 'Nuance' to Protect Flailing VA Dem, Shuns 'Gotcha' Politics

October 13th, 2021 11:07 AM

The Virginia gubernatorial election is fast approaching, and the poll numbers are close enough between Democrat Terry McAuliffe and Republican Glenn Youngkin to make the liberal media nervous. McAuliffe has faced major blowback after saying during a debate that he doesn’t think “parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” On Tuesday, politics editor-at-large Chris Cillizza…


CNN Tries to Blame Pro-Gun States for Crime in New York, California

October 8th, 2021 10:20 PM

On Wednesday morning, CNN again tried to blame crime in liberal states on the laws of more pro-gun states as co-host Jim Sciutto recalled complaints in New York about guns being transferred from Southern states.


Stelter Weirdly Upset Trump Urged Supporters To Skip Saturday Protest

September 17th, 2021 2:56 PM

Despite warning for days that the “Justice For J6” rally on Saturday would be fraught with violence and lawlessness, Brian Stelter and friends on Friday morning’s CNN Newsroom were weirdly upset that Trump was urging his supporters not to attend the event.


Sciutto Falsely Slams Supreme Court Conservatives for Border Hypocrisy

August 25th, 2021 3:01 PM

On Tuesday, the Supreme Court declined to issue a stay of a lower court ruling that the Biden administration's decision to repeal former President Trump's Remain in Mexico was "arbitrary and capricious" and thus illegal. On Wednesday, CNN Newsroom host Jim Sciutto declared this to be an outrageous act of hypocrisy.


Avlon Slams Justice Breyer's Rationale For Not Resigning as 'Reckless'

July 17th, 2021 6:22 AM

CNN's resident "reality checker" John Avlon joined CNN Newsroom on Wednesday to say that whether or not liberal Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer retires is a choice for him to make, but that he is still being reckless for not considering politics in that decision.


Toobin on SCOTUS: 'Destruction of the Most Important Civil Rights Law'

July 2nd, 2021 1:27 PM

After the Supreme Court upheld an Arizona law on Thursday that threw out votes cast in the wrong precinct and prohibitions on ballot harvesting, the disgust and rage were palpable on CNN as disgraced chief legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin said this was the latest part of Chief Justice John Roberts' legacy of destroying "the most important civil rights law in American history."


CNN Asks General to Trash 'Far Right' for Hating 'White Rage' Classes

June 25th, 2021 3:19 PM

On Thursday's installment of CNN Newsroom, host Jim Sciutto welcomed retired Lt. General and military analyst Mark Hertling onto the program to discuss and defend Joint Chiefs chairman Gen. Mark Milley's defense of Critical Race Theory being taught at West Point.


Free Advertising: CNN Prompts Dem to RIP GOP for Opposing Gun Control

June 22nd, 2021 4:03 PM

On Monday morning, CNN Newsroom gave free campaign advertising to one of the Democratic candidates for Ohio governor, Dayton mayor Nan Whaley, giving her a forum to call for more gun control in her state.


Are Democrats Superheroes Now? CNN Wants Them to Save Democracy

June 8th, 2021 5:30 PM

Yahoo News national correspondent Brittany Shepherd joined Tuesday's CNN Newsroom to discuss what Democrats plan to do to save democracy. She noted that Republicans won't do anything on the matter, "so now it is squarely on Democrats."  


CNN's 'Reality Check' Guy Agrees Voting Bills Are Like Tulsa Massacre

June 3rd, 2021 8:07 AM

Self-proclaimed reality checker John Avlon joined CNN Newsroom hosts Jim Sciutto and Poppy Harlow on Tuesday to allege that democracy is in great peril because Republicans are terrible and the election laws they are trying to pass in places like Texas are similar to literal race massacres.


Stelter on Hamas Using Journalists as Shields: 'Incredible If True'

May 20th, 2021 7:33 AM

During a Wednesday segment on CNN Newsroom on the latest developments surrounding the recently bombed building in Gaza that housed the Associated Press and Al Jazeera, Brian Stelter declared that it would be "incredible if true" if Hamas did indeed attempt to use journalists as human shields.


Media Melt Down Over Court Taking Up 'Anti-Choice' Abortion Law

May 17th, 2021 1:45 PM

The liberal hack journalists at CNN and MSNBC panicked viewers this morning with “breaking news” that the “conservative” Supreme Court had agreed to take on a “controversial” 2018 abortion state law in Mississippi….next Fall.


CNN Spends Nearly 3x More in 12 Hrs on Cheney Than Economic Crises

May 13th, 2021 1:10 AM

On Wednesday, CNN showed a further commitment to unseriousness and a refusal to engage in basic journalism by spending nearly three times (2.72) times more time over a 12-hour period on Congresswoman Liz Cheney (R-WY) losing a role in House GOP leadership than the multiple economic crises facing the country, ranging from the Colonial pipeline hack to gasoline shortages to inflation to stagnant…


Sciutto: Why Hasn't Scalise Shooting Led to GOP Embracing Gun Control?

April 21st, 2021 2:50 PM

A confused Jim Sciutto asked former GOP Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake on Tuesday's CNN Newsroom why his fellow Republicans refuse to embrace gun control even after the 2017 Alexandria shooting where they were the ones being shot at. For Sciutto and Flake the only reasonable explanation was fear of getting primaried.