
CBS Hails Canada Taking in Syrian Refugees, Unlike Fearful U.S.

July 1st, 2016 11:26 AM
In a display of awe and admiration, the cast of CBS This Morning were stunned to learn of the “generosity and trust” of Canadian families who currently host Syrian refugees in Toronto. During the interview with New York Times reporter Jodi Kantor, the hosts were excited to hear of the friendly and open Canadians while painting Americans (primarily Republicans) as “fearful” and Islamophobic.

NYT's Fuller Finds San Francisco Treat In 6 Weeks Paid Parental Leave

April 7th, 2016 8:08 AM
New York Times San Francisco bureau chief Thomas Fuller embraced a major shift toward European-style social policy in that city in Wednesday's “No Pay Cuts for New Parents in San Francisco – City Becomes the First in the Country to Approve Six Weeks of Fully Paid Leave.” As shown by that headline, the Times got really excited about the local liberal ordinance, with a full story on the front of…

NYT’s Kantor Sees GOP in ‘Tough Spot’ and ‘Terrible Position’

June 29th, 2015 3:01 PM
On Monday’s CBS This Morning, co-host Norah O’Donnell asked New York Times reporter Jodi Kantor about how the Supreme Court’s gay marriage ruling would impact 2016 Republican candidates: “...none of the 13 Republican candidates who are running for president have embraced gay marriage. How does that affect the ongoing presidential campaign?”

NYT's Patrick Healy: Hillary's Toughest Foe Is...the Media?

March 12th, 2015 10:37 PM
New York Times reporter Patrick Healy's news analysis" surveyed the splintered GOP presidential field, the barren Democratic one, and claimed that "Early In 2016 Race, Clinton's Toughest Foe Appears to Be the News Media." Healy really seems to think the press, and presumably the Times, has given Hillary Clinton a rough ride over her career. NewsBusters begs to differ.

NYT Reporter Kantor Lays Into Justice Sotomayor: 'Homespun Wisdom...In

February 6th, 2013 8:25 AM
New York Times reporter and Obama biographer Jodi Kantor caught up with Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor's book tour in Chicago for Monday's edition in "Sotomayor, a Star on the Book-Tour Circuit, Sees a New Niche for a Justice." Kantor promoted the liberal justice as a kind of folk hero "dispensing homespun wisdom." At her Wednesday night book talk here, Justice Sonia Sotomayor glided…

NBC Hypes Republican 'Disarray' as 'Bloodier-Minded' Obama Focuses on

January 21st, 2013 12:22 PM
A panel discussion on Monday's NBC Today on President Obama's second term quickly devolved into anti-Republican ranting, with correspondent Andrea Mitchell proclaiming: "It's been so toxic that I think the President is betting that the American people...are really fed up with this. And that it will be in the Republican Party's advantage to play somewhat toward getting something done." [Listen…

NYT's Kantor Speculates on 2016 Plans of 'Widely Respected' Hillary Cl

December 10th, 2012 4:28 PM
New York Times reporter Jodi Kantor graced Sunday's front page with a "will she or won't she run for president" profile of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, "Clinton’s Countless Choices Hinge on One: 2016." Kantor talks of Clinton as "a widely respected figure" of "historic potential" without mentioning the scandal of the Clinton White House, like Travelgate. Kantor is author of a…

Jodi Kantor in NYT: Obama Carving 'Own Grand Place' in History While F

November 7th, 2012 2:42 PM
The New York Times at least saved Jodi Kantor's gushing over Obama until the votes were in. Kantor, political reporter and sympathetic Obama biographer penned the pompously headlined "Now, a Chance to Catch Up to his Epochal Vision," about private dinners Obama took with left-wing professors to calibrate the strategy of his presidency and lauded "the urgency and seriousness that he brought to…

NYT's Kantor Implies Obama Victim of Racist Attacks From Tea Party, Ne

October 24th, 2012 4:57 PM
New York Times reporter and sympathetic Obama biographer Jodi Kantor implied that various insults suffered by President Obama were in fact racist attacks in her Sunday front page profile, "For President, a Complex Calculus of Race and Politics – An Embrace of Black Life Balanced by a Belief in Universal Principles." Plus: After months of being a Hispanic, accused shooter George Zimmerman is…

NYTimes Reporter Jodi Kantor Profiles Unfairly 'Caricatured' Michelle

September 4th, 2012 2:53 PM
New York Times reporter Jodi Kantor, author of a biography of the Obamas, on Tuesday filed a flattering profile of "hugging" Michelle Obama, "First Lady Strives for Caring Image Above Partisan Fray." Kantor excused the first lady's verbal "missteps" ("For the first time in my adult lifetime...I am really proud of my country") but avoided describing them. The profile appeared the day after a…

Ignorance, GOP Falsehoods on Obama-Care Doomed the Measure, NYTimes Re

June 26th, 2012 4:16 PM
Obama-Care isn't dead yet, but Peter Baker's lead New York Times story Sunday on Obama-Care laid out a provisional autopsy in anticipation of the Supreme Court's decision, expected Thursday, that may eviscerate some or all of the president's major piece of legislation: "Supporters Slow to Grasp Health Law's Legal Risks – Initial Confidence Proved a Miscalculation, Raising What-Ifs About…

Liberal MSNBC Contributor Calls 'Bull' On 'Thin, Silly' NY Times Story

June 7th, 2012 3:43 PM
When even a panel of liberal journalists thinks the New York Times has gone too far with its Romney-bashing, you know the paper's descending to uncomfortable subterranean depths of bias. With the lone exception of Jodi Kantor, herself a New York Times reporter, the members of today's Now with Alex Wagner panned the Times for its Home section front-pager about Romney's La Jolla, California, home…

Pro-Gay Hero Obama vs. Anti-Gay Bully Romney on Front Page of New York

May 11th, 2012 2:07 PM
Friday's off-lead New York Times story by Mark Landler and Jeff Zeleny portrayed a triumphant Obama and his likely November opponent Mitt Romney on the defensive after Obama's announcement that he now supports gay marriage: "Obama Campaign Pushes the Issue Of Gay Marriage – Romney Avoids Subject – Biden Said to Apologize Over Comment That Hastened Action." As the president traveled to the…

NYT's Kantor, Hagiographer of Michelle Obama, Sees Validity in Dems

April 25th, 2012 10:22 AM
New York Times reporter Jodi Kantor appeared on MSNBC's NOW with Alex Wagner Tuesday and claimed that the Democrats' "War on Women" campaign tactic had been validated by recent actions by GOP politicians. Under a graphic that bluntly stated as fact the liberal opinion that "War On Women Continues," Wagner and Kantor had this exchange: