
CNN: Hillary Is a ‘Calm, Steadying Force’; Some Criticism ‘Not Fair'

August 25th, 2015 7:04 AM
Amid the growing rumors on Monday night surrounding a possible presidential run by Vice President Joe Biden, CNN’s AC360 couldn’t help but still mention Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton with chief national correspondent John King ruling that some criticism of Clinton “isn’t quite probably not fair” while David Gergen touted her as “a calm, steadying force.”

Molly Ball: Clinton E-Mails ‘Distraction’ from ‘Substantive’ Campaign

August 12th, 2015 11:15 AM
Appearing on CNN’s New Day on Wednesday, the Atlantic’s Molly Ball desperately attempted to portray the ongoing controversy surrounding Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail server as a “distraction” for her presidential campaign. 

CNN Slams Huckabee for 'Despicable', 'Ugly' Attack on Obama Iran Deal

July 27th, 2015 2:02 PM
On Monday's New Day, several CNN regulars hurled attacks at GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee for his characterization of President Obama's nuclear deal with Iran as "marching" the Israelis "to the door of the oven." Words like "ugly," "dangerous," and "despicable and terrible," were thrown at Huckabee's comments across two segments.

CNN Hits GOP for Slamming Trump But Not Anti-Kerry Swift Boat Veterans

July 21st, 2015 1:38 PM
So far this week, CNN's John King and Chris Cuomo on New Day have both felt the need to dredge up the 2004 Swift Boat Veterans for Truth ads exposing negative aspects of then Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry's military service and anti-war activities, as CNN personalities have suggested "hypocrisy" in Jeb Bush and other Republicans condemning Donald Trump's dismissal of John McCain's…

Jay Carney Attacks Garrett's Question to Obama on Iran: 'Pompous'

July 20th, 2015 3:39 PM
Sunday on Reliable Sources, Brian Stelter brought Jay Carney and John King to the program to discuss CBS reporter Major Garrett’s controversial question to President Obama about Iran. Garrett asked the president whether he could be content with the Iran deal knowing that there were four hostages still in Iran.   Carney hit Garrett, calling him “pompous” and deeming his question “offensive.” The…

Reporter Hits Martin O’Malley from Left for Saying ‘All Lives Matter’

July 19th, 2015 10:36 AM
On Sunday’s Inside Politics, Daily Beast reporter Jackie Kucinich, formerly with USA Today and the Washington Post, criticized former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley from the left after he told a group of liberal activists in Arizona over the weekend: “Black lives matter, white lives matter, all lives matter.” Kucinich quickly blasted O’Malley for “saying all lives matter, particularly when you…

NYT's Haberman on CNN: Hillary 'Uneven;' Will 'Get Better Over Time'

July 8th, 2015 3:59 PM
On Tuesday's Anderson Cooper 360 on CNN, the New York Times' Maggie Haberman did her best to downplay Hillary Clinton's weaknesses, particularly in light of her recent interview with CNN's Brianna Keilar. Haberman asserted that the former first lady was "uneven" during the interview, but quickly added that Mrs. Clinton is "somebody who tends to get better over time." The journalist also played up…

Wolf Blitzer Raves About This ‘Amazing Week Here in the United States’

June 26th, 2015 12:44 PM
Following President Obama’s statement on Supreme Court’s ruling Friday morning to legalize gay marriage in all 50 states, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer couldn’t help but marvel at how “years from now, historians will write about this week – amazing week here in the United States” as President Obama saw favorable rulings on ObamaCare and gay marriage in addition to Congress passing “his free trade authority…

CNN: 'This May Well Be The Best Week' of Obama's Second Term

June 25th, 2015 12:39 PM
Thursday's CNN Newsroom hyped the Supreme Court's decision that again upheld ObamaCare as a "huge win for the President of the United States," as Wolf Blitzer put it. Gloria Borger and John King tied the Court decision to Congress passing the President's fast-track trade legislation earlier in the week. Borger trumpeted, "You have trade legislation being approved – huge win for the President. You…

CNN's King Lauds 'Smart' Hillary Clinton for Skirting Media Questions

May 26th, 2015 3:39 PM
On Tuesday's New Day, CNN's John King touted Bill and Hillary Clinton's participation in a Memorial Day parade in Chappaqua, New York. King played up how "we don't see them together in public all that often," and gushed over how it was apparently "smart on her part" for not taking "any questions about politics."

CNN Suggests GOP Might ‘Overreach’ on Clinton Foundation Scandal

April 26th, 2015 10:04 AM
On Sunday’s Inside Politics, CNN’s John King argued that despite the numerous scandals the Clintons have dealt with over the years one “thing the Clintons have benefited from in the past is Republican overreach.” The CNN host then asked the Washington Post’s Robert Costa, formerly of National Review, if “there is a risk in overplaying it as they have in past Clinton scandals?”

CNN: GOP Already ‘Overplayed Their Hand' on Clinton Foundation Scandal

April 24th, 2015 12:27 PM
On two occasions during CNN’s New Day on Friday, CNN personalities raised the often-used liberal argument that Republicans have “overplayed their hand” on a scandal with the latest being their handling of the allegations surrounding the Clinton Foundation. The first person to raise the point was CNN political commentator and NY1 host Errol Louis. Jeff Zeleny parroted a Clinton campaign talking…

Jonathan Martin: Part of GOP Driven By ‘White Resentment Politics’

April 19th, 2015 10:36 AM
On Sunday’s Inside Politics on CNN, New York Times reporter Jonathan Martin eagerly used a controversial speech by NRA president Wayne LaPierre to argue that part of the GOP base is driven by “white resentment politics.” 

CNN Panel: Hillary Needs To Be More 'Honest' for Better Press

March 25th, 2015 3:45 PM
On Wednesday's New Day, CNN's John King, along with National Journal's Ron Fournier and the AP's Julie Pace, offered Hillary Clinton some advice, after the Democrat told a friendly audience of journalists that she hoped for a "new relationship with the press." Fournier replied that "she...needs an intervention of folks who understand the media, and can explain to her, they're not your enemy. They…