CNN's King Plays Up CBO's ObamaCare Projection; Wonders Why Dems Won't

April 15th, 2014 5:37 PM
On Tuesday's New Day, CNN's John King hyped the Congressional Budget Office's projection about ObamaCare – that "yes, ObamaCare is expensive, but less expensive than they thought – by about $104 billion over 10 years. That's a decent junk of change." King asserted that the health care issue is "the big domestic challenge for the President and for Democrats this election year: that is...trying…

CNN's King Calls Out Obama On Pay Gap Hypocrisy: 'He's Sticking His Ha

April 8th, 2014 4:16 PM
On Tuesday's New Day, CNN's John King targeted President Obama and his administration for their "textbook case...of do as I say, not as I do" on the issue of equal pay for women. After playing a clip of Press Secretary Jay Carney playing up how the 88 cents on the dollar women in the White House apparently make compared to men is "better than the national average," King quipped, "I guess the…

CNN's John King: Obama Claimed 'He Could Unite The World,' But Can't G

March 24th, 2014 4:18 PM
On Monday's New Day, CNN's John King refreshingly spotlighted one of President Obama's key campaign promises from 2008 about foreign policy during a discussion about how to respond to Russia's aggression in Crimea. King wondered if "a President who came to office saying he could unite the world and would have better international diplomacy than George W. Bush – at least on this one, doesn't…

CNN Admits ObamaCare 'Still a Liability,' But Hypes 'Major Milestone

March 18th, 2014 6:52 PM
In a refreshing change of pace, CNN's John King skeptically wondered on Tuesday's New Day about the White House touting the five million "enrollments" in ObamaCare: "They wanted to get the seven million by March 31 – unlikely they'll get there....How important are the next couple of weeks, and...if they get to six, can they spin that as a success, or is this baked in as a failure?" King…

CNN Touts Obama's 'Very Moving' Religious Liberty Speech; Omits ObamaC

February 7th, 2014 7:50 PM
Thursday's CNN Newsroom spotlighted how President Obama "called for promoting religious freedom – quote, 'a key part of U.S. foreign policy," at the annual National Prayer Breakfast, but glossed over his administration's controversial birth control/abortifacient mandate under ObamaCare, which is being challenged in an ongoing Supreme Court case. The cable network still stood out, however, as…

CNN Ignores Report That Obama Admin Knew Millions Would Lose Employer

November 27th, 2013 4:11 PM
CNN has ignored a CBS report that back in 2010, the Obama administration knew ObamaCare would force an estimated 14 million workers off their employer-provided insurance. Despite not reporting this big news, CNN stretched to pick out a "silver lining" for the troubled law on Wednesday. "So there's a potential silver lining here," chief national correspondent John King said of poll numbers…

John King Obsesses on Benghazi Investigation as Republican 'Witch Hunt

August 6th, 2013 3:05 PM
  If you were expecting any useful  information in the article by CNN's John King pondering Why Benghazi Matters, you would be sadly disappointed. Out of 1029 words in his article, 422 or over 40% of the verbiage is devoted to speculating about if the congressional investigation into Benghazi is really a Republican "witch hunt." Although King pays lip service to what happened at Benghazi, it…

CNN Implies Bigotry Is Behind Some Opposition to Immigration Bill

July 25th, 2013 4:59 PM
[UPDATED BELOW] CNN's New Day used Rep. Steve King's controversial remarks on illegal immigrants to paddle the GOP and hint that bigotry is partly behind opposition to the immigration bill. King had said that for every "valedictorian" illegal immigrant, 100 more are drug smugglers. "But it's important that he [King] said it, because this is what it's about on some level," said New Day co-…

CNN Whacks 'Dysfunctional' Senate GOP and McConnell's 'Vicious' Words

July 12th, 2013 3:37 PM
On Friday's New Day, CNN slapped Senate Republicans for "vicious" rhetoric and "dysfunctional" behavior while ignoring Majority Leader Harry Reid's hypocrisy and President Obama's controversial recess appointments. After Republicans refused to approve the President's nominees to various federal agencies, including three that were appointed without the confirmation of the Senate which was in…

CNN Hypes Christie-Obama 'Bromance' as President Tries to Divert Atten

May 28th, 2013 6:03 PM
As CBS and NBC both touted President Obama's Tuesday visit to New Jersey, so too did CNN hype Obama's "bromance" with Governor Chris Christie as the President tried to step away from Washington and his administration's scandals. White House correspondent Jessica Yellin said it would be a "good chance" for Obama to trumpet the effectiveness of his government as FEMA's performance after…

Nanny Bloomberg Soda Ban Too Much for Some Liberal Reporters

March 12th, 2013 10:09 PM
When a New York state Supreme Court justice on Monday invalidated a New York City law that prevented the “sale of sweetened drinks in containers larger than 16 ounces” at certain establishments, it came as no surprise that conservatives hailed the ruling as a victory “for liberty-loving soda drinkers.” However, even as Mayor Michael Bloomberg promised to appeal judge Milton Tingling's ruling…

CNN Asks Steve King If GOP Is 'Chastened' By Election Losses

January 21st, 2013 2:45 PM
During CNN's inauguration coverage on Monday's Starting Point, correspondent John King helped bolster President Obama's image as he asked Tea Party Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa) if Republicans were "chastened" by Democratic electoral victories. "The President won an election that many historians say he shouldn't have won, given the high unemployment rate, given the sluggish recovery. He…

CNN's King Blames Romney for Crowley Deflecting His Attack on Obama

October 17th, 2012 8:03 AM
During Tuesday's post-debate coverage on CNN, as the panel discussed moderator Candy Crowley giving cover to President Obama's attempt to defend his initial flawed response to the Benghazi terrorist attack, CNN correspondent John King blamed former Governor Mitt Romney for giving Crowley the opening to undermine the GOP candidate's criticism of Obama for taking so long to recognize that the…

CNN Hails 'Home Run Derby of Speeches' at DNC

September 7th, 2012 6:02 AM
The Democratic Convention produced a "home run derby of speeches," insisted CNN's John King early Friday morning on Piers Morgan Tonight. This came after CNN hailed Michelle Obama's DNC speech as "probably a grand slam" and Bill Clinton's DNC address as "one of the great modern political speeches I have ever heard." "But over all, Democrats have to leave this town pretty happy. Still a close…